Thursday, June 25, 2020

I feel so much worse after losing weight. How to keep on pushing?

So I started out around 155 and have slowly dropped down to 143. I’m 5’2 so I’m pretty close to a “healthy BMI” now, but I feel like the weight loss has just been making me look worse. It seems like all the weight has come off my boobs and butt. Now I’m left with a chunky stomach and thighs. Meanwhile my cleavage is all but gone and my stomach now sticks out more than my butt (seriously I look pregnant!). It’s not that I don’t see the changes- they’re certainly there and the measurements prove it. They’re just coming from places that I’m not thrilled about. How the heck do I keep going? I’m seriously scared that with 10 more pounds I’ll look even more disproportionate.

submitted by /u/throawaysnakkekk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Getting joy from things that aren’t food

I’ve lost about 50 lbs a couple of years ago. Due to illness and medication I’ve gained some of it back. Fell into a deep depression for a while. Now that I’m making my way back to myself I’ve noticed just how much of my day revolves around eating. How much it’s become something I look forward to constantly. I eat for any emotion, but I feel there’s a lot of comfort eating going on. I’ve fallen into a pit of instant gratification and self loathing. Can’t seem to get quite the same drive back that I had the first time I was on a weight loss journey, but I don’t want to feel stuck in myself forever. Was wondering if anybody has been through anything similar and may be able to share what has helped them keep healthy habits.

submitted by /u/imjustvibing-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Was 190 lbs a year and a half ago (F, 27, 5`6)

.. but I'm starting my "weight loss journey" now, at 155lbs. My goal is to get down to 135 through a slow burn CICO approach.

I went from 190ish to 155 by pouring all I have into getting better mentally. Moved, dropped out of grad school, chose life and committed myself to proper psychiatric care, and focused on rediscovering who I am and what I enjoy.

So here's to all of us struggling with depression, recurring depressions, or, like me, bipolar disorder (type 2). Or any other illness that kills joy and steals energy. I know how difficult it is.

For some, their mental health get better as they lose weight. For me, that's not been the case. Whether I've been skinny or fat has never bettered or worsened any of my depressive episodes and I want others to know they're not alone. Take care of yourselves ❤️ And good luck to all and goodnight to me.

submitted by /u/okeyda
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My First 10 Pounds!

I just want to thank all of you who post on this subreddit. Its been one month since I've started trying to lost weight and today I hit my first milestone of ten pounds from 137 -> 127. I'm (5ft 4in) still far from my goal (which is to lose my belly fat) I know its the last to go so I'm in it for the long haul. But anyways, whenever I feel unmotivated or in a slump, I come onto this reddit to soak up positivity and it really helps me press forward so thank you all! I want to share my experience to help out those who are having a hard time losing weight during the lock down.

I live and take care of my 95 year old grandma so I take lock down very seriously. I haven't stepped foot out my front door since april? Can't even remember when lock down started. I order all my groceries online and don't take walk because I just can't take the risk. Anyways, here was my exercise and diet plans.


A small bowl of oatmeal with chia seeds. On days where I felt really hungry, I mix in a can of tuna or salmon to feel more satisfied.

A fruit smoothie. Any fruit that I ordered + ice + homemade yogurt. 0 sugar added!

I cook for the whole family so theres no fixed meal plan here. But the rule of thumb is vegetables, fish, and some form of meat + (half and half white rice + quinoa).

*drank lots of water, no snacks in between meals, and no sweets at all.

I don't count calories. 1, I'm lazy, and 2, its too hard to when you cook for the whole family. The general rule of thumb I follow is, eat slooooowwwwww, and stop when you are no longer hungry. You don't need to be full, you dont need to be stuffed, as long as you're no longer hungry, your job is done, step away from the dinner table and go surf reddit. This has allowed me to consistently lose weight over the course of a month.


This ones interesting. Biking didn't feel like it helped as much as I wanted it to? I have a stationary bike at home and I biked 60min everyday which the machine says is 600 calories. As I got bored I switched to doing those pamela reif workouts, the 10/15 high intensity sweaters once a day, and I achieved the same weekly weight loss as biking. So, thats 50min of my life back!

