Monday, February 25, 2019

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Found my spark

I have all of this wisdom about weight loss from my journey of about four years. The wisdom is like gasoline I’ve been pouring but it doesn’t matter because I couldn’t get it to ignite.

It’s been a very bumpy ride and I had an unsupportive boyfriend holding me back this whole time.

I started jogging 3x and lifting 2x per week. It’s been two weeks of this. I just broke up with him and I’m ready to be myself. My real, enthusiastic, strong, fun self. The gym used to be a responsibility but now it’s a sanctuary of good music and stress relief. I’m only 23. I’m already liking where this is going. Any words of wisdom are appreciated!

submitted by /u/danktranquility
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Day 1 : Can this be my starting point? :)

Hello whoever might read this! I apologize for the lenght of this upcoming text.

I will use the metric measurements in this post, in case you guys were wondering!

The point with this post is to make myself feel more accountable and also open up about myself. I think it would be a fun idea to look back and see how thing have gone along the way, assuming I will make it through this for quite some time. I also know that other's might benefit from reading this just as I have been motivated from reading you guys' stories :)


For the past 5 years have I been overweight and obese. I am 23 years old, 172 cm tall (5.6 feed according to google) and weigh 106.8 kg (235 lbs) as of today.

The causes of this unfortunate state is my continuous bad lifestyle choices. 5 years ago I discovered I had money that could be used for unhealthy foods and thus began my binge eating. I went from 65 kg to 75 during my last year of high (?) school. After that I continued further down that path and am now the weight of miserable (aka. the weight stated "as of today"). Even though I've always liked my own looks and body, I am now very ashamed of the amount of fat glued to my bones. I personally don't have anything against people with more fat on their body but I myself am not content with this health issue.

Like so many others I've been all pumped up and excited to FINALLY lose weight. It will all start with me watching a weight loss video on youtube, decide on the nearest monday / 1st of the month / 1st of the year etc.. I last an hour or two, after that I give up and decide I'm destined for bad health. I am weak and I know it. It doesn't matter how many times I've tried, I just never try my best. This time it feels different though. I feel rather good about it but not in the "OMG I AM GOING TO LOSE WEIGHT SO FAST" way. I think this might be a proper shot at getting somewhere, I won't leave it all to chance either. I am determined to make it last.

Most of my motivation comes from the guy I am in love with (Euh... typical). We have talked online for the past year and he really wants to meet me. I, of course, want to meet him too but my shame for my body fat is pulling me away. I have been very insecure and lied about my weight. I have told him I am chubby and I constantly hint at how unhealthy I am but I just don't want to make myself properly say my weight. I feel awful for lying to him, but I would feel even more awful being content with how I look right now. I want to be more healthy and happy when I meet him, not get dragged down by my own misery and shame. This is why I want to change.

I know it isn't the best idea to change yourself because of another person, let alone someone I am currently head over heels for.. but what the heck. I am REALLY unhealthy and may bring any kind of disaster onto my body whenever and wherever. I might as well milk this desire for what it is worth. At least I'll have a chance of getting somewhere.


This morning I woke up with a rather unusual change in attitude. I was more concerned of my health and I decided to make choices based on this new way of thinking. Therefore, I spent the day eat less, eating more natural as in "clean" vegetables, meat, dairy etc. By "clean" I mean not altered. I've been pleasantly surprised by my devotion to this. It has only been a day but I hope I can keep it going from here on.

I promised to meet the guy I am in love with sometime between late april - early may and that's what I am going to try and do! It doesn't matter if I won't be the "perfect" me (becuase let's face it, who the hell can healthily lose 35 kg in 1-3 months?). I am going to try and make the best of this situation and do as well as I can. I would like to become a bit (or a lot) slimmer until then, along with adding good habits and a better mood. I think I have potential to improve greatly :)

Now, do any of you (that hopefully made it through this post) have any suggestions as to how to achieve maximize my potential?

My goals so far is to continue to eat clean as long as possible, trying to cut down on carbs (not completely). I know a lot of people don't suggest this method but it has worked on my body before and I want to give it a go. I will also try and add more walks into my lifestyle. I am not a gym person so there is also that... My goal weight is about 70 kg but up until meeting I would like to try and lose 10 kg. I think it might be rather easy as I must have a ton of "temporary weight" such as the weekends binge foods and overall water weight.

Thank you if you've read so far! I appreciate it and hope you have a wonderful day! :) Let us all do our best and become new and healthier versions of our current selves.

submitted by /u/MangoWL
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Does anyone else out there burn calories with non excercise/gym activities? Cause I just built myself a new apartment for a bazilllion calories.

well maybe not a bazillion. But if your like me and not into the gym or group fitness you might find this link interesting.

