Sunday, July 21, 2019

Weight loss starts tomorrow!

Hi guys! I'm (not revealing my true name), I'm 17F and 5'0, 133 lbs. I hold my weight mostly in my legs and gut. I'm trying to lose weight because I'll be a high school senior in a couple of months and my senior pictures are due in October. I want to wait until around then because I want to lose as much as I can before then. I've been insecure about my body for many years and have struggled with anorexia and binge eating phases since I was 12. I was wondering if anyone had any advice? I'm already pretty active, I work 40 hours a week in a fast food restaurant, and have been walking on the treadmill at the gym, but I've struggled with eating right because, again, I work in fast food and eat there for free, and I find it hard to curb cravings. Any advice?

submitted by /u/rabby-roo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Looking for a weight loss buddy

Hi all, I’m looking for someone to keep in touch with on a daily basis about our progress. I’m 5’8”, current goal is to lose 70lbs. I’m 28 F, South Asian. I’m a health sciences grad student (the irony) and crazy busy with school so mostly going the IF route. Not adding a lot of exercise to start. We don’t have to follow similar plans or anything just kind of keeping in touch. PM me if you’re interested :)

P.S. You don’t have to share anything you don’t want to (i.e. weight, previous attempts etc) I’m a pretty private person too and we’d only communicate through Reddit chat

P.S.S. Can’t post because too little content sooo here’s some random info about me. I’m a terrible cook but I have been attempting to improve. Planning on doing IF either 6 hour windows with 1-2 24 hr fasts a week. I’ve been chubby since I was young and kind of just climbed up the mountain since then 😬 Looking to make changes for the long term. All advice/support appreciated, especially tip for beginners.

submitted by /u/BigBrownB
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I did not expect to still be insecure after losing 85lbs

tl;dr: Went from 233 to 145 and I still see that fat girl in the mirror. I never feel satisfied.

At 18 years old I blew up to 233lbs. It happened rapidly, probably around 70 pounds gained in a year. I felt horrible whenever I shopped for clothes. I started buying size 16 pants and XXL tops. Every time I went to buy something I had to grab an even larger size than the last. My shoulders broadened, my face was puffy, and I was built like a block. My friends were all petite and skinny so I constantly felt like the “ugly friend”.

I started working out and eating better. I dropped down to 170, which I maintained for probably a year. I felt much better. People would mention how much smaller I looked so it made me proud of my success. I could fit into a size 12 and L-XL shirts.

I rapidly gained back 30 pounds putting me up into the 200’s again. I lost the weight once more and sat back at 170.

I killed some major lbs and currently weigh 142 pounds. I am the thinnest I’ve been since I was 13. I look great yet I am still so unsatisfied with my body. I feel as if I will never be content with my looks. I am stuck in my head knit picking each and every detail of my physical appearance.

I am so thankful I look this way and I do feel a sense of achievement but I am not confident or happy. Maybe it’s just me but I believe this is a side of weight loss that people don’t talk about. Body dysmorphia is so real, I feel like I’m still that fat girl. It’s an obsessive thing. Some days I just see myself as that 233lbs person.

Please don’t let this discourage you from losing weight because it such an amazing thing and betters your life in countless ways. I just want some guidance and to see if anyone feels the same I do, you know?

submitted by /u/distraughthinking
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Has anyone else struggled with feeling worse and more unhealthy after significant weight loss?

Let me start this by saying that I understand any question beginning with some form of the phrase "Has anyone else..." is overwhelmingly followed by the response "yes," yet I don't think I've really seen someone talk about this in my time lurking this subreddit. If any of you have dealt with this, I'd love to hear from you. Also, now that I've finished writing the post, I'm having a hard time clicking submit because I'm very nervous. Go easy on me, please.

Over the past 13 months I have lost 150 pounds (68kg), going from a 50+ BMI to a 29.7 as of yesterday. I am 25M 5'11 (180cm) with a starting weight of at least 363(165kg)(was probably solidly 370+) and a current weight of 213(97kg). I lost it through a strict caloric deficit, because I don't exercise. In fact, you could probably describe my activity level as borderline comatose. Though my calories have been strict (Somewhere between 1300-1700 calories, with an average being 1500), I have changed my diet multiple times, starting with keto for the first 7 months and recently a lot of vegetables and carbohydrates.

When I started to lose weight I expected to eventually feel like a new person, and now that I am 150 pounds down, looking back...I just don't. Yes, walking up stairs is slightly easier and I can buy clothing that fits a bit better, but other than that I've had almost no positive takeaways. Most of them have been neutral observations like these two protruding veins on my forearms that I'm a little too aware of at the moment. Unfortunately, a lot are negative.

I don't feel temperature well anymore. Before when I was obese, I could appreciate the coolness of air conditioning on a hot summer day, or a warm breeze coming through an open window. I could appreciate the biting sensation of cold, especially up in the mountains where your lungs would hurt a little from too deep of a breath. Now, I am overwhelmingly cold. The winter is no longer pleasantly uncomfortable, it feels like a fight for survival when I'm extremely bundled up and losing feel in my extremities. Cold is painful and harsh. I used a heated blanket for most of the winter and spring. My fingernails and toenails were routinely blue. Even now in the summer, it's hard for me to be in a building that is cooled below 78F (25C). However, once the cold leaves, then it's hot. There's no in-between. I'm not left with enjoying nice weather, I'm either shivering or I'm sweating. Worth noting I sweat a lot more now than I ever did before. All of this is pretty disappointing.

My body is jagged and rough. This was more or less expected, but I'm still going to complain about it. I can't sleep with my knees together anymore because they're too bony, and sitting down can be very painful now that I've discovered what "sit bones" are. I am very aware of my shins now, they feel almost too close to the surface of the skin if that makes sense, and can be painful if I touch them carelessly. I feel like I'm not adjusting well to my new body, it's new and not in a good way. I feel very uncomfortable.

