Thursday, December 22, 2022

i am 165 lbs today !!

f/18 5'2" sw: 183 cw: 165 <3

today has been a great day for me :) i am officially 18 lbs down since i started tracking my calories and food intake in late july. i know it isn't a very monumental weight loss, but seeing the number on the scale finally be 165 was genuinely shocking. 165 is a number i haven't seen since the summer of 2018, i haven't weighed that much since i was 13-14 years old. everything is starting to feel a lot less impossible, i finally feel like i can do it this time. i finally feel like i don't have to be obese my entire life, that i don't have to struggle with chronic back and hip pain and awful digestive issues at eighteen years old. i can actually feel my collarbones and wrist bones again which is amazing, i honestly forgot they were even there lmao. and even though i've only lost a couple pounds shy of 20, my clothes fit so much better and so much more comfortably already. i can't wait to hit 20 lbs down, then 30, 40 and onward-- i'm actually going to do it this time!!

anyways, obligatory details on how i've achieved my 18 pound weight loss :)

- i use my fitness pal as a general guide. i try to stay around ~1200-1400 calories max per day, but i'm not as strict or disciplined as i could be. however i do count absolutely everything that goes into my mouth, even something as small as eating a piece of cheese while cooking is extra calories i have to take into account. what i mean by that is i count my calories when i remember, and if i go over my calories for the day i add in extra movement like going for a 30 minute walk + at home youtube workout videos (so all together, roughly 50 minutes of movement) i find that working out intentionally every other day has been far more successful for me than doing it everyday and i mentally envision going over my calories for the day for a treat (e.g. a pastry or a drink from starbucks) as a fair trade for extra movement. ("i can totally have this treat right now, but then afterwards i need to listen to some music and move my body to make up for it.")

- i try not to finish all of my food unless i'm really hungry. what i mean about this is i eat until i'm satisfied and then i wrap the rest of it up and eat the rest later. a lot of the time i'm having one meal twice through out the day which is a fraction of the calories

- i force myself to move *far more* than i ever had in my entire life. when i decided i wanted to lose weight, i also decided i wanted to be a lot more productive. so everyday i make myself get up and do some light cleaning, make my bed and do the dishes, wash the floors, etc. my home stays cleaner and my body stays far more active. i also have two lovely dogs and instead of letting them out into the yard i now bundle myself up to walk them myself every single day

- before i quit my job to focus on school, i was working in retail which is similar to what i said above. adding in any kind of extra movement throughout the day, even if it only burns 30-50 calories definitely adds up in the grand scheme of things.

- it sounds really cliche, but eating less and moving more has been behind all of my success. not letting myself be lazy and sit around and eat all day but actually going out, being productive and having a meal when its *meal time* instead of when i'm bored or want something to snack on while i watch youtube or play games has really helped me

i hope this helps :D

submitted by /u/mochamop
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost 25 pounds but notice no difference

I’m F 5’6 started at 180 and now I’m 155 . So 25 pounds and I notice no difference. Nothing what’s so ever. It’s mind fuckinf me up and I’m convinced every scale is lying to me at this point. I bought 2 already . Both say the same thing.

People say when you lose weight you’ll notice and feel it but I don’t not even a little bit. I guess 25 isn’t that much but hell I thought my tummy would be gone but it’s the same size I didn’t even start off that big I guess since I wasn’t even over 200. But it sucks I notice no difference in how I look. No one even says anythifn to me about my weight loss either .

What the fuck is happening

submitted by /u/username028203
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Struggling to control my diet, which is making weight loss extremely tough. Help?

I've been having eating problems ever since I was young, to where I eat until the point where I feel the need or come close to wanting to puke. Only at that point do I feel full. And honestly, I feel disgusted with myself and hate myself almost every time.
I have been trying to control my diet by eating slower, making sure I chew my food and eating much cleaner with more vegetables and less fast food.
I've definitely lost a few pounds and managed my weight eating "cleaner", but the problem I just can't get over is continuing to eat.
Even after eating a good sized portion of food, I just cannot feel "full" and feel the need to continue to eat. So I'll snack on something in the next 30min to hour. I've been getting better about it by limiting how much I snack on. In the beginning, I could kill a whole family sized bag of chips, but now I'll eat a 2-4 small individual sized bag of gold fish. However, I just don't feel full and continue to fight off trying to eat.
Does anyone have recommendations on how to eat less while being able to achieve being full?

submitted by /u/Puzzled-Bee7583
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

My mom is overweight, I need help how to support her.

