Thursday, July 25, 2019

How Much Do People around You Affect Your Weight Loss?

So, I’m wondering how to be unaffected by the opinions of people around me. I remember growing up my mother would constantly say I was “a stick”, and it made me incredibly self-conscious. She always pushed me to eat more, and I eventually did...and ended up overweight. Fast-forward to me deciding to lose weight in college. I counted calories, exercised, and got down to 127 (my goal).

Suddenly I had all sorts of people commenting on how skinny I was, many of them acquaintances at best. People would say I should eat more, and it was hard to ignore. It was awkward having people so focused on my body. I felt incredibly conflicted about myself despite my hard work.

A wedding, a couple of babies, and several large weight fluctuations later, I’m undertaking the weight loss journey again. The biggest problem is that my husband loves food and has himself gained 40 or so pounds since we got married, and he often pressures me into eating when I don’t feel like it. He’ll go on and on about how delicious something would be and how we definitely need to get whatever it is, and even when I say I’m not interested and he can just eat some on his own, somehow that’s never good enough. He then refuses to eat anything since I don’t want to have some, and I almost always feel bad and agree to have some with him.

How do I deal with this in a better way? How do you deal with people trying to influence what you eat? I truly feel like I eat a lot better when I have no friends or family around. Have you noticed this as well (sort of a weird social pressure to indulge more)? Answers to any of these questions would be great, just to have more perspectives.

submitted by /u/Sonnenleer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The unfortunate side effect of losing weight...

I can no longer share t-shirts with my husband 😩

For those who will ask, I was roughly 230 on my wedding day in October of 2017. I never weighed myself so my husband suspects I might have been close to 240. I started subconsciously watching what I eat and cutting out soda January of this year after a resolution to not just better my emotional health, but physical as well. This is the year of "me". I went through an extremely traumatic experience in April and decided to double down on my physical health despite already losing a pant size. I bought a scale and weighed in at 215. I was devastated, but the journey of a thousand steps starts with one, so I decided to keep going.

I'm down to 188lbs and my co-workers are just now taking note. I have avoided social media because this is actually a huge surprise for my MIL who we'll be visiting in March, right when I'm scheduled to hit my "goal weight" or at least be within a close estimate.

It's not for everyone, but I achieve weight loss through OMAD (one meal a day) and allow myself roughly 1,200 - 1,300 calories a day. I don't have time for meal prep due to my work schedule and I also lack discipline around food, so I strictly tell myself no until meal time. I pretty much eat whatever I want since it's pretty difficult to consume 1,300 in one sitting and I try to consume all my calories in a three hour window. Surprisingly, this works well for me because I really don't want to give up the "bad foods" but try to make sure I'm getting a decent amount of protein to keep myself feeling full. Chilly Cow ice cream and Gatorade Zero have been my life blood (they say diet drinks make you gain weight because sucralose and other sweeteners makes you crave sugar, and that's true to a degree, but if I get a craving, I just drink more Gatorade lmao).

Here's a before and after 42 lbs!

submitted by /u/ahylianhero
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I began the first steps to losing weight

I lost about 7kg (~16 pounds) in a month.

I made a video documenting the weight loss.

I began at 120kg (175cm tall) and dropped to 112.9 at the end of the month. I accomplished this by restricting my calorie intake to 2000. On the last 10 days of the month long calorie restriction I exercised 20 minutes a day on a bike machine.

Pretty happy overall. Was mostly motivated by a post on here by a guy who was in the exact same position as me. I'm gonna keep the diet and exercise up (hopefully) and my goal is to lose 50kg in at most 2 years. I want 24 year old me to look back at 22 year old me and thank himself, as opposed to me right now wishing I had made the changes to my lifesteal 2 years ago. Ah well, everybodys gotta start somewhere.

submitted by /u/ikab21
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A Dork's Ramblings on Breakups, Space Anomalies, and Learning to Love Being Healthy

First off, I’m going to apologize in advance because the following text is most likely going to be pretty long, and it’s going to take a bit of reading before it ties into weight loss, but I promise you that it will! The Ex always told me that I was good at writing, and I’m feeling nice and chatty, so I thought why not give it a shot again? With that said, here we go….

