Thursday, July 25, 2019

Is it Possible to Lose Weight but Not Feel Like You are Starving?

Hello All!!

In some way or another my whole life I have been up and down with my weight. Currently I am trying to shed a few pounds so my clothes fit better and I feel better. My past experiences always had me believing... if I feel hungry it must be working!! I started a new eating plan (I don't want to say Diet, as I been there done that and it never works) that I hope is something I can maintain for most of my days to ensure I don't gain back weight as I have in the past when I'd lose it. I just started, so I haven't lost any weight yet but I don't feel hungry so I feel like this might not work! What is your experience with food and losing weight? Were you able to without those terrible hunger pains?! For example, today I prepped most my meals last night and this was my menu for today:

Breakfast: 177 grams of plain Greek Yogurt with honey/fresh berries and 16 grams of granola

Snack Break: Small fresh fruit cup

Lunch: Spaghetti Squash with baked 5oz chicken breast with 125 grams of sauce and 1/3 cup of non fat mozzarella shredded cheese

Snack Break - 70 grams of cucumbers with 2 tbsp of Hummus

Dinner: Steamed mix veggies with 6oz baked chicken breast

I drink coffee/water/green tea throughout the day as well. I also work out pretty often, which is not my problem with my weight loss... FOOD and Alcohol are my enemies. With the above I get around 1300 calories and I don't feel like I'm starving and in my mind I think I should be to lose the weight... is this just some weird mental thing for me to think that way? Did you lose weight and not feel hungry?!

Just curious! I am also new here, so HELLO!!

submitted by /u/meekodatcat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Pro tip to curb snacking (for folks with crooked teeth and an extra $2k lying around)

My incremental reward for hitting 35lbs down was to get invisible aligners for my teeth. They weren't super crooked, mainly just one wonky bottom tooth that migrated out of place due to stubborn 14-year-old me not wearing her retainers after braces. The weight loss and tooth straightening are both part of an overall glow-up plan I'm working on in advance of my wedding in September.

I went with one of those internet mail-order orthodontics companies. Got a 3D scan of my teeth, and three weeks later a box full of 7 months' worth of molded plastic braces.

Wearing these things forces you to stop snacking between meals, because you can't eat with the aligners in, they're a pain in the ass to take out, you have to wear them 22+ hours/day, and you have to brush your teeth after every time you eat or drink anything but water. It is incredibly inconvenient. Weight loss is a common side-effect, even for people who aren't actively trying to lose weight.

Six months later, I've lost just about 50lbs more for a total of 84lbs down, and my teeth are almost perfectly straight (and sparkly white as hell due to brushing 4x/day). My wonky tooth is oh-so-close to being in position with just two sets of aligners left.

Pretty sure my coworkers think I'm bulimic since I've dropped so much weight and I'm always brushing my teeth in the bathroom after lunch.

Anyway, it's not for everybody, but if you have a bad snacking habit and need your teeth fixed, it's a good way to learn new habits. After my aligner program is done I plan to continue brushing my teeth after most meals to signal that eating time is over.

submitted by /u/1byteatatime
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

17 y/o guy - start of weight loss journey

Hey, so I'm 17 years old and am wanting to lose weight. There's a bit of a backstory:

From the age of 13 I've suffered a lot with my mental health - depression, anxiety, dysphoria, low self esteem etc. As a way to deal with these feelings I messed around with food. At 14 my weight plummeted from 105lbs to 70lbs. I then got back up to 110lbs, before turning to binge eating as a coping mechanism and ending up at 140lbs which is where I am today.

140lbs may not seem massive, but I'm only 5'2" (I'm trans, so biologically female) and this does put me as overweight. As well as making me feel physically unfit, being overweight is worsening my dysphoria. I need to slim down for the sake of my physical and mental health.

I don't know why, but today I just had this surge of motivation to do something about it. I'm going to lose 30lbs and go back to being 110lbs, because that's where I looked best - and more importantly, it's where I felt happiest. I'm going to be counting calories, eating healthier and upping my exercise.

Just thought I'd create this post in order to give myself an extra push. Writing it down will hopefully encourage me to stick at it.

