Saturday, February 23, 2019

Yesterday I walked 65km (40 miles) for charity, after losing 19kg (41lbs) in the last four months.

As I type this, my feet and legs are screaming at me, wondering why the hell I made the foolish choice to do a 65km charity walk yesterday. Walking (and getting up off a chair) is currently extremely difficult, and when I do walk, I look like I must have some kind of permanent disability.

In November last year I weighed in at 107.4kg, or 236 pounds. I knew I'd been putting on weight, and I knew exactly why - I'd been eating like an absolute bastard. A stressful job with an amazing burger place nearby combined with my lack of self control (correction: a lack of desire to exercise self control) meant that I was the largest I've ever been. Clothes weren't fitting anymore, I was hugely unfit, and I was just so uncomfortable.

I decided to download LoseIt, and set myself a calorie limit - and stuck to it. My self control at this point was pretty solid, with a few little breakout/cheat moments here and there, and the weight started falling off. After a month and a half I started going for long walks (10-15km) since it was a lot easier to get around, and about two months ago I signed up for the charity walk.

So here I am, at home - in not insignificant amounts of "good" pain, after completing the longest walk I've ever embarked upon. I'm incredibly grateful to this sub and it's residents, and the easy-to-follow advice around CICO and weight loss in general. I've got another 4ish kg to go before I'm at my goal weight, and I'm confident now that I can get there and maintain in the future, so thank you everyone!!

submitted by /u/Uzorglemon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I want to lose 37lb but don't know how to do it

Sex: Male
Height: 155cm
Weight: 62.5
Age: 14

I've tried to make this post 2 times already but it looks like I will have to rant so that my post doesn't get automodded...

When I was 11 I started binge eating out of boredom, I didn't care about it making me fat, it was just something I could do to not feel bored. Since then my weight has been going up, until last year, where on January 2nd I decided to lose weight, and so I did. From January 2nd to Easter, I lost 8kg. Then at easter, I binged again after having a perfect record, and was so embarrassed that I didn't log it. But after... I just stopped logging altogether.

Now I am here just under a year later. I have regained 6kg and am finally asking here for help after 10+ failed attemps to restart my weight loss. I have been in a loop of: wake up -> have lunch -> get home and eat snack -> eat dinner -> have snack(s) -> shower and want to kill myself over the fact that I keep doing this.

It's so embarrasing, but when I am presented with food I just never seem to turn it down. Also, I constantly confuse dehydration with hunger and eat. I really want to start losing again but I start, go for 3 or so days, then go out to a restaurant for a meal and stop tracking because I am too embarrassed to log my meal.

I'm really just looking for a final solution to this, I don't care if I have to starve myself, I just want this fat gone...

submitted by /u/throwaway_2n3v4
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Need to lose weight, morbidly obese, sabotage myself w BED

Hi everyone, I am in a situation where I feel overwhelmed and well... a lot of emotions, really.

I am 28 years old and I have always been morbidly obese. Always. Since I was a toddler I was out of the weight range that was considered normal and doctors were warning my family to do something. Then as a teen I was told I wouldn’t live to be 30 if I kept it up. Now I am an adult and my health issues are piling up... high blood pressure, high cholesterol, bad knees, PVD, it’s just bad

Over the years I’ve attempted diets, starting out every time with best intentions. Always failing with binges and overeating and emotional eating episodes. My therapist diagnosed me with generalized anxiety disorder, clinical depression, and binge eating disorder.

I was successful with weight loss only once, in my early 20s and lost about 90 pounds. Which wasn’t really enough, but I lost most of it in an unhealthy way and that was bad too.

I am currently 361.2 on a 5’8” frame, and I am a woman. I have binge eating episodes every single time I try to start restricting my diet.

I had people suggest intuitive eating and the book “Brain Over Binge” which I really enjoyed but had trouble relating to as my weight negatively impacts my size and the recommendation to not focus on weight loss is leaving me emotionally overwhelmed.

I really do just need advice on how to do this. I feel like I’m sick of failing over and over. It’s a sad and hopeless cycle to be in and I wasted my childhood, teen years, and 20s being obese.

submitted by /u/ofhope
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

25 Pounds Down... AGAIN! And no one believes how I did it!

I used CICO and ended up losing 35 pounds 2 summers ago. I was 122 pounds... Annnnd then life happened. I moved across the country, started a new job, new relationship, new friends, and I was really happy!

Boom. I gained 16 pounds.

I was super upset about it for a while, I couldn’t believe I let myself go. But after a few weeks of being good I’ve only got about 12 pounds to go before I am at my lowest weight again!

