Thursday, February 21, 2019

[Rant] Back after a very long time of being an idiot. Just wanted to post something to say hi and make it feel real.

So I hit my goal weight around October 2017. I was super excited for maintenance, but after Haloween, Thanksgiving, a family vacation, and Christmas AND Channukah (great celebrating both as a child, not so much when you're trying to avoid big family eating events) I gained a little over 5 lbs. And me, being an idiot, thought "oh, that's not too bad. I can still be lax." And slowly gained 5 more lbs while half assedly logging for several months.

At that point I was frustrated full of stupid thoughts. It had been years since I started my weight loss journeytm and I was fucking sick of dieting. I hadn't gotten to enjoy maintenance for even a moment after finally hitting my goal weight. So I said "fuck it, I'm just going to 'focus on exercise'", aka go back to all of my old shitty eating habits that I had worked so hard to fix. And gained 5 more lbs.

So now I have a total of 15 lbs to re lose. I did at least commit to the gym like I said I would, I did the Bootyful Beginnings program and now I'm starting weeks 9-12 of Gluteal Goddess. My butt and suprisingly arms are looking awesome! I've been consistantly tracking for a 2.5 weeks (minus Valentine's Day) and lost 1/2 a lb. I know that's not a lot, I had a lot of bad days, but I still tracked everything on those days which is a huge step for me!

My 16 lb cat will also be joining me. He's lost 0.2 lbs so far!

submitted by /u/Issvera
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What is a good balance between Cardio and Weightlifting for weight loss?

I've been going gym for roughly 5 months now and the workout routine (if you can call it that) I've been following is 1 hour lifting, working whatever muscle group I picked that day followed by 30 minutes of cardio, usually on the bike. I started at 106kg and I'm currently at about 95-94kg. I've put on a good bit of muscle in my opinion but I still feel like my progress is very slow, plus recently I've kinda hit a plateau, so basically I was just wondering if there are any changes I should make to my gym routine. "inb4: yOuR DieT iS tHe mOsT iMpOrTaNt PaRt oF wEiGhT lOsS!", I am very much aware of that, but if anyone has any tips that helped them meet their calorie goal, that would still be very much appreciated!

Don't Forget to stay hydrated! :)

submitted by /u/throwaway199427
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I started my weight loss journey 9 months ago and am not sure how to continue

Obligatory TLDR at the bottom.

I moved away from home 9 months ago and decided to lose weight while I was starting my new adventure. In the beginning I was extremely disappointed in myself when I looked at myself in a mirror so the motivation was there from the start.

I started my journey with a target weight loss of 10lbs and because I was no longer crushing 90 beers a month it happened extremely naturally.

After that I continued to go to the gym because I was in a new city with very few friends, so I had a lot of time on my hands. I figured I would shoot to lose another 10lbs, and with basic cardio and weight lifting that happened fairly quickly. At this point I was starting to feel pretty content with where I was at after hitting my target weight loss twice, but when I looked in the mirror or at old photos I was still extremely distraught and would always have an out of this world workout the next day. I decided to keep pushing myself and shoot for the 30lb total weight-loss mark.

Fast forward another two months and I again hit my mark! I was back to being able to run a good paced 5k. It was around Christmas time and I was running pretty regularly. One night I was out drinking with some friends I had made from work and during some midnight shenanigans I suffered a devastating severe ankle sprain and was going to be out from the gym (besides basic weight lifting) for the foreseeable future.

I was crushed and assuming I was going to go back to crushing beers and being a couch potato and reverse all of my weight loss headway.

I went home for Christmas and after not seeing any family or friends since losing 30lbs I was bombarded with positive remarks left and right, "OMG you look great" "Glad you hit the gym you were really getting pretty fat" "I didn't even recognize you!" I was basically knocked on my ass with dopamine.

I decided to start learning how to control my body in the kitchen and picked up the Mediterranean diet, as my doctor told me anti-inflammatory foods with also accelerate my recovery.

After a slow recovery and controlling my diet I dropped another 10lbs, and here in lies the my problem...

I've lost my motivation from looking in the mirror and at old photos, and I don't want to lose any more weight. I've never in my life been able to maintain a steady weight and after every big life event I inevitably shift without being able to control it. I'm terrified that I will stop going to the gym and if I move somewhere that fastfood is more convenient I'll go right back to an unhealthy lifestyle.

I'm looking for any and all tips from r/loseit on being able to continue a healthy lifestyle without the only reason being that I am mad when I look into a mirror, or ashamed when girls think I am unattractive.