Hi all, I'm not sure if this is the correct way to go about this but I am at a loss and I just want to be a support or aid in helping my mom to lose weight. My mother is about 320~ pounds, and is diabetic which I know adds in another layer to this.

My mom struggles to get herself up out of most sitting situations, and usually does not move throughout the day unless it is to go to the bathroom. My heart breaks for her and I want her so badly to enjoy her retirement to the fullest extent. I can tell she is on the cusp of being fed up and wanting to make a change. She has made small breakthroughs prior to this (getting on the peleton, walking on the treadmill for a few minutes, etc), and is currently using apps to count calories.

I myself am going through my own weight loss journey and I understand that until you yourself want to do it, you cannot be forced to. I will be moving back in with them for a few months next year and I want to do anything and everything I can to help encourage her during that time. She makes remarks about herself and knows that she needs to lose weight but always says working out hurts, she can't do this, etc. I never ever shame her or make any comments on her weight, I only comment back when she is making crappy remarks about herself (I say things like "I know it sucks but we have to keep going to see results, if it hurts too much its okay to rest today we'll be back at it again tomorrow"). She will make about a weeks effort to work out and then gets really mad/sad and goes back to old habits.

My question to you all, is how can I support her or help move in the right direction? Do I ask her to work out with me while I'm home with them? How can I help her take her small strides and make them longer strides? Are there any specific work out tools I can buy her that will maybe not be so intense but at least can get her moving that worked for anyone here?

Thank you so much for reading, and in advance for any feedback.

submitted by /u/proxymoore
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How many Premier Protein drinks can/should one drink a day?

They’re so good! And so much protein! My trainer/nutritionist says probably only one because it’s best to get your nutrients from actual food, but I’ll do that once I get to a certain point in my weight loss lol

I don’t have the time (or honestly the motivation) to cook and they’re so easy to drink. I’ve been having a hard time getting all my necessary protein in.

What do you think? I would be nice to get 60g of protein through two drinks. If not, what are your favorite easy ways to up your protein intake?

submitted by /u/matchamaker88
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How often / when to diet break?

Hey friends -

I've been on an extremely slow cut for the last 6 months or so (15 lbs down in that time), from around 155 at 5'5". I'm now sitting at 139-138ish and going at a pretty steady .5lbs loss per week (sometimes a little slower).

However, it's been awhile since I took my last diet break (back in Oct. for a trip to Italy, just two weeks), and I'm really starting to feel it get a little difficult to go below ~2200 cals/day (maintenance is somewhere between 2300-2500 est.) without being majorly hungry.

Since I don't have any concrete goals except be around 134 by June/July - do you guys think it's time for a longer diet break to help my metabolism/body recover from the continuous weight loss? I feel like it could be a good idea but I'm hesitant that I'm just losing willpower and should push through these last 5 lbs or so.

Happy to hear if anyone has any tips or advice!

submitted by /u/FaZhaoxin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


So I'm curious if anyone else has dealt with this... I recently reconnected with an old friend that I haven't seen since losing 100 lbs. I get all the normal "wow, you look so much different!" and "you lost how much?!" Can't forget "I'm so proud of you!"

While I don't judge overweight/obese people, I personally don't celebrate weight loss because my mentality is "I never should've gotten to this point anyways." Of course I enjoy hearing the compliments as it motivates me, but that's not the purpose of this post.

This friend I reconnected with and even a handful of family members have asked me how it feels to have lost so much weight, and I usually say something along the lines of "I feel less tired and looser, but in a good way." Stuff like that. And a couple of times I've been asked if I plan to lose anymore, to which I reply (sarcastically) "I still don't have a 6 pack" usually met with laughs. This friend laughed but also said "you look good now, why would you want to lose more?" And it's kinda just weird.

I'm still considered overweight for my height and have a fair amount of body fat lingering in a lot of areas. And most important, I'm still not happy with how I look/feel. I relayed that to him and he kinda said something about being shallow.

Am I shallow for thinking that way? Has anyone else dealt with this? How do you deal with people that say that kinda stuff? I didn't really say anything else because I don't know what to say, it's just confusing. Sorry if this gets posted all the time or I sounds whiny, I just wanna know how other people feel about hearing remarks like that. Thanks.

submitted by /u/Acrobatic_Soft_7120
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from loseit - Lose the Fat