And nobody believes how I did it. I eat frozen pizza, ice cream, brownies, and everyone wonders how I can possibly be “healthy” if I’m eating all of this.

I tell them it’s because of CICO and they respond with “that’s not how you lose weight, you lose weight with healthy foods, vegetables, etc”

Anyone else get kind of annoyed when people tell you what does and doesn’t work regarding weight loss? CICO is the only thing that’s ever worked for me. I owe my entire sense of self to CICO.

It’s just annoying to deal with people harping on you for losing weight instead of “eating healthier”

submitted by /u/weezercat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

83 Days of Logging, -32 lbs, And Some Data Visualizations With Lessons Learned.

I saw someone recently post a chart of something like 1,000+ days of charting their weight. That was really cool to see.

I decided to do something similar - but I've only charted 83 days so far. As the title says, I am -32 lbs (as of this morning) and decided to pull the data from Renpho (Scale App)+My Fitness Pal to see trends of Calories Over/Under target as well as weight.

The bottom of that first chart is my exercise/calories burned. That does NOT include 'steps' calories - I excluded those on purpose. It ONLY contains actual exercise calories - weight lifting, intentional walks, etc.

As you'll see on that first chart - I am NOT eating under my target that often. Which actually surprises me. I have been working my butt off, or at least felt like I was, but the chart clearly shows I've not been under, or significantly under, most days.

NOTE: My goal is -500 cals per day, and my targets are based on MFP "not very active" setting, even though I work out 5x a week now. This gives me the lowest possible calorie target on the -1lb per week plan.

Over the past week or two, I've noticed what I felt like was a slow down in my weight loss. As I was going through and manually aggregating this data, I realized, that's actually not the case. Aside from my first 5-10 lbs, I haven't been losing at an 'incredible' pace - there are times where it does seem to come a bit faster or slower, and I am actually going to dig into that data (first in 5-lb chunks, then perhaps lower) to see some trends. The lesson learned here is not to get discouraged if you don't see 'gains' (errrrr...losses) every morning. Even on a -2lb per week plan, following it strictly, at best you'd see 0.28 lbs lost per day.

One other thing - I tend to try and NOT use my exercise calories. If I do that, I tend to try and justify going over by saying "well, I burned 500 calories working out today." That might be true (or it might not, depends on how accurate your believe your fitness tracker is), but it lends itself to rewarding yourself with food for doing something good. Overall, I am trying to train myself to eat to survive, not for pleasure. It's not been easy at all - and you can tell that I'm not 'killing' the diet game in any way shape or form.

But, at the end of the day, I am logging, I am being cognizant of portion sizes and calorie counts, and I am working out 5x a week. I feel like I have taken strides in my health and weight journey, and am only helping to train myself for a life of good food choices.

submitted by /u/_TrumpTrainConductor
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I need some post weight loss support.

Hi all.

I'm not sure where else to turn and my Google searches have not been successful. I'm wondering if anyone in this sub knows of groups or blogs that talk about issues people might face after losing weight.

For context, I don't seem to see the same thing in the mirror as others see. In my defense, without my clothes on I still have quite a bit of fat on my abdomen, chest and thighs that needs to go. But I feel like I'm simply not ready to do things (like date or wear t shirts), but people around me seem to think I'm ready and I just don't know how to deal with it. I was over 300lbs when I was 16 (just 8 years ago), so I've been pretty big for like 90% of my life. But weight loss has really changed everything and I need some help processing it all. I'm a bit overwhelmed.

I haven't been able to view my flair since the last update, so just in case: 24M, H: 6'4", 1/2018 SW: 275lbs, CW: 203lbs GW: 185lbs

submitted by /u/INTJam_on_toast
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I caved in. I binged.

I've been doing fantastic this week. It was my first week of using CICO and trying to create a daily 300 kcal deficit. I aslo didn't eat any sugar (before I was used to eat about 300 grams of chocolate a day). It was very hard to do that for me.

I ate at maintenance 2 days but other than that I was successful at creating the deficit. It was very effective, and people noticed the weight loss in just one week of that. I also had a lot more energy. I mean I didn't have that kind of energy in YEARS.

I came back to my parents home this week end and contrary to my home they store a lot of chocolate etc. so I've been battling cravings for sugar since I got there. Suprisingly I could manage them though, while before I couldn't.

I was cleaning my room 20 minutes ago, to stay busy not to think about food and the sugar that was calling me when I found a box of chocolate. I caved. I couldn't help myself, I ate it all. Then I went for the white bread and the sausages. I don't know how many thousands of calories I've eaten. I feel like I've undone all my progress.

submitted by /u/violetmonstermunch
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from loseit - Lose the Fat