Sunday, October 28, 2018

Reality Check/Advise Me Fam

So... a couple months ago I was in a wedding. A groomsman specifically. Wow when those pictures came back I was super embarrassed. I look like dogshit. Still do. So I mulled it over and decided to start dieting.

I started doing Keto I like it ok even though I don't like Bacon and Eggs lol. I was solidly diligent the only time I cracked was my dad's birthday party, we had a crawfish boil and I had some potatoes. Otherwise two solid months of Keto with an average calorie intake of 1000/day. I never really felt results but I have run out of belt holes in the good way so I reckon it must be working.

Last week I went on vacation and I'd absolutely be lying if I said I kept my diet but I also didn't do anything hugely extreme. Generally I didn't even finish my dinner because I was full, another promising sign, but I definitely didn't even try to follow it diligently.

I got back today and decided to face my fear and step on a scale for the first time in... Probably more than 5 years. I weighed 390.... That's 40 more than I would have guessed I weighed before I started dieting.

Needless to say I'm going to continue dieting. I could honestly eat even less. I really have only been eating on this diet just because I know I should as opposed to being hungry. That's a blessing I know but I'm also concerned about not getting full effect out of my calorie deficit.

I have a strong will and can do whatever to lose weight, I've just always wanted to eat (lots of) good/interesting things more than I wanted to look good until now. I'm under no delusion that it's taken a lot of years to get to this level of fatass and that it will take time to undo it but I also want to make sure I'm doing it in an efficient manner.

I spose that leads me to my question. Is there anything I can do to improve my overall weight loss and make sure that I'm losing weight effectively/consistently?

TL;DR Fat guy surprised how fat he is even after starting diet for couple months, how to ensure success beyond just netting fewer calories.

submitted by /u/WowImFatSadFace
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Today I made a decision, I'm making some changes. I'm fed up being fat.

Long time lurker on my old account, virgin poster! Apologies if the format is wonky I'm on mobile.

So as the title suggests I've hit the proverbial brick wall with my weight. I stumbled on this sub by accident a week or so ago, since then I've basically lingered and the cogs of the old brain have started turning again. I've read some amazing stories, seen some fantastic and utterly inspiring before and after photos. I want that. I want one of amazing body transformation photos to be of me (not a super toned physique but a healthy bmi would be amazing for the first time in 20 years) I've been heavy since my teens. It's never really been a bother to me until recently. Clothes have got tighter and i don't like how I look in them. I've always been the funny fat girl. However I've never been this weight before. Good God I got a shock when I dusted those bathroom scales off this morning.

This sub has given me a confidence boost to start. THANK YOU! If you can do it so can I. Going to track everything that passes my lips on loseit and weigh myself every Sunday.

(34 F, 245lb) hopefully the last time I'll ever write that again.

Feels rather good to have actually "said out loud" and not feel too ashamed/embarrassed of my weight/weight loss plans. Thanks for taking the time to read my post strangers on the internet :)

submitted by /u/loyalpotato34
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

2 Year plateau after 170lb total weight Loss - Need help please [M/36/5'11"]

I am looking for some big picture perspective/help/advice related to my long-term weight loss progress over the last 5+ years. Specifically, about 5 years ago I started an intentional plan to lose weight at 392lbs after getting a bunch of different bad health diagnoses at once.

After the first year, I was down to about 290, and started exercising regularly. I spent about a year on a plateau between 270-290, and then went from 270 to 220 in about a 6 month period. However, the last 2 years, I've been "stuck" between 220 and 230, seemingly no matter what I do or try.

Now, with that said, I'm really, really happy that, for 2 years, I've been consistently keeping off 170lbs. I have continued to consistently exercise, log my eating on MFP, and maintain a generally healthy diet; although, obviously eating enough calories to maintain 220-230. Usually, I'll go on a drive to try to get below 200lbs and start eating 2100 calories, or 2400+aggressive exercise, go from 228 to 218 over 6 weeks, and then my weight will creep back up to 225 over the next 10 weeks, at which time I'll repeat this process again, seemingly to no end.

I would estimate that I'm around 25% body fat right now, and I want to get down to below 15%, which I would estimate I would need to be maybe around 175lbs. I feel like I really need some "big picture" advice/perspective, and any help anyone would be willing to offer would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

submitted by /u/hellohowa
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight Loss by Eating More

I'm 7 months post op from my top surgery. One month of resting up later, I realized I had gained quite a bit of weight. I've been struggling with anorexia for 6 or 7 years now, and my body has been in starvation mode, so I've been hanging onto every single calorie and getting chubbier despite my eating disorder's efforts.

