Friday, December 23, 2022

Why can’t I lose weight it’s so frustrating and hard UGH…

Says the girl who….

  1. Drinks wine or margaritas everyday.
  2. Orders door dash every night, sometimes twice.
  3. Eats candy and other junk foods regularly.
  4. Wakes up at 11am, eats a healthy breakfast then proceeds to eat nothing all day until 9pm when she has dinner only to trigger her appetite and start binging on snacks and frozen food till 2am.
  5. Doesn’t work out or when she does it’s low intensity.
  6. Did a bunch of drugs in college which caused severe weight loss and addiction and is wondering why the healthy route isn’t fast enough.
  7. Went through a traumatic experience and needs to understand that unhealthy habits were adopted to cope. And it’s ok if you gained 40lbs, what matters is you want to bounce back, you’ve been trying and trying, you’ve been seeking professional help, and soon those new habits you’re learning to adopt will show you results.

I’m 29F, 173 lbs and my goal is to reach 130 lbs. It took a year to gain all this weight, it’ll take a year to lose it. I constantly complain about my weight, so I’m calling myself out.

submitted by /u/TheGhostOfGiggy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

why do I have to eat so little?


Sorry for the long read

I have an issues when it comes to dieting. I'm male, 5'8, 160lbs. I've been on a weight loss journey for about 4 months. I now eat 1250 - 1300 calories a day. The first 2 months i ate 1500 calories a day and lost about 1lb per week. After that I started losing less weight each week so I dropped the calories to 1400. I started to lose about 1lb a week again after I did that. I know you need to adjust your calorie intake as you lose more weight, but I thought I would still lose 1lb a week on 1500, but I didn't. I dropped the calories again after little more than a month to 1300.

So my question is, why can't I eat more calories and still lose weight? I think someone of my weight should be able to eat more.

And I'm pretty sure i'm tracking the things I eat correctly.

I weigh everything I eat on my food scale. I weigh the banana without the peel, I weigh my iceberg lettuce I eat every day, I weigh the taco sauce I eat every day, I weigh the popcorn. I weigh everything. I drink sodas but with sweeteners instead of sugar, so almost no calories in that. I weigh myself every day as well.

I even calculate the actual calories from the grams of protein, fats and carbs that's on the nutrition labels, becuase sometimes it doesn't add up to what it says how much calories there's supposed to be in 100 grams of a product.

So it seems unlikely that i'm counting my calories incorrectly. I eat pretty much the same few foods each day, I like it and it's easier that way. Maybe not the healthiest but that's not my main concern for now.

With that said, I know the nutrionlabels can be off by 10-20% when it comes to a products caloric content.

My theory why i have to eat so little, is that i have lower muscle mass than the average person in relation to the body fat i carry. When i was 132lbs, I looked skinny-fat. My arms and upper chest looked very skinny, but I still carried a decent amount of fat on my body. That's still the case today. So when people see me, they think I'm skinny because of my arms and upper chest, but they don't see my stomach or my lower body, such as my thighs.


submitted by /u/beebaahz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wellbutrin, Metformin, and LDN

I’m about to start a combination of all 3 for weight loss along with PCOS symptoms. Has anyone been on all three? Did you see a decrease in your weight? I’m aware I still need to follow calories in/calories out to see change regardless of medication or not. I’ve been counting calories for about 6 months and the weight is still coming off SO slowly. I’d like to know if these helped the weight loss process for anyone.

submitted by /u/feet_fatale_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Getting ozempic in Canada

Has anyone had any luck with this? I would like to lose some weight and I really find i can’t get any thinner! I am a vegetarian. I est a lot of fruits and vegetables and focus on getting protein. I probably eat a bit too much sugar. I run 6km a few times a week. I would like to be leaner and this drug is really intriguing to me.

This is a drug for diabetes but I know that it has been fda approved for weight loss. I am 5’8 and shift between 140-150 pounds. Losing 20 or 30 pounds would be ideal for me. Thanks

submitted by /u/yayayayayayagirl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Current Status

• start date 11/6/22

• age 32

• gender male

• height 5'8

• starting weight 328.8

• current weight 307.6

• goal weight 175

• what's your current plan? Intermittent fasting 22+ hours a day with a 30 min eating window 22+/30mins. I'll keep doing the Keto diet it's been working for me. I strive to drink at least 65oz of water a day. I try to sleep 6 hours a day and I weigh myself every day. I use the Fasting Tracker app to keep up with my water intake and weight loss progress and fasting times. I've lost 20.2 in 46 day and I'm curious to see what happens in the next 46 days.

submitted by /u/Necessary_Isopod2186
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I hit 146lbs today!!

5’9” sw: 191lbs cw: 146lbs

After 1 year of diet/workout, and 3 months of CICO and daily exercise, i an officially 45lbs down.

I am about 5 lbs from my goal weight, but it feels monumental that I have been able to sustain such a weight loss, after struggling for years.

I used MyFitnessPal to track my caloric intake, and have averaged about 1610 calories in the past 100 days. Simply cutting out junk food, drinking more coffee and water, and making sure I dont binge eat at night.

Also did heavy weight lifting 5-7 days a week, on a split! Went to the gym for 1.5 hours a day, and sauna for recovery!!

Just took consistency, and even though there were times without motivation, consistency is key.

submitted by /u/esk8_one
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

"losing weight won't make you happy" is the truth but not entirely.

What do you think? As the title says, I hate how this saying is thrown around way too much. After loosing 20kg (sw 98kg, cw 78kg) I can tell you that of course It doesn't solve all your problems or make you magically happy.

What loosing a large amount of weight does to your mood is that it first of all makes you feel comfortable. Its this inner equilibrium. When you're larger, existing is uncomfortable. Standing, walking, sitting and breathing all feel like you're a maximum capacity ballon. That feeling goes away.

The saying is the truth, but also a lie. The happiness people like to confuse weight loss with is that it doesn't heal their with longterm depression. The type of happiness you do feel is for example in clothes being a lot looser, or old items fitting a lot better. My personal favourite; unlocking new bone definition and tendons. I stare at my hands way too much, I feel the bones in my back and I look at how hollow my armpits are. Those things are the real small happiness moments that loosing weight brings.

submitted by /u/Worryaboutanything
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from loseit - Lose the Fat