TLDR: Hit my target weight after starting a new adventure 1,500 miles away and no longer have motivation to keep working out/maintaining the weight I'm at. Looking for advice and pointers for maintaining after hitting my target weight.

submitted by /u/Crunchybeeftaco
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

(26F, 355 lb) Exercises/machines for someone 350+ (supplemental to an already strict dieting routine)

Hello all,

I (M 168 5'8) am seeking some information on behalf of my wife, who has started her weight loss journey. (she doesn't use reddit or have an account)

As of last year, because of severe depression, family issues, and addiction, reached 420 lbs at a height of 5'4.

She is past that now with therapy and moving away from the situation and starting a new life, and has in the last months, using MFP and strictly limiting to 1700-1900 calories/day, she is down to 355.

She wants to start light exercise, but we don't know what would/wouldn't be good for her body. We already lightly walk, but she wanted to look into a machine for the house, so I was looking into a $1500-2000 investment for a good elliptical. (I would make heavy use of it as well, I use them at the gym in addition to rowing machine)

We have also considered going to a professional for help, such as a nutritionalist or weight loss expert, but the programs are pretty expensive, so right now she wants to progress naturally without surgery (lap band, etc) or anything of the sort. While she is making steady weight loss with simple CICO and diet monitoring, she still lives sedentary most of the day and wants to incorporate activity to speed things up a little. She also likes swimming, so we may get her a membership at a local gym/pool.

It's hard to find information on this situation, as most loseit people in the 350+ range are taller males, and many of the women whom dropped into the 100-250 range from this range underwent barbiatric surgery in additional to intense medical programs, etc..

Apologies if this should have been posted in the daily question thread, I didn't know if it would get much of a response though as this weight range for a woman is quite uncommon, I appreciate any and all advice. My goal is to help and support her in every possible regard with her journey as we both know that this weight is extremely dangerous to overall health

submitted by /u/Macon1234
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to reduce BF% after massive weight loss

Hey pals!

First of all, thank you all so much! I have had an absolutely phenomenal time throughout the years reading inspirational posts about peoples' progress and it really encouraged me to the MAX!

So over the past couple of years, I got my life together and did the thing that I always believed I would eventually do but it still seemed impossible to me: I lost 140 lbs! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ (310+ > 170)

It's awesome! I love my new body! (Especially after an excess skin removal surgery!) However, I still have some residual fat. I believe I'm still at a 15-ish BF%. I think I got the workout part down, but in terms of food, what would be the most beneficial to get rid of that fat? (Please don't say reduce carbs...because I love carbs with my whole heart)

Thanks in advance!!! This community is the friggin best!

submitted by /u/iam2ql4sql
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

10 Things to Do at Dinner to Shed Pounds Faster

So we already told you about the best breakfast habits to melt pounds. And we shared what to do at lunch to speed up your weight loss. Heck, we even covered weekend and weekday weight loss to-dos.

But if the last meal of the day is your biggest battleground, you really need help. Just home from work or a day with the kids and you’re tired and hungry, looking at yet another herculean task: Pulling together a healthy meal when all you really want to do is kick back and eat an entire bag of corn chips and dip while vegging out in front of the TV. We hear you… We’ve all been there. The good news is, Nutrisystem offers quick and easy dinners that make healthy eating easy (Check out our 15 Most Popular Dinner Entrees Here >).

Luckily, whether you’re on Nutrisystem or not, with the adoption of a few simple dinner habits, you can stay on the trim-down track.

Here are 10 science-backed ways to win the battle of dinner and even drop a few pounds:

1. Buy pre-chopped veggies.
precut veggies

It will save you oodles of time and probably oodles of calories since you won’t have as much opportunity to snack during that “eat everything in sight” period leading up to dinner. Pre-cut vegetables are just as nutritious and full of appetite-controlling fiber as fresh veggies, say nutrition experts at the Cleveland Clinic. But avoid those with a white caste. That means they’ve lost some moisture and with it some nutrients, the experts say.

2. Drink two cups of water before you eat.

H2O may be one of the cheapest, easiest weight loss diet aids you’ve ever seen. A study by Virginia Tech researchers found that people who had two cups of water before a meal consumed 75 to 90 fewer calories during the meal and, over a 12-week period, lost about five pounds. A second study, this one carried out in Birmingham, England and published in the journal Obesity, confirmed that drinking two cups of water about 30 minutes before a meal curbed appetite and led to an almost three-pound weight loss over 12 weeks in the study group.

3. Eat before you eat.

As long as it’s low-cal soup. Studies by Penn State University nutrition expert Barbara Rolls, author of Volumetrics, found that people who made their first course a soup ate 20 percent fewer calories during the meal than those who didn’t have soup. Try one of our delicious soup recipes before you dive into your Nutrisystem dinner, and enjoy staying satisfied long after!

