Friday, April 23, 2021

Day 1 of my last weight loss journey

i’m a female, 155 cm and 79 kg, which is the highest weight i’ve ever had. it now got to the point that i can’t wear clothes i want and am scared to go out. all my life i’ve been gaining and losing weight constantly. well i’m tired of it and i’m gonna lose 29 kilograms this year. i’m done with feeling uncomfortable in my body, i’m losing weight for the last time this year.

these are some things i’m gonna do:

  1. drink 2.5 litres of water a day
  2. walk 10k steps a day
  3. reduce my calorie intake
  4. be physically active everyday
  5. just take care of myself

writing this post to share my journey and keep myself accountable. gonna do my first update in a month, on 24/05/21. wish me luck!

submitted by /u/joana_stewart
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I (160cm F) am over 10k heavier than my (180cm) dad - really struggling

I'm really a daddy's girl and, according to my mother, the only one who can persuade my super stubborn dad into doing things. He has hypertension but refuses any medication and is "too fat" (his words, not mine, trust me) to do any sort of exercise.

His plan regarding his medical condition is to lose weight -> start running again ->his hypertension will fix itself. The issue arose when I asked him how is he planning on losing the aforementioned 5-7kg and got a non-committal "eat less?"

So, we had like an hour-long chat about CICO (he is an engineer through education, and he respected the thermodynamics of it), I even got him to buy a scale and he is now weighting everything! And lost his first pound! So I suppose my intervention has been helpful for him!

The issue arose when he told me his current weight. He, despite being a lot taller and a bloke, is a lot lighter than me. I climbed back onto the scale mid-March and I've managed to hit 110kg. I've lost almost 5kg since, so there's progress but he still is ahead that 10kg.

I cannot explain how disappointed I am with past Magda atm. I let myself to this point and I know that I can fix it. It also didn't help that I've injured my foot and cannot go walking let alone anything more strenuous to help my weight loss and my mental health.

I suppose it is a quick statement of fact more than anything - I need to acknowledge what I've done to myself first. I know how to fix it, but I also know it will take 18-24 months, and I will have to overcome a lot of self-sabotage/negative thoughts to keep on track.

Also, I'm getting evicted so that ain't great either. =C

But for today I am under my calorie goal and it is a Friday, so I suppose there's that? Happy Friday everyone!

submitted by /u/armiinna
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Dan Marino’s Game Plan for Success

Just like football, weight loss requires a strategy. Who knows better about a successful game plan than a Hall of Fame Quarterback? Long-term Nutrisystem ambassador Dan Marino shares his Getting Started Game Plan for a weight loss win. From perfecting your playbook to huddling with a coach, check out Dan’s top tips for success on Nutrisystem.

1. Get the NuMi App

man using numi app on smart phone

Every player needs a playbook. For Nutrisystem, that playbook is the NuMi app. It’s our FREE tracking app that’s easy to use and fits perfectly into your weight loss game plan.

Easily keep track of your daily meal plan, water intake, exercise and weight loss progress in one organized place. NuMi also has fun tracking challenges and provides easy access to healthy recipes, The Leaf and our a la carte shop. You even have the possibility of getting a surprise message from Dan himself! “The NuMi app is full of rewards and tips to keep you motivated,” says Dan.

NuMi 101: A Comprehensive Guide to Our Free Tracking App

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2. Call a Coach

man picking up a phone

Your Nutrisystem plan is simple. However, that doesn’t mean you have to go it alone. “Nutrisystem is more than just food,” says Dan. “It’s a complete system.” That’s why we offer one-on-one coaching with trained Weight Loss Coaches that are available for your support every step of the way. “They have coaches to answer any questions when you have them,” explains Dan.

Whether you’re a Nutrisystem rookie or a seasoned player, our Coaches are here to guide you, motivate you and support you. Even if you fumble and fall off the weight loss track, they can help you get back in the game. “They’ll help you create your own best game plan,” says Dan. “I want to give a shout out to the many dedicated coaches who help people every day.”

You can reach out to a Weight Loss Coach by phone, online chat or email right here! >

3. Set Goals

goal setting notebook

Get your head in the weight loss game by setting realistic goals that keep you motivated! “When you accomplish certain goals that you have and see the difference in your body and how you feel, it just gets you pumped up,” explains Dan. “It gets you more excited about losing more weight and working harder at it and continuing to see how your body changes.”

Tackle your goals and achieve them every time with our simple strategy! >

4. Stick to the Game Plan

Dan Marino

Whether you’re playing football or trying to lose weight, a game plan is key to success. Nutrisystem for Men provides you with a game plan for eating that’s simple, satisfying and specially designed to help guys lose weight. “Nutrisystem for Men is so easy to stick to. The food is great and you get to eat frequently,” states Dan.