I promised space anomalies in the title, so we’ll launch right into them! In the 1990’s some scientists came up with this idea that there might be these cosmic strings that were created right after the Big Bang. My grasp on the science is pretty loose, but essentially these strings would be so thin that they would be invisible to the naked eye, but they would also have an insanely strong effect on gravity, to the point that a 1km loop of cosmic string would be more massive than the Earth. A science fiction author that I really like came up with the idea that if enough cosmic string could be looped together, it would be enough to tear spacetime and create a void in reality.

You’re probably wondering what any of this has to do with weight loss, and why I just wasted a paragraph explaining it. Well, to me the idea of a Ring (of cosmic strong) large enough to start ripping wholes in existence seems like an apt metaphor for my general wellness. Specifically, things that make me sad, or unhealthy, or just make me feel bad in general were like little pieces of cosmic string that got knotted into my own, personal, Ring. And as my Ring grew, the risk of the everything tearing and a void forming grew. And sometimes something good would happen and my Ring would be a little less massive, and that void would be farther away. And sometimes my Ring hit a critical mass, and a void would form. Losing my grandmother caused a pretty massive void, and it took quite a while to unknot enough string to make that particular void disappear. During my first year of law school the stress, usually coupled with generous amounts of alcohol, also tended to lead to some minor voids. And then there was the incident 6 weeks ago.

6 weeks ago I got dumped. As the Ex went through the motions (and the clichés, good God there were lots of clichés) of the breakup, I could just feel those strings knotting and my Ring growing, and that potential void looming, and I decided that I wasn’t going to let a void form this time. I was going to control myself and act like a grownup for once in my life. And with that in mind, I made the incredibly bright decision to go hang out with a friend and get extremely drunk before passing out on a couch at 3AM. Turns out being an adult is actually pretty hard. But the next day came and I rediscovered this article that I adore where the author discussed how he had used his own heartbreak as a motivation to lose weight. As i reread that article I kept thinking: “Huh, Cattch22, you can do that.

And that was the motivation for me to start exercising and eating better. I cut out soda and the vast majority of the alcohol. I corralled my love of pizza to a treat that I allowed myself to enjoy once every other week. I started counting calories. I replaced naps with walks, and then I replaced walks with runs. And as the pounds started to fall off, and my stomach stopped growling all the time, and the headaches stopped coming, and my legs stopped burning all the time; I came to an epiphany. Just about every physical aspect of my body and my health was tied to a string, and many of those strings had been knotted into my Ring. As I exercised and started to control myself, I could slowly but steadily unknot pieces of string from my Ring. And even more vitally, I could use my newfound control as a weapon to fight back that ever-threatening void. If something reminded me of the Ex I didn’t HAVE to mope; I could run. A bad day at the office? Start doing squats, Cattch22!! Picking knots through smart choices has kind of become this weird little hobby, and it honestly has paid off more than I can adequately (or eloquently) put into words. I look better. I feel better. My doctor tells me that I am better. And through it all, it’s become this driving force that motivates me to consistently make better choices, and to always strive to be a better person.

And even now, as I’m typing this, I’m realizing that maybe having a Ring isn’t burden, but a blessing. It’s not an anchor holding me down, but a counterweight that I can use to maintain a balanced and stable life. So, as my small piece of advice for all of you out there on your own weight loss journeys and with your own Rings: learn to love having your own beautifully unique and complex Ring, learn to love picking those knots, and learn to run.

submitted by /u/cattch22
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Does it matter how fast you lose the weight?

Something's been on my mind lately. Does it matter how fast or slow our weight loss happens?

We see so many reddit and instagram posts, et cetera, about losing "__ lbs in __ days." It makes me question how effective my diet plan is, as I am losing my weight slowly and steadily.