Let's do this :)

submitted by /u/joeski78
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I decided to change my life for the better six months ago today, and I’m 72 lbs down. I would like to thank the r/loseit community for being such a great resource and source of support during my journey! (SFW progress pics included.)

24F, 5’7”, SW: 336 lbs, CW: 264 lbs

Today is my six month anniversary!

I hit my highest weight at the beginning of this year, reaching 336 lbs. My life had gotten miserable. At that point, I had spent nearly two years with severe back pain that kept getting worse and worse, to the point that I was essentially housebound. I had been obese ever since childhood when I started using food as a maladaptive coping mechanism. I didn’t think I was worth caring for, so I had spent years neglecting my health and abusing my body.

But then one day something clicked and I was ready to lose the weight. On January 25th, I decided to turn my life around. I had tried many times throughout my life to lose weight, but this time felt different. For the first time, I was being compassionate towards myself. Instead of viewing weight loss as a way to punish myself, my perspective had shifted and I started to view it as an act of self-care. I was ready to start treating myself and my body with respect.

I’ve been losing the weight primarily through CICO, which in turn has caused me to care a lot more about what types of foods I put in my body, portion sizes, and moderation. I don't follow any specific diet and I haven't entirely cut out any foods. I just try to make better choices while staying at a deficit.

I’m happy to report that my chronic back pain is much less severe now. I can actually go out and walk in the grocery store without needing to use the cart to support myself. I can stand for hours at a concert now. I’ve even begun to introduce some exercise into my life, mostly through the use of an exercise bike. I’m not completely pain-free, and I’ve done so much physical damage to my body that I might not ever be, but my pain is so much more manageable than it has been for a long time.

Here are my progress pictures. I don’t have any photos at my HW because I was too ashamed of my body to take any, so the “before” pictures here were taken mid-March after I had already lost 27 lbs. I’m kicking myself for not taking pictures at my HW since now I can’t see the full impact of my 72 lb weight loss, but I’m happy I at least have these.

My favorite difference in the photos is just how much my posture has improved. I used to struggle to physically hold up my body weight because of how much pain I was in, but now I can stand with very little pain, and that’s really reflected in my posture.

I still have a long way to go before I reach a healthy weight, but I’m proud of the progress I’ve made so far, and I’m really grateful to have had this wonderful community to support me along the way.

submitted by /u/ausdemchaos
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

1/3 of the Way to my Goal and a BIG Mental Milestone

SW: 344lbs TW: 299lbs GW: 210lbs Method: Renaissance Periodization Simplified Diet templates and Walking

Hey everyone! I am a 39 year old, 6'5" male. I could not find a really good before / after comparison but I am happy with my results so far. I started my weight loss journey after a divorce in 2018, the stress of which left me at my highest ever weight of 344 lbs. I moved into my own place and once the "funk" cleared, I started with small steps. I started with the standard RP templates but found that they were not really for me. I saw incremental results but my compliance was all over the place due to the scheduling and occasional lapses to take my mind off of things and then the holidays.

When February rolled around I was at 322 lbs. RP was having a sale on their Simplified Diet templates so I took a stab at it. I started at the Base plan and have continued to see results on the Weight Loss 1 plan. I can also report that (most likely due to the significant increase in veggies) that my lipid panel from April was a stark improvement from the October one, taking me out of a number of "danger zones." I guess it is both a good thing and a bad thing...I lost the weight but I will have to go and get new templates since I have lost roughly 25 pounds since I got the first set.

I have also been incorporating a walk several times a week, and it feels like every time I go things get easier. My feet used to hurt extremely badly after a walk and now I can go a full hour with no foot pain to speak off. I get a walk in most weekdays now and want to start getting in a nice, long dedicated walk on the weekends going forward.

All that said, I stepped on the scale this morning and it registered a solid 299.00. Setting my next intermediate goal at 275 with the hopes that I can hit it by the end of the year. Keep it up, everyone!

submitted by /u/redfoot80
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV: overate a ton of bad food yesterday for the first time in weeks of healthy eating. Literally felt sick and still don't feel good today. Can't believe I used to eat like that all the time.

