Thursday, September 24, 2020

Getting back on that wagon

It’s been forever since I’ve visited or posted in this subreddit. I don’t think I need to delve deep into the details of why, we all know life has been pretty shitty here in the US these last few months. Pretty early on into quarantine, I just lost all my motivation. I graduated from grad school in May and since then I’ve just been sitting in my apartment, looking for a job while my partner is at work, eating whatever I wanted to soothe myself. For the past month, I’ve been slowly gearing myself up to get back on the weight loss wagon. I got one of those really small “portable” treadmills (I’m only 5’1”, so it’s like perfectly sized for me lol), I’ve been drinking a gallon of water everyday for the past two weeks, and I’ve cut down significantly on ordering takeout, though I haven’t really been that strict about my eating, just eating less than I was before. Guess what? I still lost 7.5 pounds this month! I’m sure most of its water weight and just drinking more water has helped a ton, but I’m still stoked! I feel like this was just what I need to relight my flame and I feel ready to jump back into this journey. I hope I can keep it up. I’ve only walked on my treadmill a couple times since I got it like a week ago, but I’m glad to have it now that I have my motivation back.

submitted by /u/ijustwantnetflix
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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