4. Have a salad before or with your meal.

Penn State’s Barbara Rolls and her colleagues, in 2012 research published in the journal, Appetite, found that having salad before or during the main course (in this study, pasta) cut the amount of the entrรฉe the participants ate by about 11 percent. But it also increased veggie intake by almost a quarter—a bonus for your health. Try one of our delicious and healthy salad recipes. Just click here to see them >

5. Dish up entrees in the kitchen.

Eating family style—with bowls of food on the table—is just an invitation to have seconds. Studies from the Cornell University Food and Brand Lab found that just by serving food from the kitchen counter helped men eat 29 percent less and women 10 percent less at a meal—even when the counter was only a few feet away. Researchers refer to this successful quick weight loss technique as “dish here, dine there.”

For more ways to turn your kitchen into a fat burning machine, click here >

6. Leave the dinner plates in the cupboard.

Yes, it’s dinner, but science has shown that the bigger the plate, the bigger the portion. Just last year, a study in the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research looked at all the studies on plate size they could find. It turns out that eating on a plate half the size of the average dinner plate led to a 30 percent reduction in the amount of food you serve and eat.

7. Order out early.

Avoid those high-calorie impulses and order your dinner before you’re even hungry. Research from the University of Pennsylvania and Carnegie Mellon University found that people who placed their orders for a takeout meal at least an hour before they planned to eat were more likely to make lower calorie choices. In fact, they reported in 2016 in the Journal of Marketing Research, for every 108-minute delay, the calorie count of the food order dropped by 38 calories.

8. Send the bread basket back.
bread basket

Many restaurants hustle a basket of warm rolls to your table as soon as you take your seat. It seems counter-intuitive. Won’t the bread fill you up and make you order less? Nope. In fact, it works the opposite way. Researchers at Weill-Cornell Medical college served a group of people a small ciabatta roll before a meal of grilled chicken, steamed veggies and a salad with vinaigrette. Turns out, eating a carb like bread on an empty stomach turns it into sugar before you can even say, “pass me the butter.” In the study subjects, blood sugar was 30 percent higher when they ate a roll before the meal than when they ate if after, when other food slowed digestion and kept blood sugar from spiking. Blood sugar spikes can whip your appetite into a frenzy—never a good thing when you’re trying to lose weight fast.

Click here for the Worst Fat Traps When Dining Out >

9. Take a walk after dinner.

Not only will a stroll help you burn calories, a recent study from researchers at the George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services found that post-meal walk of moderate intensity—for just 15 minutes!—can help keep your blood sugar down. That can help curb the late-night munchies, but more important, may help you control or avoid type 2 diabetes. But this Rx isn’t just what’s for dinner. In the study, participants put in 15 minutes after every meal to get these great results. The best part: If time is an issue for you—and who isn’t busy?—the three 15-minute walks worked better than a sustained 45 minute walk in keeping blood sugar in check.

Click here for 10 Reasons to Go for a Walk Today >

10. Turn off the TV.

If you grew up in the era of “TV tables” that made simultaneous eating and viewing so much easier, you are probably at higher risk of obesity. Conversely, turning off the tube during meals increases your chances of maintaining a healthy weight—by almost 40 percent, says a study by researchers at Ohio State College of Public Health. Their findings were based on a telephone survey of almost 13,000 Ohio residents who answered questions about their family eating habits.

Looking for some easy and delicious dinner foods for weight loss? Check out our customers’ 15 favorite Nutrisystem dinners of all time here >

The post 10 Things to Do at Dinner to Shed Pounds Faster appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Unexpected compliment (?) which lifted me out of the dumps

I (24F) had been feeling a bit down for the past few days. Although I am well within my goal weight range at present (I’m 5’1 and when I started my fitness journey a year ago, I weighed 61 kgs. I now weigh 53.5, whereas my goal weight was 55), the fact that my abs seem to stubbornly REFUSE to pop their head out from underneath a small mound of fat had been demoralising me. I was also falling into the trap of thinking that my body wasn’t really externally reflecting the loss in weight while longingly looking at pictures of all the people who’ve had drastic changes in appearance following their weight loss (I know it’s an unhealthy way of thinking and I’m working on it).

However, yesterday something happened which made me feel really happy. I went to a store to buy a camisole, and after talking to the store attendant about the specific kind I was looking for, she handed me one to try out. And guess what? It was a size S!! Never in my life has anyone looked at me in a store and given me a size Small to try out. Depending upon the brand, it has always been either Medium or Large (I’m petite, but quite busty lol, which definitely makes shopping infinitely problematic).

It was the smallest thing and not even intended as a compliment, but boy did it make me feel good about myself. I know that the sizes on women’s brands can be really arbitrary, but I suppose that things are a bit more standard for lingerie and underwear. In any case, this is just to say that sometimes we are blinded to how far we’ve actually come, and small reminders like these can go a long way indeed. :)

submitted by /u/gananabot
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from loseit - Lose the Fat