Hope this information helps anyone out there whether its a diet worth trying or exercise worth doing. Will post again when I hit another milestone!

submitted by /u/VisualStart
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally Beat my 2 week Plateau and have lost over 20 pounds now!!

My highest weight in my life was 200 pounds, I’m 22F and I’m 5’3 so that’s obese. I have pcos and insulin resistance as well so weight loss was so difficult sometimes it felt impossible. In April of 2019 I weighed 200 pounds after seeing that number I was devastated, but not enough to make a conscious effort. I unconsciously lost around 5 pounds without doing anything, but I think it was because I was taking a new medication that was a diuretic so I assumed those 5 pounds were water weight and ignored them.

Nothing was enough to motivate me, I always thought I was going to have this sudden spurt of motivation and I’d be able to lose all the weight. Well that never happened.

Last month on May 5th after I turned 22 I just got up that morning and worked out. On that day I didn’t have random motivation or any burning desire I just did it and didn’t think about it. I didn’t commit to a plan or say I was going to workout everyday for a month, etc. I just decided to focus on now and do it. I started a paleo diet the same day, without committing to anything. After eating all my meals that day I found out sugar and carbs were the cause of me having nausea and headaches(because of my insulin resistance and pcos). So after that day it was easy to stick to paleo because the food I was eating didn’t make me feel sick.

On May 5th my official start date, I weighed 195 pounds. I had no idea I would stick to my plans or that I would be able to lose weight. Well today morning my weight was 173 pounds! I got down to 177 pounds about 2 weeks ago and went up and down from 177-180, for 2 whole weeks. But today I finally beat that and I’m so proud I stuck to my goals!

I know for some people making a plan and sticking to it works best for them. But for me if I made a plan, I would find reasons to stray from it if anything went wrong in my day. So not making a plan worked for me. I guess the moral of my story and how I started my journey was to not wait for motivation, because sometimes it won’t ever come. Now I have no problem with motivation, seeing how happy my endocrinologist was this week when I saw her, is my motivation to be down to 162 pounds by August(hopefully sooner). After I hit 162 I’m going to be working towards 140 and keep going till I’m at 110/105 pounds. I hope someone reads this and gets something from it. I don’t really have anyone to celebrate with so I’m sharing this here!

submitted by /u/SohpieBlake_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Day #1: CICO & C25K

22F // 5’2 // SW: 226 lbs // 1st GW: 199 lbs

Hi everyone! I’m a longtime lurker & I’ve loved watching everyone reach their goals and support one another. I’ve attempted weight loss many times before but nothing has been sustainable. I don’t want to restrict myself this time rather I’m aiming to incorporate lifestyle changes that’ll remain sustainable in my life. I’ve never tried CICO but thanks to this page I’m gonna give it a try. I thought I’d document here to hold myself accountable & keep track of my journey!

I want to be the best version of myself and I know my physical weight takes a toll on my mental health & I want to make a change. The lowest I’ve been in the last 10 years was 197 lbs. My ultimate GW is somewhere in the healthy BMI range for my height but that seems so so so far away so I think I’ll set smaller goals for myself atm and move them as I go along.

My current goal is to reach 199 lbs and get below that 200 range (hopefully) by the end of this year. I’m starting CICO and trying to aim for a daily intake of 1,200-1,400 calories. I began C25K today which was quite rough but I’m determined to keep active 3-5 days/week with C25K and elliptical.

I’ll definitely go through previous posts and take notes but if anyone has any other tips or tricks, please share your wisdom 🤩

submitted by /u/omwtome
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How much of a difference to those last 10lbs make?

Hello all, I lost 60 pounds and my goal was to go 10 more. I know there is no rush, but It is still unsettling to see the scale drop 1 pound a week, then one week it doesn't drop at all, compared to my extremely fast 3lb a week weight loss when I first started. I can think of some reasons why it's harder, such as not logging things like 3 tablespoons of 20 calorie coffee creamer, allowing myself to have more cheat days, etc. I tend to be an emotional eater and even though I lost 60 pounds, I still "feel" fat. So, who can help motivate me? As someone who can't ncessarily judge how they look in the mirror due to body dysmorphia, how noticeable really is 10lbs of fat loss?

submitted by /u/666Karmah
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from loseit - Lose the Fat