I have absolutely no energy or motivation. So many times I hear about people gaining so much more energy and confidence when losing weight, even if they're sedentary like I am. I know that this can probably be attributed to zero exercise, but I still expected...something. Anything. Honestly I feel like my energy levels have gone down slightly, if anything.

A lot of other things I could list, but I just wanted to give a few so that I could share my negative experiences. In anticipation of any comments, I could certainly be focusing too much on the negatives, but then again this isn't really something I've thought about until these last couple of weeks. There are certainly plenty of explanations for feeling poorly like lack of exercise or perhaps declining mental health, but the frustrating part about all of this, and why I'm making this post and complaining, is the fact that I feel worse than I did 13 months ago and presumably all that's changed should've been a net positive. I know that given my lifestyle feeling poorly might be expected, but I feel like I shouldn't be worse off than before. I'd be okay with feeling bad if it was an overall improvement.

I expected not to fit into my clothes anymore, but I didn't expect not to fit into my life.

submitted by /u/JustJoystick
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

It's the small things like moobs!

Hey everyone, been lurking on here waiting for motivation to begin a weight loss journey. As I read all these incredible (good and bad experiences) that drive people to start their journey, I waited to see if that would ever happen to me.

Spoiler alert, it never did. And that's okay! I'm thankful I haven't had bad experiences but in my searching I noticed some things small enough that bother me but nobody seemed to point them out. I almost want people to be like "dang man, you've put on some weifht." Instead, nobody says or seems notices anything - am I not as far as I think I am? I wish!

So here's my first themed post about moobs. I'm writing and posting this for me to come back to as a reminder of something I want to change.

Ever walk down the street in your shirt that you're pretty sure is a tiny bit too tight but tomorrow is laundry day and you just need to deal with it? Well I do. As I walk across the street, I look down at my feet and notice the bouncing. Oh the bouncing. So embarrassing. I wonder what that lady in the car is thinking about all that jiggle. I half-joke to myself that I kinda get why bras exist now. Today I begin my quest to purge the man boobs.

So as I write this, I'm about to start my first 60 minutes of running (and probably some walking). I've crunched the numbers, tracked my diet, and I feel ready.

I currently weight 218, 6'2", healthy body weight range max is 194. My goal is 185. 33lbs of loss. I hope throughout my future updates I will begin posting about positive experiences that motivate me to continue.

Good luck out there everyone!

submitted by /u/Shaggygrizz7
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

the lazy man's weight loss plan. spoiler alert: it takes alotta time.

1st time poster. i've been lurking for a few months. i don't post much on reddit, but this sub has helped me, and maybe my post can help somebody. here's my stats: 40-ish, 6 foot-ish, 154.4 lbs. a little over 4 years ago i was 220.6 lbs. it blew my mind how much i had let myself go. i knew i was fat, but i was damn near Homer Simpson territory. i knew i had to make a change.

seeing as how i am very, very, lazy, i decided go the slow-slimdown route. i figured it took me years to become fat, so i would take years to get skinny. i was very slim growing up, but after high school the weight began to pile on. i knew it would be difficult to change all my unhealthy habits overnight, so a gradual easing into a healthy lifestyle was called for. i lost 30 lbs in 1 year. the only changes i made were i stopped drinking soda, i stopped adding anything to my coffee & tea, and i stopped eating pop tarts for breakfast. i did no more physical activity then normal.

i plateaued at around 190 lbs for about a year. i felt much better than i had, but i knew i was still fat. i just wasn't motivated to change anything else about myself. finally, i vowed to get down into the 170s. i started walking to places instead of driving when i needed to do errands (i live in the city). i started writing down everything i consumed. i started fasting for 12 hours a day. i stopped eating processed meat and cut down on bread. i started eating alotta broccoli. and hard-boiled eggs. it took me around 6 months, but i made it. according to my bmi, i was now "normal". people complimented me on my new, slimmer look. but i still wasn't happy with my weight.

there was only 2 things left i could change in my life to lose more weight. i could either start doing a massive amount of physical activity, or i could stop drinking alcohol. i chose the lazy (and cheaper) route. i had up until that point drank a very unhealthy amount of beer for many years. quitting wasn't easy. it took me multiple attempts. but, finally, i was able to stop. i've been sober for almost 5 months. in that time, i've lost 18.2 lbs.

TLDR: in 2015 i was 220.6 lbs. i am now 154.4 lbs. total loss of 66.2 lbs. not much more than a lb/month. my method of weight loss isn't gonna be for everyone. i doubt doctors would recommend it. if you're super motivated to lose weight, by all means, join a gym, buy organic food, fast for 18 hours a day, etc. you can drop lbs MUCH quicker than i did. but if you're not in a rush to be healthy (let me be clear that i deeply regret ever letting myself get so fat in the first place), just make some gradual changes over a long period of time. positive results will occur. you just need patience.

also, i have no pics to post. i know they're worth a thousand words. that's why i wrote so much.

submitted by /u/mehedonia
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Depression and weight loss: Surviving off a Costco chicken for a week.

So just some food for thought. Something that has worked really well for me in my weight loss journey has been to stupid proof my meals. I’m not one for meal prep because I like to eat with my husband who works a wildly different schedule than I do so we end up eating dinners close to 9 and he likes to cook when I’ve been at work. But for the times that depression comes to town I buy a whole ass chicken and survive on that a microwaveable veggie side and “snuches” I know it can be hard to get the will to cook sometimes and no one should feel bad about making things easier. Eating healthy doesn’t have to be hard. ❤️

submitted by /u/trashpanda9395
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from loseit - Lose the Fat