I personally just burned 350 calories grouting a bathroom tile floor. In fact over the last 3 months I’ve not only given up on hitting the gym but have managed to do an entire build out in my basement. I now have a brand new accessory apartment to rent out for added income. A few hours every evening after work and I torch anywhere between 200-400 calories. Way better than running in place on a treadmill in my opinion.

Pros -added income -added value to my house (2 extra bedrooms and a bath) -weight loss even though I’m eating ice cream almost every night. -sense of accomplishment -$ saved on gym membership -exhausted by the time I’m done so I sleep like a baby.

Cons -can’t think of any....oh wait yes hands are desperately in need of a manicure right now.

As for the cost of the project I bought most of my materials on Craigslist or used from RESTORE. I spent a little over $1500 but the rental income will pay for that in no time.

And for those of you thinking you wouldn’t know how to build anything....well I’m a girl with power tools and you tube video tutorials who didn’t have any experience either.

submitted by /u/chef_bette
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

If You Have Health Insurance, Check Your Plan!

So I just started my weight loss journey (4 weeks in, 10 lbs down), but I just got reminded of this and thought I should share:

When I was contemplating joining a gym a month ago, I remembered that I saw somewhere before that health insurance will sometimes pay for a gym membership. So I checked my plan (Ambetter), and while they didn't offer gym membership, they offered $25 for every 10 gym visits up to $75 (also $25 for every so many hours of fitness activity tracked up to $75, but it didn't stack with the gym visits). It's not a huge amount, but it was enough to push me to finally join a gym. They also offer $50 for taking a health survey, $50 for an annual wellness checkup, and $25 for a flu shot.

So check your health insurance plan! There might be some free money for something you're already doing!

submitted by /u/TheRealMattyPanda
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Running with LoseIt - 02/25/2019 - Why do you run?

This is a weekly post for the runners of LoseIt. There's all levels of runners here -- from brand new runners just starting C25K to experienced marathoners. All are welcome here.

This thread is mostly to share your current training this past week, report planned or completed races, share victories, and to ask questions and seek advice.

In addition to this each week I blather on about something to make sure I get to the minimum length for a posting. This week...

Why do you run?

There's lots of reason you might run as part of LoseIt. It might not have a significant direct impact on your weight loss but can do all sorts of other things for you -- some it does better than others.

Running for Weight Loss

This is probably a big reason to run. But running might burn as little as 80-90 calories per mile up to 150-200. Run 10 miles and barely burn off a fast food meal.

Myself, one of the reasons I run is because it assists in keeping my CO up in maintenance with a small commitment of time. This is a little different than running to lose weight.

While actively losing weight, I did intense treadmill walking (incline +7-10% at 4.2-4.3mph). Why? This allowed for daily long sessions with minimal recovery and low impact. It was grueling and exhausting but I could do it 2, 3, or 4 days in a row, 1-2 hours. I can not run as much calorie-wise as often. Close, though. But there's a good chance of injury or simply not being recovered.

Running for Fitness

Fitness is many things. Fitness is broad in scope, including endurance, strength, speed, agility, power, mobility, flexibility and more. Running will get you Endurance and Speed depending on your approach/training, but may actually be detrimental to other aspects of fitness. Being able to run is not necessary to be fit, either. It is just one aspect of it.

Running to cope and feel good

Here's were running really shines, I think. If you get out there and polish off a great hour long run it can leave your mood lifted for days and let you breeze through stressful situations that might otherwise derail you. The key here is finding a way to run that feels easy and you enjoy. Run with music. Run in the forest. Run long. Run easy. Run fast. Whatever makes that feeling happen for you -- do it!

Weekly Check-in

How did training got this week? Did you hit a new PR? Run for the first time? Finish a week of C25K? Let's us know!

submitted by /u/cmxguru
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Panniculectomy (fat apron removal)

Has anyone here had this procedure (not tummy tuck or abdominoplasty - but panniculectomy specifically)?

I'm considering getting it done and would love to hear about experiences, etc.

  • Did insurance cover it?

  • What was the cost?

  • How long was recovery and what was that like?

  • Did you have complications at all?

  • Was there a weight loss requirement? For example, did you have to be at or below a certain BMI before they would do it?

  • Did you wait until you reached your goal weight?

  • Was it worth it overall?

Also, for those that suffer from this same problem (panniculus/fat apron) - how are you coping? I find that mine gets worse with the more weight I lose in that it hangs lower and tends to cause more problems, like making exercise somewhat difficult (from the "swaying") and causing rashes. I also get really insecure when it's accidentally touched - basically it sometimes ruins my sex life.

submitted by /u/super_nice_shark
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from loseit - Lose the Fat