Saturday, December 28, 2019

End of 2019 Progress Pic - 100 pounds down

Hey all,

SW (14JAN19) 354.2lbs to CW 254.0lbs (09NOV19) | Just over 10 pounds a month

I actually hit the 100 lbs lost mark just over a month ago, my current weight lost I imagine is a few pounds over the hundred mark but I've not weighed in for some time, still counting, still using MFP just a little more lax on some days. I just wanted to try acting like a "normal" person for a bit. My plan was to jump straight back into the diet (1500 cals, 6 days a week, 1 flexi-day) if I fell into my old ways but I haven't, the guilt hits me hard if I diet-cheat too hard.

My plan is to be back on it 100% every day on the 14th of January 2020, the date is symbolic to me now as it's when I started the 100 pound loss.

I was really worried I'd fall off the train eventually but I'm on board and I'm conducting this shit now. The routine was the strongest thing I started, and it really worked for me and eventually carried me through without trying. The below are some of the biggest tips I can think of.



  1. Try everything you can until you find what works for you, there's no magic trick for everyone. I've tried 20 different diets from age 15 to age 31 until I found one that stuck and also had the right motivation (my crotch goblin).
  2. Routine really worked for me, Mon-Fri at work I get 3 days of meals on the Monday from the supermarket, low fat ready meals and microwave veg, Thursday and Friday are a salad usually from Subway. Dinner Mon is whatever the missus makes, I just make the calories work, Tue - Thu is a low cal stir fry, Friday was a low cal takeaway (chicken kebab in pitta, about 600cal). The weekends were awkward being at home with a fridge and cupboards but I just snacked on low cal things.
  3. Low cal snacking = cherry tomatoes, these things are one of the lowest cal:gram items out there. Only lettuce compares and only water is better. I'd eat an entire 200g box of these over a day, every time I went to fridge or cupboards to snack on a weakend (intentional typo) I'd aim for these.
  4. Water. A cheat I found that really helped was if I was feeling hungry (usually before the routine kicked in or I was saving calories for a bigger meal) was to just drink a pint or so of water and fill the glass up and take it with me to "snack" on.
  5. I had a cheat meal once a week minimum. If you're gonna cheat though, cheat smart. DO NOT OVER BUY!!! I used to buy the best value pizza meal and end up eating 6 slices of two 12" pizzas and be left with the other 10 slices and 6 slices of a smaller garlic bread. I'd usually eat all this over the rest of the weekend. DO NOT DO THIS!!! Buy what you can eat that night with 0 leftovers. Try and get your partner to do this too if you're eating with someone else. I'd usually finish her kebab or Chinese the day after as well as my own pizza. Just accept the saving money loss as a trade for weight loss.
  6. Find your motivation. The spark that ignited my weight loss journey was just wanting to not be a fat dad who got out of breath in seconds. The ongoing motivation was a huge fukin' culmination of things I go into way more detail in my twotopia post here.

Good look on your journey and if you've any questions let me know and I'll do my best to help.

submitted by /u/Accendil
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

200 by 2020: A story of Failure.

Here we are at the end of another year and on my bathroom mirror there’s the reminder of another goal set with good intentions followed by typical failure. At the end of 2018, I was determined to finally accomplish my weight loss goals. I lost 50 pounds before our wedding but that was four years ago at that point. I had kept most of the weight off but had stopped that progress not long after the wedding. Here I was four years later, two kids and a goal. Never let them remember me as a fat dad. To be healthy for my wife. To be the man I want to be. To lose another 100 plus pounds to finally reach 200 pounds. So I ordered a custom vinyl sign to place on my mirror and remind me of that goal every single day. That means there’s been 365 days of seeing my goal right in front of me and not reaching it. There were some strong starts this year and then I would find myself becoming discouraged and giving up.

Here’s what I’ve learned in my failure in 2019:

  1. If I’m going to reach this goal it’s 100% up to me. I can’t rely on anyone else to keep me accountable, encourage me or even notice or care if I’m making progress.

  2. This goal has to be for me too. Yes, I want to be healthy for my family but I have to do this for me first and foremost. It’s okay to be selfish if being selfish if it means taking care of myself.

  3. Do the work. I will count every calorie. I will go to the gym. I won’t expect results when I haven’t done anything about it. I will make plans for what I’m going to eat, I will make plans for when I’m going to the gym. I will follow through.

