Thursday, February 21, 2019

(26F, 355 lb) Exercises/machines for someone 350+ (supplemental to an already strict dieting routine)

Hello all,

I (M 168 5'8) am seeking some information on behalf of my wife, who has started her weight loss journey. (she doesn't use reddit or have an account)

As of last year, because of severe depression, family issues, and addiction, reached 420 lbs at a height of 5'4.

She is past that now with therapy and moving away from the situation and starting a new life, and has in the last months, using MFP and strictly limiting to 1700-1900 calories/day, she is down to 355.

She wants to start light exercise, but we don't know what would/wouldn't be good for her body. We already lightly walk, but she wanted to look into a machine for the house, so I was looking into a $1500-2000 investment for a good elliptical. (I would make heavy use of it as well, I use them at the gym in addition to rowing machine)

We have also considered going to a professional for help, such as a nutritionalist or weight loss expert, but the programs are pretty expensive, so right now she wants to progress naturally without surgery (lap band, etc) or anything of the sort. While she is making steady weight loss with simple CICO and diet monitoring, she still lives sedentary most of the day and wants to incorporate activity to speed things up a little. She also likes swimming, so we may get her a membership at a local gym/pool.

It's hard to find information on this situation, as most loseit people in the 350+ range are taller males, and many of the women whom dropped into the 100-250 range from this range underwent barbiatric surgery in additional to intense medical programs, etc..

Apologies if this should have been posted in the daily question thread, I didn't know if it would get much of a response though as this weight range for a woman is quite uncommon, I appreciate any and all advice. My goal is to help and support her in every possible regard with her journey as we both know that this weight is extremely dangerous to overall health

submitted by /u/Macon1234
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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