Your weight loss plan allows you to eat every two to three hours. Make sure to follow the daily plan in your NuMi app and eat all of the food recommended to stave off hunger and cravings. During the first week, you will eat five times per day (three meals and two snacks). Going into week two, you get to eat six times per day (three meals and three snacks). Dan explains, “The snacks and shakes in-between meals helps you beat hunger throughout the day. You feel full because you are eating all day long.”

One-Week Sample Menu for Men

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5. Stay Hydrated

two glass of water

Any athlete will tell you that staying hydrated is key to their performance. The same thing applies to weight loss progress: Drinking water can help you achieve your goals. That’s why we recommend drinking 64 ounces of water each day on Nutrisystem for Men.

Score a touchdown on your daily water goals by setting a personalized reminder in the NuMi app. You can also invest in a sports water bottle that’s easy to take with you on the go.

Pro Tip: You can get a FREE Nutrisystem water bottle just for downloading the NuMi app!

Check out these 10 easy hacks to drink more water! > 

6. Get Moving

man walking outside on a path

Exercise isn’t required to lose weight on Nutrisystem for Men but it can really help to move things along. After week one, we encourage 30 minutes of physical activity each day.

“Get off the couch and start exercising,” says Dan. “I’ve been spending time on the recumbent bike to add flexibility to my knees due to surgery. I’m also walking and can’t wait to get on the golf course!”

Go for a walk around the neighborhood or incorporate some strength training into your routine. Just try to get up and move around every day. “It’s going to change your life and it’s going to make a difference. You’ll see it, and you’ll get excited about it and you’ll want to continue to do it,” explains Dan.

Pro Tip: Try splitting your 30 minutes of activity into three 10-minute increments throughout the day. This is the perfect solution if you have a busy schedule or are new to exercise. Get started with these 10-minute workouts! >

7. Power Up With Protein

grilled chicken breast on a cutting board

A meal plan high in protein will keep you satisfied, energized and ready to get back in the game. Protein is also more thermogenic than carbohydrates and fats, meaning it requires more energy for digesting and absorbing. This means that you’ll burn more calories eating a high-protein food compared to something higher in carbs and fat.

Your Nutrisystem menu combined with your favorite grocery additions provides you with the protein you need to achieve your goals. In week two, make sure to start incorporating lean protein PowerFuels like grilled chicken, eggs and low-fat cheese. Dan likes to stock up on Nutrisystem Protein and Probiotic Shakes so that he always has a quick and easy PowerFuel option on hand.

6 Cheap and Budget-Friendly PowerFuels to Stock Up On

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8. Pick Your Line-Up

Nutrisystem Hamburgers with different toppings

What makes Nutrisystem so special is that you don’t have to give up your favorite foods to lose weight. Being able to choose your top picks and eat your favorite meals and snacks makes it easier to stick to the game plan and see success.

Month one is all about trying different menu items and finding what you love. When it comes time for your second order, make sure to take full advantage of the customization that your program allows and select your second month line-up. “You can pick your own food and create your own menu,” explains Dan. “The burgers and the ice cream and all the different choices you have makes it more exciting. I think that the variety makes you want to work at it even more.”

What does Dan’s monthly order include? “The pastas are my favorite,” he says. “And you got to love the burgers!”

9. Follow Nutrisystem on Social Media

Dan Marino

Add some game-changing content to your social media feed by following Nutrisystem on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter! Whether you’re looking for meal plan tips or an a la carte deal, our pages are the place to go for all things Nutrisystem.

Join in on fun giveaways for a chance to score some awesome free stuff (think gift cards, Nutrisystem food and air fryers). Tune into frequent Facebook Live events for expert weight loss advice from Nutrisystem dietitians. Plus, be the first to know about new food launches and get Nutrisystem hacks to keep things interesting. You can also connect with other people on the plan for even more support and motivation!

10 Ways Following the Nutrisystem Facebook Page Will Help You Lose Weight

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The post Dan Marino’s Game Plan for Success appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

I've lost 23lbs since the 1st week of March. Here's the secret:

Eat less. Move more.

You need to look up your calorie estimate for weight loss. Here:

Eat the lesser amount of calories. For now, eat whatever you like. BUT count it. You will quickly see that a salad will get you further than a piece of cake or McDonalds. Or chips.

Get a fitness watch. Even a cheap one. $35. Amazon. Do it.