One month after surgery I was 180 pounds standing at 5'5". I downloaded Recovery Record, an app that had me not counting calories, but checking in about how I felt about my meals and whether I had restricted and what I had eaten. I slowly have been working up to one full meal and a few snacks if I feel able per day. While eating more I have been able to actually lose weight, and now at 7 months post op I am at 155 lbs. My goal is 140, and I'm adding in a second meal soon to try to work myself back to normal eventually.

Someday I know I'll just eat without thinking about it, but for now I'm really proud of myself for finding a way to make myself healthier while really trying to recover for the first time in my life.

( is an imgur photo of my progress so far)

submitted by /u/dantspot
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Struggling a month in.

A month ago I decided I was going to lose weight (not for the first time) after seeing a picture of myself that really showed me for the first time how big I’d gotten. I went out and bought scales, which showed me I was 17 stone 8. At 5’2, that equates to a lot of weight on a small frame. I also bought food scales, joined the gym and started logging what I ate.

For the first 2 weeks or so it was going really well. I was eating much less and a bit better, and I lost nearly half a stone.

Then I fell off the wagon after a night out with my team two weeks in. I had a takeaway, which in itself isn’t too bad on occasions. A couple of days later I made jam tarts, with the intention of eating a couple and saving the rest. I ate all 12 within a few hours and was so disappointed in myself.

I haven’t lost any weight in the last two weeks, and I feel like I’m failing. I went to the gym earlier, couldn’t complete the couch to 5k Run I was trying to do and gave up completely after half an hour. Then I went to the shop and bought a big bag of crisps and chocolate fingers, I’ve eaten nearly half of each.

One of the girls on my team has invited me to slimming world with her, to see what I think and I’m in two minds about going. I tried to talk to my mum about it, and she basically told me I shouldn’t bother and it’s a waste of time and money. I feel like I have no support in my weight loss from my family and I’m just going to end up failing and putting on more weight like I have done every time.

Has anyone else felt like this, and if so, how did you get past this because I’m really struggling at the moment?

TL:DR struggling to lose weight and scared of failing again.

submitted by /u/klstew142
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Hard to find motivation as an inverted triangle.

Hi. I'm an extreme I inverted triangle body type. I am Female 5'2, 200 lbs with measurements, from top to bottom: 47-41-43.

Weightloss pictures are a big motivation for me. When I feel like stopping, I have a plethora of images I can look at and think "I can look like that one day." Problem is, the more weight I lose, the more apparent my body shape is. Is there anyone out there with my body shape or similar that went through this, and how did you find motivation in a world full of women who don't look like you. And if you lost weight, did your body shape change, or did it even out? Just in general, wanting to discuss inverted triangle weight loss and the special challenges that come with that. Did pants ever fit better? Did bulking your be-hind help? What were your struggles? Do you have progress pics? Are there certain foods you avoided because of their propensity to store abdominal fat? Just, anything inverted triangle related.

Note: I realize that health is the number one goal for fitness, but no one can deny aesthetics is a big part of the motivation behind it. I also realize that not every woman looks alike, but most women do carry more weight on their hips and less in their breasts than I do. My body shape is truly hard to find.

submitted by /u/sagginapples
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Nausea, ears ringing, and faint

Hi everyone!

So I'm about to start trying to lose weight again but now I'm kind of scared to exercise. So in previous years when I've went into a weight loss phase, I would be able to exercise quite rigorously and improve my physical fitness with no problem. Now I'm at my highest weight, 240, and even when I do light exercise (e.g. riding a bike) I feel nauseous, my ears start ringing, and I am near fainting after not even riding for very long. Something that would be an easy stroll for most people. This never used to happen with such light exercise, maybe when I worked out pretty hard for a long time. But now I feel like I have no endurance. I also feel this way sometimes if I take a hot shower for too long and have literally almost passed out in the shower a few times. Does this happen to anyone else? I will admit that I do need to drink more water. If you've dealt with this, how did you gradually work your way up? I used to be able to do so much more despite being out of shape but I guess I pushed my health to the limit this time, idk. Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/iheartot
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from loseit - Lose the Fat