Monday, January 27, 2020

[26F, 5'6" 190lbs] How do you replace food when it is a main source of comfort and self-soothing?

For the past 4.5 years, I have yo-yoed through losing and gaining the same ~15 lbs. I am now a few lbs short of being back to my highest weight.

I love food and I love eating. Eating excessive amounts of garbage is common when I am stressed or bored and I want to escape and ignore my problems. Even when I'm not as stressed, my eating habits tend to revolve around getting carbs and cheese into my body with the least amount of effort possible. I also love to reward myself with food or use it as a motivator to get out of the house and do errands or other activities.

A lot of aspects of weight loss are challenging for me, but I think giving up food as a source of comfort wears down on my willpower the most. Feeling hungry all the time in stressful. Ignoring cravings is stressful. Resisting tasty food that others are enjoying is stressful. Being in a bad mood from all this stress, and worrying about being grumpy with other people, is stressful!

I'm looking for strategies others have used in this situation. How do you cope with all of the stress of weight loss without relying on food? Is there something I can actually replace food with as a source of comfort? Are there any methods to helping me not feel so much stress about this? Is the only solution to just suffer and tough it out? (I really hope it's not)

submitted by /u/fexofenadine_hcl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Uneven belly fat in weight loss?

I have been losing weight now for 22 months and only the muffin top left. Been fighting it down with very slow progress through diet and gym.

I have noticed that the weight loss is very weird in that area and I can't tell if this is normal or not. Instead of like everything else where it all goes away in uniform, it is more like removing it in scoops.

The left side of the stomach is lower than the right, the middle looks bitten out by a wild animal and there is a small lump of fat to the right of my belly button that shows more when sitting down and leaning forward.

Does this sometimes happen, or has my fat reduction revealed some kinda hidden horror? 🤔

submitted by /u/Bi0-D
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’ve been on a diet for about 2 and a half weeks. The first week I lost 5 pounds. The second week I’ve lost nothing. Am I doing something wrong? Is this normal?

So I’ve been cutting my calories (about 1,200 calories a day) doing intermittent fasting as well. Eating twice a day. I don’t do much exercise but I just got a treadmill and started exercising yesterday. Ive been on this diet for about 2 and a half weeks. The first week I lost 5 pounds, but after that I’ve lost nothing. I’ve lost a bunch of weight a couple times before doing this same diet and never had any problems with my weight loss stopping. I was wondering if I was doing something wrong. I feel like I’m wasting my time, I know I’ve lost 5 pounds but I just feel like I should be losing more. When I would diet I would always lose a bunch of weight fast. I’m worried something wrong with me. Is this normal? Thank you!

submitted by /u/tayjeang
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss advice please!

Hey yall,

Im a 17 year old boy, 6’ and 230,

I currently am fairly sedentary but still somewhat athletic, I’m looking to become less sedentary and less self conscious about my weight. I have been in sports my entire life up until the past few years where I could not play due to injuries. Right now I am not really comfortable with gyms so it would be ideal if the workouts I do could be completed outside of a gym. I have exercise and cold weather induced asthma which prevents me from running outdoors during the winter. I am not able to eat gluten or dairy which has made nutrition a bit more challenging. I try to keep my diet fairly clean. Usually I eat a protein bar for breakfast, chicken and rice for lunch, and whatever my family is eating for dinner. Usually nuts, fruits, granola bars, and every once in a while, chips, are thrown in during the day for snacks.

Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks

submitted by /u/blackandwhite365
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Does anyone else hate comments about their weight loss?

I'm curious who enjoys people commenting on their weight loss and who dislikes comments.

I am someone who wants no comments. Comments feel fat-shaming to me, because in general the comments come from people who have been pretty mean/negative to me in general. Also, I gained weight due to trauma, so I don't like being reminded of my "PTSD body."

I suppose it depends on who is making the comments, and the context. I don't discuss my weight with anyone except online, so any comment from others is totally unsolicited. My body is private to me, so comments feel invasive.

Anyways, just wondering what others; experiences and feelings about comments, and how you handle them if you dislike them.

submitted by /u/UnlikelyGreen
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to Know if You’re Dehydrated

More than half of your body—55 to 60 percent—is composed of water. When that drops by as little as 1.5 percent below your optimal level, you are mildly dehydrated, your energy level decreases and your metabolism slows down. You may not realize it, but you’re losing water all day—even when you’re not sweating, you exhale tiny amounts of water vapor in every breath. Surprisingly, feeling thirsty is not the only, or always the first, sign that you are mildly dehydrated. Here are seven other indications that you need to drink up.

Hunger. The signals your brain sends when you need calories and when you need fluids originate in the same place, and can be mistaken for each other. When you’re dehydrated, your liver holds on to its glycogen reserves, an essential source of energy for you. Your body begins to crave food when sufficient glycogen isn’t available to burn.

How to Drink More Water

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Fatigue. As your metabolism slows, your body begins to conserve its energy, leaving you feeling tired. Mild dehydration also reduces the volume of blood in your body, forcing your heart to work harder to pump oxygen and nutrients to all of your cells. When your heart is working less efficiently, you may feel exhausted even though you haven’t exerted yourself very much.

Headaches. The reduced volume of blood caused by mild dehydration also means less oxygen reaches your brain with each beat of your heart. In response, the blood vessels in your brain dilate to bring in more oxygen. Dilated blood vessels may lead to a headache.

Why Water is Good for Your Mood

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Bad breath. Your saliva has antibacterial properties which prevent nasty microbes that are the source of bad breath from setting up residence in your mouth. Dehydration reduces the volume of saliva you produce, often resulting in unpleasant odors in your mouth.

Dark urine. The most visible sign of mild dehydration is evident when you go to the bathroom. Pale yellow or green urine indicates that you are well-hydrated. As your body’s fluid levels decrease, the color becomes noticeably darker, a sign that you need to drink more water.

Quiz: What’s your water IQ?

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Constipation. Your digestive tract relies on fluids to help move waste through the system. If you’re feeling stopped up, dehydration may be the cause and more fluids can be the cure.

SOLUTION: To stay at your peak, you need to replenish your fluids throughout the day. Women need eight to 12 cups of water daily, men about 11 to 15 cups. Plain water is the best way to rehydrate—it’s quickly absorbed and calorie, fat and carb free. Ice water can feel refreshing, but it will sit in your stomach until it warms up. When you need to rehydrate in a hurry, go with fluids that are closer to room temperature.

The post How to Know if You’re Dehydrated appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Losing weight, but not belly fat.

Hi Reddit, this is literally my very first Reddit post, so if I've done something wrong, forgive me. Here's some information about myself that might help answer my question. I'm a male, 28 years old and 5'10. I started my weight loss journey about 7-8 months ago with a starting weight about 175. As of this morning I'm 146 and some change so I'm nearing 30lbs lost. Something that won't stop bugging me is that clearly I've been successful in the overall weight loss department, but I cant seem to dump the belly fat/love handles. My current exercise routine is running at least a mile every 2-3 days, with some home exercises in between (push ups, squats, ect.) I've also been successful controlling what I eat. I can easily maintain 1000-1400 calories a day during the week. I don't eat completely unhealthy, but at the same time I'll be the first person to tell you that my diet isn't the best. I don't drink soft drinks, eat a lot of fast food (maybe once every 2 weeks) and I don't have to worry about candy or snacks, until I get home from work in the evening. Any kind of insight would be much appreciated. If I need to clarify anything else just let me know.

submitted by /u/ATM550
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from loseit - Lose the Fat