Friday, December 9, 2022

I just realized that I'm not obese anymore!!!!!

I'm literally so excited right now. This morning I weighed in at 207. I've been losing since the summer, and I'm down around 30 lbs since I started losing weight. This is the first time in several years that I've had a BMI that isn't considered obese, and just overweight. I'm literally so happy about this. I've struggled with weight loss for such a long time, most of my childhood really, so the fact that it's finally working for me is awesome and amazing. Twink body here I come.

For real though, this sub has been so helpful for me. The amount of tips, advice, and support I've gotten in here has been literally essential to me getting here. Thank y'all so much. Tracking calories works!!

submitted by /u/jolygoestoschool
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Progress is slowing, feeling frustrated/unsatisfied, need some tips to keep going

I feel kind of embarrassed to be even posting this because my last few posts were so optimistic + full of motivation.

I successfully gone from 192lbs/87kg to 144lbs/65kg.

But the progress is slowing down more, I expected this to happen but I didn’t realize how frustrating it would be for me. I’m short, a tad over 5’1 (155cm).

It took me almost 3 months to get from 155lbs -> 144 lbs. I’m averaging around 3 pounds a month, when in the past I was averaging 8-12lbs a month.

My TDEE is only about 1600 calories a day, and to pull off a 400 cal deficit I can only eat 1200 cal a day and it doesn’t feel like enough. I’m always hungry.

When I first started weight loss, I could eat 1600/Cals a day and fill full and successfully lose. Not the case anymore. I don’t feel satisfied on a 1200 cal budget like I did when I was eating 1600 cal.

I started going to the gym and doing more walking/jogging 3-4 times a week to help out but it’s only making me hungrier and grumpier. I will burn around 200-300 calories a gym session, but on the days I do that I can’t stick to 1200/cal and usually end up eating 1600/cal due to hunger which stalls my progress more.

I tried to up my protein but I still find myself so hungry. That extra ~400 calorie difference between 1200 & 1600 feels extremely important to me and I feel like I can’t sustain 1200/day for another 6 months to hit my goal weight.

Any tips from the shorties out there that have to stick to such a low calorie amount per day?

submitted by /u/Trippymeow77
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Intentional 126 pound lost in approximately 10 months

I've been on a weight loss journey since late February of last year (started at 360 pounds), and my process is limiting myself to 2000 calories a day. I don't partake in exercise, however my job requires some physical labor, such as unloading trucks and walking for 7 1/2 hours a day (workdays are 9 hours). Is this normal? I'm currently a 30-year-old male, 5"8 in height. Any information would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/Eddarix
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do you consistently track calories over long periods of time? I am tired of falling off the wagon.

I have tried calorie counting more times than I can recall. I did it for the first time 13 years ago. I have the food scales, the apps, the motivational articles, you name it.

Every time I last between 2-12 weeks.

Every time I gain back to the weight I lost and it brings friends.

I've done it with help from an online professional (IIFYM).

I've done it with a buddy.I've tried to slowly change one habit per week. I've combined it with intermittent fasting. I've cut out carbs. I've done volume eating. I've purchased the low calorie alternatives. I've embraced my favorite foods and just eaten less. I've found recipes with high protein. I've focused on getting more water. I've watched the nutrition videos. I've listened to the podcasts about losing weight, and the ones about health at any size.

I am getting bigger and bigger every year and I am so tired of trying and failing.

I do not know what to do anymore. I just can't seem to keep up the habits long enough to maintain weight loss.

CW: probably 185, I can't bring myself to step on the scale. Female 32 5'4".

Does anyone have any tips for remembering to calorie count when the initial motivation wears off?

submitted by /u/superblyfeatured
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, December 8, 2022

For Once, I Don't Feel Hopeless

Felt like I needed to finally throw my journey out here for motivation and accountability, and also a little celebration.

I (19F) finally began to take my weight loss journey seriously only a week ago, started at 208 last week, weighed in this morning at 205. It's such a small loss, but after about a year now of saying "I need to lose weight" after my doctor advising me to, I finally have some kind of progress, I've vowed to myself that this it's now or never for me, if I don't start now, it'll just be even harder to do in the future.

Just had to tell someone about this accomplishment, 3lbs down, 45 more to go, cheers to that!

submitted by /u/classcrustacean
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feeling discouraged :(

Hey Reddit. Really need some support and encouragement now.

Last year I made great progress in weight loss and lost 7lbs (from 140 to 132lbs, I’m 5’2, 34F). Then this year shit hit the fan. My rheumatoid arthritis flared up terribly. I was prescribed with SSRI for anxiety and prednisone for the flare up.

With limited mobility due to joint inflammation, corticosteroid, and SSRI… I gained all weight back and now I was back to 140lbs again in October.

Since then finally my flare up has subsided, and have tapered off prednisone since early October. And been off of SSRI since May.

Now I’m back into working out 3x a week with a personal trainer, and maintaining about 1300 calories a day (some bad days 1500 calories but I try my best to be consistent with diet). Now I’m cutting down to 1250 cal a day and counting macros.

Since October 25, I’ve only lost 2 lbs. I don’t really notice that much of a difference either.

I am feeling really discouraged because I feel I took 2 steps forward and now 5 steps back, and it seems like no matter what I do, the fat loss just isn’t happening. I know some of you will say I need to eat less, work out more, do more. I really feel the past 6 weeks I’ve given all that I could - not drinking alcohol, and no eating out with friends (which is not fun), and it seems to go nowhere.

Any encouragement or advice would be really helpful. Thanks

submitted by /u/sia_the_cat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do I stop bingeing for good?

I had done so good for about a month - found a new sport for me, eliminated all snacking (except for fruit and the like when I am actually hungry) and thought I had really beaten my addiction to sugar. I'd been feeling great and healthy. Been progressing steadily at 0.5 to 1 kg weight loss per week.

Well... It only took one night of working late on a report and here I am after munching a whole 180 grams of milk chocolate (that's the whole tablet). I just went for one little bite because I was desperate to do something else other than work and then I just... was in a daze or something. I feel like shit and I am really not looking forward to sugar-induced nightmares and the hell that is fighting my body's cravings for sugar (I had stopped having them!!!).

Why did I do this to myself knowing very well it was wrong and how do I actually stop for good?

submitted by /u/Entire_Depth_3553
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from loseit - Lose the Fat