  4. It takes a change of mindset to reach a new lifestyle. I will park as far away as I can from the store, I will take my kids for a walk when I get home, I will wake up early and get things done. Procrastinating is what got me into this situation, it’s certainly not going to get me out of it.

  5. This should really be #1. I won’t jeopardize my family in the process. Even though I’m tired, even thought I’m sore, even though this is “selfish”. My family still comes first and I have to keep them my priority. If I reach my goal but they’re not beside me at the end, then it’s been all for nothing.

I don’t know how 2020 is going to shake out. But I know that I’ve learned from my failure in 2019 and I know it can’t end the same way. The sign is staying up as a reminder that good intentions are worthless without the work. I know it has to end better than this. And that it’s up to me and only me. I have to do this, for my family, for me.

submitted by /u/Darmok85
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

When i share my goals with others I'm *less* likely to follow through.

Which seems counter intuitive. But that's been my weight loss pattern.

Current stats: 38m, 257lbs, 5'11"

The time i was most successful in 2016 (dropped 45 lbs slow and steady over 9 months and though i never met my goal weight i kept it off for the next 9) i barely told anyone how or why i was doing it. They obviously learned some things, but i kept all convos about it fairly generic. Unfortunately in 2018 and 2019 i put it all back on (also slowly) and going into 2020 I'm 75ish lbs overweight. Throughout '18 and '19 when I'd get motivated it, i couldnt stay consistent more than 2 or 3 weeks.

In fact this whole "less you tell more you achieve" mindset shows up in almost every area that i have goals. Its weird. I finally read an article (that i cant find now but will poke around some more) that explained that while accountability and shared motivation works well for a whole lot, for others its a detriment. And i guess i fit into the latter set.

So I'm fairly new to Reddit and the anonymity of it is appealing because i do want some sort of support and maybe the anonymous nature of reddit will help me find the support without triggering whatever this weird psychological block i have that kicks in when i tell people IRL.

Anyway. Here's to 2020.

submitted by /u/jaybrams15
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Toxic Family and Temptation Everywhere!

I'm a uni student and I just recently started trying to lose weight in November. I'm morbidly obese, and lost 10 lbs in the first month. However, I have seasonal affective disorder and decided to spend my whole winter break of about a month down south with family where its warm and sunny.

my whole family, except for my older sister, is obese or overweight, and their daily diet is leading to me gaining weight back because every day im being offered pizza, chips, bread, pastries, brownies, flan, hot chocolate, etc. I turn down many of them, but if i turn them all down they try to guilt me into eating it saying they bought it just for me and they want me to enjoy myself (even though thats not true).

i havent shared with them that i'm trying to lose weight because when i have in the past theyve been toxic about it in many different ways. my dad for example will make sarcastic and judgmental comments and jokes at my expense, and my mom will start trying to feel my waist every day to check if im getting smaller which makes me really uncomfortable. they also will act as if i think im better than them if i eat healthy foods, like as if me making my dietary choices is an insult to them. i went grocery shopping the other day to buy my own things with my mom and she was making faces and asking why i needed those vegetables etc.

im not great at defending myself, and their behaviors cause me a lot of anxiety, so i've chosen to bypass those stressors by just not telling them im trying to lose weight. however, by not telling them, they keep filling the house with junk. im thinking i should just face my fears and tell them im trying to lose weight, but i dread the thought of it cause i know theyre gonna engage in those toxic behaviors that have sabotaged me and destroyed my self esteem in the past. i dont want to gain everything back, and im down here until the 22nd of january. Any advice?

how do you deal with family members who dont support you in your weight loss?

TLDR; toxic family doesnt know im trying to lose weight, tries to stuff me full of junk. im stuck here a month. any advice?

submitted by /u/SwampPriestess
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m going to post everyday

Title basically says it all. I think having somewhere to post about what is going on in my weight loss journey is going to help. I want to be 100% honest and talk about all my highs and my lows.

I hate myself and who I have become with this weight. I feel like all it’s done is fuel my depression and anxiety. When I have anxiety attacks it feels like there is a boulder on top of me, and I can’t tell wether it’s the weight or just my body feeling something. But I do know one thing. And that is that I am done with this. I am sick and tired of looking at myself in the mirror and going “man you look fat, no one would want to be with you” or “you know maybe you can handle this weight” or “you’ve always been a bigger guy, you look your best like this” I’m sick of it.