For full context, I'm in Utah. There's a holiday here on July 24 called Pioneer Day that the mormons celebrate. It's such a significant holiday here that as a state employee I got the day off. However, there's a joke among non-mormons that gained popularity years ago where we call the day "Pie 'n' Beer Day" and simply celebrate the holiday with a slice of pie and cold beer.

My parents, who love throwing parties and are suckers for a good pun that involves alcohol, make a HUGE annual party for Pie and Beer Day. At least 50 people show up with all kinds of pies for the pie-judging contest and my parents provide a shitload of beer. There's also pizza, fruit pies, and moon pies available, on top of tons of other dips and snacks and backyard games. Throwing a good party is what my parents are best at.

Anyway, yesterday I worked out, ate a small breakfast, and had a ton of vegetables and watermelon all morning to leave me a lot of calories that night to go a little overboard(about 1400) to be exact. I track how long I have a great diet streak, and i was currently at 18 days straight of not going over And I definitely didn't eat as much as used to back when I was fat and lazy, but I'm sure I went way over throughout the day. Pie, pizza, snacks and beer. Now that I literally track every single calorie I put in my mouth, it was weird to feel like my old indulgent self, where I'd see delicious food and just be compelled to eat it with zero thoughts of the consequences.

Only had two slices of pizza, 3 beers, and small samplings of many snacks and pies before I just felt bad. Like, I wasn't even sick yet, just felt terrible. My stomach was a brick and I could tell my old friend heartburn was on the way after a long absence. Soon I did feel a little sick too, like when I was a child and overate to the point of throwing up. Man I felt bad. And you'll notice i started this paragraph with "only", because back in the day all this shitty food wasn't too far from my normal diet!

I would have snacks, candy, and pastries at work, I'd order lunch with a soda and big side of fries and a couple beers in the evening. I had pizza at least once a week(and ate around 4 slices for dinner). And I felt fine eating all that shit. Hell, it wasn't uncommon to feel hungry a couple hours after chugging beer and too much pizza. Ugh. Such a waste of calories and money.

Anyway I had work the next day(today) and I woke up to get ready at 630 am(didn't even try to get up earlier to work out) still feeling like a hot ball of lead was in my stomach. Didn't eat any breakfast. It's now almost 10:00 am and while I still feel yucky and unhungry, it's a victory for my body to finally recognize a huge amount of shit food as bad news.

As of this Sunday I'm 18 pounds down. Let's hope this day didn't affect weight loss too much.

Also TMI: I am having the most outrageously rancid farts I've ever had right now because of the shit I ate. Holy hell they are terrible.

submitted by /u/10_ccs_of_feces
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to deal with outside opinions about weight loss?

Apologies if this is not the best forum to post as I’m not asking for myself but rather in relation to my wife – for some stats and back story - She's been on the heavier side for most of her life, but dropped 75 lbs in the last 6 months after an unexpected opportunity to join a weight loss program focusing on diet/nutrition. She attends a cardio-based exercise class 1-2 hours a week, but the vast majority of her success has come from CICO. Age: 34 Height: 5'4'' Starting weight 242 lbs, Current weight 167 lbs, goal weight: ?? (I don't know exact numbers, just my best guess). She is focusing on body fat % as her program goal rather than weight, so goal is very close but we don't know for sure.

I have not and will not ever give a fuck how much she weighs as long as she’s healthy and happy, but her family has always been low-key passive aggressive about her weight. Her mother especially – she put her on a diet at 8 years old, would buy clothes slightly too small, pack a different lunch for her than her brother because her brother was ‘good’ and she was ‘bad’…long story short, she has a decent relationship with them but it’s taken therapy and strong boundaries and a perpetual need to shut down conversations that threaten those boundaries.

Of course, her recent weight loss journey has been of great interest to them and only underlines how hypocritical and unhealthy their opinions are and despite the aforementioned strong boundaries, it’s been wearing on both of us. Especially because extended family have been chiming in now and while nobody’s being intentionally malicious, they say things that are tone-deaf at best. ‘You look just like your mom now’, ‘No way is that [wife’s name]’, ‘You should stop, you’re getting too thin’, etc.

Could anyone provide insight on how best to communicate (or not communicate) with people who are well-wishing in a way that only affects one negatively?

submitted by /u/ilvostro
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from loseit - Lose the Fat