When I posted my first progress pic on here, someone commented (and deleted) that I have been doing something wrong on my diet to have lost what I lost so slowly. He or she broke down the math- said at a sufficient deficit I should have lost more weight than I did, and that I must have been dishonest with myself about my calories.

I have lost 25 lbs in 7 months. Here's why: it takes time to discover CICO, figure out my BMR and TDEE, and get a plan together. It takes time to decide on a sustainable yet effective calorie limit for each day. You tweak it over time, improving it along the way. It takes time to learn which foods keep me full while at a deficit. It takes time to learn how to cook them, learn new recipes, learn how to grocery shop. It takes time to break bad habits. It takes time to cultivate discipline. It takes time to finally get in the gym, not to mention finding a good workout routine. IT TAKES TIME TO MAKE A LIFESTYLE CHANGE.

If I'm alone on this, just ignore... but I'm wondering. Has anyone felt the same way?

submitted by /u/heartfullxo
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NIH Body Weight Planner Calculator Accuracy

Normally a lurker in this group but also on a journey of my own. Wondered about your thoughts on this calculator. My situation is this, I'm a 5'8" M of about 193lbs/87.5kg. I'm on a weight loss and lifestyle change journey to decrease my weight to about 75kgs/165lbs by the year end. I was looking online at different stuff to help adapt my lifestyle and came across this calculator by the National Institute of Diabetes and Kidney Disease from the Department of Health in the US. I plugged in my numbers in terms of activity changes, current info, and planned weight loss date and it spat out a number of about 1,750 calories per day to hit my weight. It even gives an CSV file with how your weight will drop. Has anyone ever used this calculator before? Would you say it is accurate?

Link for the calculator:

Also, a question I had for the group, is my weight loss plan feasible and sustainable?

submitted by /u/zed_roaster
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I am RIGHT BACK WHERE I STARTED! I do not know where to begin, but I know I don’t like the way I currently am. I feel worthless, unhealthy, ugly.

Yesterday I weighed myself and I came up at 189lbs as a 5’6” female. Just last November I was 169lbs and I hit a plateau. I lost motivation due to the decreased progress and went away from CICO.I lost myself and now I’m back to where I started.

I’m having such a hard time trying to restart this weight lost thing. When I look at myself I see a bigger, fatter, more ugly version of my former self, but I cannot bring myself to go through all the work again. When I see food I just want to eat it. When I’m stressed I eat. Bored, I eat! I can’t stop! I don’t know what to do. I’m afraid that I’ll be a 600lbs person in a decade if I continue down this path.

My fiancé is also very thin and he tells me how beautiful I am, how he loves my body. I know he is not lying, but how can he be happy with a body I clearly hate? People in my family tell me that I’ve gotten small, but the numbers on the scale tell a different story. I’m fat! I’ve always been fat! I admit it! I want to change, but I don’t know how to not view food the way I do! I know that in a few years when I pop out some kids I’ll get even bigger! That horrifies me! Plus if I lose the weight do I have to worry about it for the rest of my life? On my first attempt at weight loss I became obsessive, but it worked, but I don’t want that to be my forever...

I’ve recently taken up rollerblading and feel so wonderful while I do it. I can skate for about an hour and burn so many calories, but I throw them all away with the food! Also My weight limits my skating, my back aches, It takes so much work just to move my body, I get self conscious of my body, etc.

I’m just struggling so much and need some guidance. This sub got me through my first attempt at weight lost and I need another hand.

Before anyone says it, I’ve been to therapy, I’ve tried fasting, I’ve tried Leto, I’ve tried so much! Everytime I hit a wall... I don’t understand.

How can I change my relationship with food? Where do I begin? Why do I think being overweight discredits ever accomplishment in my life? (I.e. I graduated college, but I’m still so fat).

submitted by /u/wii1199
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from loseit - Lose the Fat