Thursday, July 25, 2019

NSV: overate a ton of bad food yesterday for the first time in weeks of healthy eating. Literally felt sick and still don't feel good today. Can't believe I used to eat like that all the time.

For full context, I'm in Utah. There's a holiday here on July 24 called Pioneer Day that the mormons celebrate. It's such a significant holiday here that as a state employee I got the day off. However, there's a joke among non-mormons that gained popularity years ago where we call the day "Pie 'n' Beer Day" and simply celebrate the holiday with a slice of pie and cold beer.

My parents, who love throwing parties and are suckers for a good pun that involves alcohol, make a HUGE annual party for Pie and Beer Day. At least 50 people show up with all kinds of pies for the pie-judging contest and my parents provide a shitload of beer. There's also pizza, fruit pies, and moon pies available, on top of tons of other dips and snacks and backyard games. Throwing a good party is what my parents are best at.

Anyway, yesterday I worked out, ate a small breakfast, and had a ton of vegetables and watermelon all morning to leave me a lot of calories that night to go a little overboard(about 1400) to be exact. I track how long I have a great diet streak, and i was currently at 18 days straight of not going over And I definitely didn't eat as much as used to back when I was fat and lazy, but I'm sure I went way over throughout the day. Pie, pizza, snacks and beer. Now that I literally track every single calorie I put in my mouth, it was weird to feel like my old indulgent self, where I'd see delicious food and just be compelled to eat it with zero thoughts of the consequences.

Only had two slices of pizza, 3 beers, and small samplings of many snacks and pies before I just felt bad. Like, I wasn't even sick yet, just felt terrible. My stomach was a brick and I could tell my old friend heartburn was on the way after a long absence. Soon I did feel a little sick too, like when I was a child and overate to the point of throwing up. Man I felt bad. And you'll notice i started this paragraph with "only", because back in the day all this shitty food wasn't too far from my normal diet!

I would have snacks, candy, and pastries at work, I'd order lunch with a soda and big side of fries and a couple beers in the evening. I had pizza at least once a week(and ate around 4 slices for dinner). And I felt fine eating all that shit. Hell, it wasn't uncommon to feel hungry a couple hours after chugging beer and too much pizza. Ugh. Such a waste of calories and money.

Anyway I had work the next day(today) and I woke up to get ready at 630 am(didn't even try to get up earlier to work out) still feeling like a hot ball of lead was in my stomach. Didn't eat any breakfast. It's now almost 10:00 am and while I still feel yucky and unhungry, it's a victory for my body to finally recognize a huge amount of shit food as bad news.

As of this Sunday I'm 18 pounds down. Let's hope this day didn't affect weight loss too much.

Also TMI: I am having the most outrageously rancid farts I've ever had right now because of the shit I ate. Holy hell they are terrible.

submitted by /u/10_ccs_of_feces
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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