Walk and burn, walk and burn. Feel your body. Don't over do it. But you should feel it. Push yourself to stick to your calorie number. Walk daily. Shoot for 8000 steps. 10000 maybe. Whatever time you have, walk it.

You can even walk inside. YouTube virtual treadmill. Go on a city walk in Prague or something in front of your tele. Make sure you look up how to walk in place with proper form.

It will be slow at first. But you WILL lose weight.

I should have done this a decade ago*.

  • Male. 33. I've gone from 244 to 222 March to mid-April.
submitted by /u/a_very_small_table
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anyone having trouble processing themselves at a lower weight?

I think the title requires some explanation. I've never been very overweight, but not liking my body and wanting to be thinner has been with me my entire adult life. I'm currently 2 kg away from my goal. For the past few years, at the end of the year, I weighed a little less than the year before (as opposed to about ten years ago, when every year I gained a bit of weight). My partner and I are currently trying to lose those last few pesky kilograms together, both doing pretty well. And now I've decided that I might need to be at maintenance for a bit, because I'm psychologically utterly unprepared to be at my "goal" weight. WTF will I obsess about? How does liking my body fit into my personality? I've spend my ENTIRE adult life striving for this. Basically, I'm having trouble processing and feel like, weirdly, I'm not ready.

I want to get there. I want to get the little voice out of my head that focuses on everything that's wrong with my body. I know it's a bigger issue that extends to how I view life in general, and I don't want to hit the goal just to find something wrong again and set a new goal. I guess I'm putting too much "weight" in my "weight loss" (omg I'll let myself out). Just wanted to know if anyone else is experiencing this.

Thanks for letting me rant.

submitted by /u/cellar9
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Can't escape the plateau, becoming discouraged, looking for advice.

Last August, my wife and I made the decision that we needed to live a healthier lifestyle. We were both very overweight , very sedentary, and ate high calorie/heavily processed foods regularly. We slowly changed our eating habits (tracking all food with a scale), no more eating out, and setting a minimum step count of 5000 steps every day (goal was 10,000). Since then we've both made significant progress. I am 5'9", started at 227lbs and I now weigh 180lbs.

As of right now our diet is very healthy and controlled. No binging, (the occasional treat no more than once a week), and fairly well balanced (I think). We're more active than I ever thought we could be. I do strength training mon, wed, fri, and yoga tues and thurs. I also do 15 - 30 mins of running each of those days (depending on the strength/yoga workout to round it out to a solid hour of exercise). We also get out and move on weekends, whether it's yard work, hiking, or even booting around the mall.

Here's my problem, I've plateaued at 180lbs and I can't escape it. I've been this exact weight for almost 3 months now. I've tried changing my diet (adding protein and fiber, reducing carbs, and even adding more carbs). I've tried to vary my exercise routine more (adding in weights, adding in more cardio, different exercises, increasing intensity). Tried taking circumference measurements (in case increased muscle was offsetting weight loss), but my body seems like its just done changing. *Caveat, I do have a thyroid condition. My medication has been slowly reduced (due to the weight loss) , but I've been stable on that for a while now.

I've gone from being ecstatically proud of myself, with my efforts clearly paying off, to now wondering "why should I even bother?" (I gained 2lbs this week). I'm sure someone else out there has plateaued longer than they thought they should've, and I'm just looking for any advice you fine people are willing to give.

Thank you

submitted by /u/Vund3rkind
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss rate going down after adding exercise. Is it normal ?

Hello Losers. I'm a 23 years old male SW 144,5Kg (318,5lbs) CW 138,9 (306,4lbs) Height 193cm (6'4). I'm on my 5th week of doing CICO and as you can see by my stats I've already Lost 5,6kg (a little over 12 pounds). I'm eating 2000 calories each day, tracking with My Fitness Pal. On the last 2 weeks I added exercise to my weight loss plan, I've be doing around 40 minutes of cardio 3x a week and weight training 6x times a week (45 minutes to an hour targeting diferent muscle groups each day in a 3 day cycle that repeats itself). The problem is that I have Lost less weight on the weeks that I exercised than on the ones that I didn't

Week 1: 2 KG ( 4,4lbs) A lot of water weight I guess

Week 2: 1,3 KG (2,8 lbs)

Week 3: 1,3 KG (2,8 lbs)

Week 4: 0,1 KG ( 0,2 lbs) that was a shock

Week 5: 0,9 KG (2 lbs)

Am I doing something wrong ? Did my metabolism slowed down after 3 weeks ? Am I already getting muscle from weight training ?

I have a home digital scale, I weight myself every Friday first thing in the morning, naked.

submitted by /u/BigCube13
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from loseit - Lose the Fat