Today I start my weight loss journey. I’m currently at 220 pounds and I’m going to get down to 170. It’s going to be a long few months or a year? But I’m going to do it. And I’m going to post every day about how my journey is going. I hope it can be helpful to me as well as others. I’m excited, I’m scared, I’m dreading the few days of getting used to this, but most importantly I’m excited for the day that I get to say I weigh 170 pounds. So here’s what I’m going to do:

My plan is simple, eat less and move more. I’m going to go 1000 calories below my maintenance level. That would be about 1700 calories a day to eat. Pretty good. Im going to do this for the first week to get used to it, then next month is when things really get going. I’m going to start going to the gym 1 time a week. Then the next week 2 times a week, and then the next week 3 times until I reach 5 days a week. I want to ease myself into this. I’m going to do a mix of cardio and strength training. Outside of the gym I’m going to try to do as much movement as possible. Hitting my 10000 steps a day, reaching my move goal on my watch. It’s going to be a hard journey but I will do it.

And now it’s time to start. I will see you guys tomorrow.

submitted by /u/Williama386
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

So cold all the time after 70lb loss!! Is it my heart failure or my body fat?

Hi, I lost about 70lbs in the past year and I was also, separately, diagnosed with heart failure (low ejection fraction, low blood pressure) most likely due to persistent tachycardia from an electrical malfunction.

I went from being someone who’s hot all the time, all my life, even when I was around this weight I’m at now (145lbs/65kg at 5’3”/160cm). I gained weight from 2007-2017 up to about 220lbs/100kg). Obviously at my biggest I was extra hot and sweaty all the time, but I’m from a cold area and was always pretty immune. I ran hot and didn’t need blankets or jackets. Of course some of that is more recent memory when I was heavier, but.

I hit 145lbs in July and was fine temperature-wise (yes it was summer). In September my cardiac symptoms changed a little bit but my temperature started dropping (yes the weather got colder). My cardiologist hasn’t identified anything new that would cause it.

I am SO COLD all the time now. It’s not a long sleeved shirt, it’s two shirts, long underwear, a sweatshirt, two pairs of socks and a jacket with the heat turned up past 70. My feet never warm up, ever. I take a couple hot showers a day and scald myself.

My girlfriend is cold like this and has been all her life - she only weighs around 100lbs/45kg at 5’8/175cm. When we first met before I lost weight I thought she was crazy with her hot water bottle. I was hot all the time around her and constantly warming her up. Now I’m colder than she is (and not nearly as thin).

Has anyone else experienced extreme cold after weight loss? I know it’s common to feel a little colder but I went from one extreme to another and I’m WAY colder than even super cold people now, and typical people can’t stand how hot I need to be.

Any thoughts appreciated. Yes I know ask my doctors but I’m also looking for personal experience. Thanks.

submitted by /u/jamesbuck
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

help me with a new weight loss regimen?

hi everyone.

in the past 3 months I have lost approximately 6 kilos through, at first, only walking 5 kms a day, and then by restricting my diet and increasing how much I walk every day. some days I accidentally 'intermittently fast'.

I am 163 cms (5'3) and I currently weigh 63.5 kilos. the current weight doesn't look bad on me, and I look a lot better/more fit than I did a few months ago. however, I have stagnated at this weight for a while. my food is between 1,200 to 1,400 and I try to hit the lower end of 1,200 every day, although sometimes its hard. my stomach definitely feels 'smaller' and I get full a lot quicker... but I still love food and I still get cravings and because I seem to be indulging myself, my weight has stopped changing as rapidly as it used to.

I guess I just need some motivation. a friend and I wanted to lose 3.5 kilos in one month and we both achieved that goal (yay!). by losing those 3.5 kilos, she reached her goal weight and is now working on maintaining it. I want to lose another 3.5 and reach 60 kilos but it's hard not to get complacent and take people's compliments about how good I look now as a reason to just stop. I also justify it to myself by saying "well I'm at a normal BMI now, so that's fine!" or "you need to do your school work and you don't have time!"

how do you stay motivated when you've started to look "alright" or different from how you've looked like before?

submitted by /u/rrerjhkawefhwk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat