Thursday, September 24, 2020

[Century Club] September 24, 2020 - Have you lost or need to lose 100 lbs or more? Here’s a thread just for you!

I have often welcomed those who have lost 100+ lbs (~ 50 kg , ~7 stone) to “the club” and joked that club meetings were on Thursdays. I recently suggested that we try out having a regular weekly thread to talk about issues that are particular to those who have lost 100+ lbs, those who are well on their way and those who are just at the beginning of a journey this big.

Welcome back to the Century Club! Each week I will provide a topic of the day that has been on my mind or inspired by previous posts. However you are free to talk about any topics you think might be relevant to current and prospective club members.

Previous topics: Funny Stories - Schedules - Fun - Health - Exercise - Denial - Headwinds - Streaks - Other People - Toolkit - Breaks - Support - Clothing - The Unexpected - Self-image - How do you end your journey? - What made it click? - Loose Skin

Today's Topic: Seasons

Welcome to Fall/Autumn! Since our 100 lb journeys will usually take around a year or more this week has me wondering how your habits change with the seasons. Either during weight loss or afterwards in maintenance.

For me this summer in particular has been a unique time to spend more quality time with veggies and my grill. We signed up for a 20 week CSA share and that makes up for a good chunk of my meal planning for the week. I need to come up with recipes to use up the veggies. There's a lot of cold food salads, hummus, baba ganoush, or some meat and vegetables on the grill. As the weather turns colder I make more use of my Instant Pot. I will typically make 1-2 soups or stews during a typical week and throw a squash in the Instant Pot or oven as a side dish or most of a meal.

This summer, aided by the coronavirus restrictions that keep me from traveling for work as much I've been keeping up with a pretty consistent 10K every other day outdoor running volume. I hope I can keep that going for another couple of months. I already dug out my cold weather running gear and have been looking to add another set so I don't necessarily have to wash them or re-wear gear that has been sweat through. I expect that my volume will go down in Jan/Feb/March and that will bring my activity levels closer to lightly active or sedentary. My diet will have to adjust. I also dug out my hiking shoes and have been moving my recovery walks to the conservation area near my house and doing a bit more hill walking/hiking.

What about you Centurion? What changes for you with the seasons? What are you looking forward to or concerned about in the next 3-6 months in your journeys?

submitted by /u/SmilingJaguar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost weight... and my life didn't change, but I did

I have been overweight since high school (F, 5'1, 68kg at my heaviest). Not overly obese but still lugging lots of extra pounds of weight in body fat. I have an identical twin sister and to many people the only way they could tell us apart was to consider me the 'healthy' one and my sister the thin one. I have been fat-shamed by family members who thought they were being helpful, and have been the butt of relatives' jokes where my weight was the punchline. It wasn't pleasant and shredded my confidence a lot, to be compared to my twin in that way. It made me ashamed of being the way I was.

Then in 2018 I decided to really start putting more effort on losing weight, instead of just feeling sorry for myself. My main goal was to develop a healthier lifestyle. I think before that I was in denial. I blamed my hormones, my genes, my metabolism on me being fat. I don't know how but I finally realized the culprit were my habits. So slowly I started changing them.

The results took a while. I didn't have a magical transformation, a mind blowing before and after. There were months where I would gain back the weight I had lost. Days where I would cry about my weight, believing I would never be 'thin'. Then there were times where I would workout every day, eat better and be super motivated. It took a very long time to get to a point where I finally don't see myself as 'fat'.

Currently, I'm 23yr and 59 kg. I lost a total of 9 kg (19-20 lbs) in over two years. I think it's the slowest weight loss 'transformation' ever, but I'm still happy with my progress. My bmi is finally normal, I feel strong, I have better eating habits, and I don't look fat anymore.

Most importantly, I'm finally the same weight as my identical 'thin' sister. I love my sister, but its nice that I dont have to be compared with her over my weight anymore.

Or so I thought.

A month back, my family and I went to a relative's house. One of my relative complimented my sister on looking 'smart' and asked if she had lost weight. I don't know why but that moment completely shattered me. I realized I am still the fat one to people around me. Thankfully, my relative didn't bring up my weight in comparison and tell me I needed to be thin like my sister, like they have done in the past.

I know I shouldn't have let that relative's words affect me so much. I know my weight loss is for me, not for my sister, not for the people around me, not for my relatives. But the words still got to me. I also lost weight, why couldn't they see it? I wanted them to comment on it maybe. Has nothing changed?

It's been a month since that incident, but I'm slowly realizing that no, things have changed. Compared to 2018 me, 2020 me is working out. Trying to set up small goals for myself. My diet isn't perfect, but I'm eating good. My habits and lifestyle have changed a lot for the better. Mostly, my thoughts about never losing weight has changed, simply because I did lost weight. I lost weight and I can lose more to get to my goal.

I know I shouldn't let other people get to me, but it's hard to change my reactions when I've been used to it for so long. Maybe my life hasn't changed. Maybe the people around me haven't changed in the way they percieve me.

But my body has changed. I have changed. And I think that's all that counts. I think.

submitted by /u/BibliophilicBookworm
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Getting back on that wagon

It’s been forever since I’ve visited or posted in this subreddit. I don’t think I need to delve deep into the details of why, we all know life has been pretty shitty here in the US these last few months. Pretty early on into quarantine, I just lost all my motivation. I graduated from grad school in May and since then I’ve just been sitting in my apartment, looking for a job while my partner is at work, eating whatever I wanted to soothe myself. For the past month, I’ve been slowly gearing myself up to get back on the weight loss wagon. I got one of those really small “portable” treadmills (I’m only 5’1”, so it’s like perfectly sized for me lol), I’ve been drinking a gallon of water everyday for the past two weeks, and I’ve cut down significantly on ordering takeout, though I haven’t really been that strict about my eating, just eating less than I was before. Guess what? I still lost 7.5 pounds this month! I’m sure most of its water weight and just drinking more water has helped a ton, but I’m still stoked! I feel like this was just what I need to relight my flame and I feel ready to jump back into this journey. I hope I can keep it up. I’ve only walked on my treadmill a couple times since I got it like a week ago, but I’m glad to have it now that I have my motivation back.

submitted by /u/ijustwantnetflix
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Have you ever ended your weight loss journey before hitting your goal weight?

Hello, so I am about 10 pounds away from hitting what I thought would be my goal weight. As I’ve gotten smaller, it’s gotten significantly harder to lose the weight. I’m 5 feet tall and these last pounds have felt impossible to lose and I kind of want to stop. I am very happy with the way I look and feel right now. The only issue is I’m not sure if I want to stop my journey because I’m happy where I’m at or because it’s getting much harder. I have never been 115 pounds and picked that weight because its towards the middle range of a healthy bmi. Have any of you cut your journey short and what made you decide to do so?

submitted by /u/oopsimthrowing
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Reminder: it's not about motivation, it's about discipline

I've made that mistake so many times in my life, waiting for "motivation" to kick in.

I go to work every morning not because I'm motivated to do it, I do it because I have to. You have to treat your weight loss the same way. If I only count my calories or workout on the days where I'm motivated, it's going to be a long arduous roads.

Discipline is about taking control of your life, of your body.

So I make myself a workout schedule, and I do it whether I want to or not. And I keep managing my food intake properly not because today is a good day and I feel good, but because I decided that I will no longer let "motivation" or lack thereof control who I am and what I do.

submitted by /u/FlatBreadFaker
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Today is my 1 year Fit-iversary!

I'm so glad that I thought to mark on my calendar the start date of my weight loss journey! It's been a year of literal and figurative ups and downs, but I'm so glad that I took the plunge and committed to making myself healthier.

I'm a 5'4" female, SW 247/CW 144/GW 145. I've never really been successful in weight-loss before, despite trying many many times. This time I went into it without any sort of plan, just started cutting back on fast food and take out, then slowly looking for ways to build up the fruits and vegetables in my diet. I don't have any banned foods. I'm not really following any plan. I kinda follow CICO, but am too lazy to track everything that goes into my mouth, so I mostly just aim for a lower than average daily calorie intake and then only track the calorie dense foods and real meals and snack on whatever I want for fruits and veggies during the day without tracking them.

Once I got my nutrition kinda figured out, I started running and doing body weight exercises. I've worked myself up from only being able to jog about a minute at a time to now training for my first marathon.

It's wild to me how big of a difference there is in my level of fitness between now and just one year ago. Can't wait to see where the next year gets me!

submitted by /u/juryturtle
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

10 Tips to Target Belly Fat

Belly fat can be seriously stubborn. Even if you’re on a plan and losing weight, it can seem like the fat around your middle just won’t budge. And if you’re apple-shaped, it can feel like it will be the absolute last thing to go. Looking for some tips to target that belly fat? We’re here to help!

You should love the body you’re in, but if your goal is to lose belly fat, we understand: That stubborn stickiness can be frustrating and demoralizing. More important, fat held around your middle is a health risk. People with visceral fat around their stomachs—the rock-hard kind associated with a beer belly that’s close to your organs—have higher risks of early death, says John Hopkins Medicine. According to Reuters Health, one study found that every 10-centimeter increase in waist size increases the risk of heart failure by 19 percent in women and 30 percent in men.

Reduce your risks by decreasing your belly fat. If you have an apple-shaped body, consider the all-new personalized programs from Nutrisystem! They can be tailored to your specific body type, age, gender and more. You can also try these 10 tips to help target that tummy and drop excess pounds.

Weight Loss & Body Type: All About the Apple Shape

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Here are 10 tips to help you target belly fat and lose weight:

Tip 1: Exercise.

target belly fat

If you are searching for how to target belly fat and want a “fat-burning” workout, you don’t have to soak your clothes in sweat or gasp your way through a high-intensity class. In one study, published in Obesity, people who were “moderately active” reduced their visceral fat levels by 7.4 percent compared to people who were inactive. And if you speed up for short bursts, you can burn even more. According to Ohio State University, “walking at varying speeds can burn up to 20 percent more calories compared to maintaining a steady pace.”

An easy way to do this: While on a 30-minute walk, walk a little bit faster at the start of every new song on your playlist. After 30 seconds or a minute of the song, slow to your normal pace until the next song starts.

Tip 2: Catch up on sleep to target belly fat.

target belly fat

These tips couldn’t be easier! But getting enough sleep is one of the most important things you can do for fat loss. “Researchers found that persons sleeping less than five hours at night gained more abdominal fat over a five year period, versus those who averaged over six hours per night, says the National Sleep Foundation.

According to UChicago News, one study found that dieters who were sleep-deprived lost weight, but not as much fat. Those who slept for about five hours per night lost 55 percent less fat during the study than those who got about seven hours of shuteye. Aim for seven or eight hours of sleep per night for the best results.

Tip 3: Have oatmeal for breakfast.


Oatmeal doesn’t just help you lose weight—and it does, as it’s packed with more filling protein than almost any other “common” grain, according to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. A morning bowl of oats also helps undo some of the detrimental effects of belly fat, helping with insulin resistance after your meal, says the peer-reviewed journal Nutrients. According to, one study found that “overweight and obese participants who ate a whole-grain oat cereal twice per day reduced their waist circumference more than the group eating a low-fiber cereal of equal calories, though there was no difference in total weight loss.”

6 Foods That Beat Belly Fat

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Tip 4: Top your oatmeal with blueberries.

how to target belly fat

Some studies suggest that the soluble fiber in blueberries—and oatmeal—may specifically target belly fat. In one study of rats at the University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center, those that were given blueberries lost more belly fat while dieting than those who lost weight without the berries, says Science Daily. Scientists theorize that the antioxidants in blueberries may be the cause.

Tip 5: Eat more fiber.

how to target belly fat

Fiber is crucial for losing weight without feeling hungry. This nutrient, found in vegetables and whole grains, slows down digestion so that you feel fuller for longer. It may also help to target belly fat. According to Science Daily, one study conducted at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center found, “for every 10-gram increase in soluble fiber eaten per day, visceral fat was reduced by 3.7 percent over five years.” That’s one of the reasons why Nutrisystem programs include a requirement to eat at least four servings of non-starchy, fiber-rich vegetables each day.

Tip 6: Sauté vegetables in canola oil.

how to target belly fat

Canola oil has a higher heat tolerance than olive oil, making it perfect for sautéing some of your daily servings of non-starchy vegetables. But the oil itself may also help you target belly fat: According to Science Daily, a Penn State study found that people who had daily smoothies infused with canola oil lost more belly fat in a month—a quarter-pound more—than other study participants who had a smoothie fortified with another type of oil. “Including canola oil in a healthy diet may help reduce abdominal fat in as little as four weeks,” says Science Daily.

Try using canola oil at snack time: Try this recipe for easy, homemade BBQ Sweet Potato Chips! >

10 Reasons to Battle Belly Fat — and How to Do It!

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Tip 7: Eat less saturated fat.

healthy fats

Eating fat isn’t the nutritional no-no it was in the 1990s. However, eating too much saturated fat can still have deleterious health consequences. According to, “Eating saturated fat leads to the accumulation of more visceral fat and less muscle mass than eating polyunsaturated fat, according to new research published in the journal Diabetes.”

Monounsaturated fats, on the other hand, may also help. According to Science Daily, Penn State researchers found that these so-called “healthy fats” found in certain vegetable oils have been shown to help dieters lose belly fat.

Tip 8: Eat more calcium.

how to target belly fat

Good news for you cheese lovers: If you’re already on a diet, eating more calcium could help more of the weight you lose come from fat. In a review of 41 studies, published in the British Journal of Nutrition, scientists found that increasing daily calcium intake resulted in a greater reduction in body fat compared to diets without calcium.

It doesn’t have to be all dairy, though: Get more of the bone-strengthening nutrient in your diet with one of these seven surprising sources of calcium! > From fortified orange juice to figs, there are plenty of sweet and tasty options.

Tip 9: Snack on some almonds to target belly fat.

snack ideas

One of those calcium-rich foods: Almonds. Swapping those little brown nuts in place of a higher-carb snack has also been found to help people lose belly fat. In one study of 48 people with elevated “bad” cholesterol, published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, those who were given a daily almond snack lost fat in their legs and bellies, even if they didn’t lose weight.

As with any nutty snack, watch your portions. If you go overboard, a cup of almonds can add over 800 calories to your daily diet, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Consult your Grocery Guide and stick to a one PowerFuel serving: Two tablespoons of almonds can help you burn fat and stay on track.

Want to Shrink Your Belly? Stop Doing These 6 Things

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Tip 10: Have dark chocolate for dessert.

how to target belly fat

It’s a delicious way to end your day—and target that stubborn belly fat. Even for people who aren’t dieting, dark chocolate can help reduce belly fat: In one study, published in the European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, scientists studied women who had body weights in the “normal” range, but body fat levels in the “obese” range. When they gave some of these women dark chocolate each day, these study participants saw their waists shrink due to a loss of abdominal fat.

Luckily, Nutrisystem is the diet that embraces eating your favorites—like chocolate! Our Dark Chocolate Almond Bites are a delicious way to snack on dark chocolate while you lose weight.

Looking for more easy tips to lose belly fat? Explore our Diet and Nutrition section here on The Leaf! >

The post 10 Tips to Target Belly Fat appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf