Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Peers trying to sabotage my weight loss (Venting)

I'm a 31 year-old man. I've been losing weight since March of '19. I'm 6 ft., 2 in. (187.96 cm). When I started, I weighted 305 lbs. (138.34 kg). So I was obese. Now I weigh 226 lbs (102.51 kg).

Since I've started losing weight. I've had to deal with most of my peers trying to discourage me from losing weight: "YOU'RE LOSING TOO MUCH WEIGHT!", "YOU'RE WAY TOO UNDERWEIGHT!"

I keep telling them that according to numerous health sites, my ideal weight should be between 175 - 179 lbs, but they're so up their own asses that they think they know more than the numerous health and fitness experts because they just dismiss them entirely and tell me that they're wrong. The only people that's been helpful and encouraging to me are the people from my church. You would think that all this discouragement would compel me to give up, but I'm not like other people. Discouraging me from losing weight only adds another inspiration for me to lose weight because I like to spite others (if it's for a good reason): If I'm doing something that's clearly legally and morally acceptable and you don't like it and try to get me to stop, I'm just going to do more of it to spite you.

But I need to ask,

To all you people out there who try to sabotage others' weight-loss efforts by "health-shaming," filling the house with nothing but cheap crappy junk-food, and doing more sinister sneakier things like spiking others food with ingredients to fatten them back up: What's your deal?! Does it piss you off and make you jealous seeing others succeed where you fail because they can learn self-control and you can't? Do you have some sort of fat-fetish? Is this nation's (USA) obesity levels so high that you and so many others around you have come to accept that as the new "normal" and you see someone losing weight as the new "abnormal freakish behavior"? What's your problem? You don't know what healthy is because you've never been healthy before. You're arrogant to dismiss health experts when you've never even gone out to educate yourselves. And if it pisses you off that I'm losing weight, then get ready to scream and pull your hair out in a mouth-frothing rage because I'm not going to stop until my fat gut's turned into a 6-pack and I'm going to enjoy the hellish rage that it brings you.

submitted by /u/sncash2188
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

15 pounds in the last month? I’m ashamed of myself.

The month of December I slacked off big time. And on purpose, too. I wanted to get my last fill of eating and feeling like shit so I had absolutely zero excuse. I vowed not to step on the scale until January 1st, 2020. And that’s what I did just a few seconds ago. My heaviest weight ever has been 232.6. I’d been hovering around that the last time I stepped on the scale in early December so figured I’d gained maybe one or two pounds because even with a ton of binge eating, I gain like maybe 4 pounds and then lose it quickly. However I stepped on the scale today and am now a whopping 247.4. That’s exactly 14.8 pounds. This is the absolute heaviest I have ever been. I couldn’t even tell I was getting bigger was the thing! Sure, I noticed I now fit into that 2XL pajama shirt I had, and that I didn’t fit into a couple other things but I chalked it up to just looking bad that day? Idk. So I now have to lose 87.4 pounds to get down to my weight loss goal and wow, that’s really sad. I never thought I’d wish to be back at 232! Sorry for the vent, I needed it!

submitted by /u/scarr216
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Checking in with a few broad / practical tips for smaller changes

Hi guys, I have a middle of the road approach to weight loss since I'm not overweight and have a fairly active social life.

I'm a 5'10 male. About a year and a half ago I worked myself down from 180 to 158 through regular exercise and diet. I lost motivation around the holidays and gained most of it back.

In June I then moved in with new roommates and was living very unhealthy. By August I was around 175 and started committing to a new mentality of smaller changes, because I lost my motivation last time after I hit some goals (7 minute mile, 160 pounds).

The key seems to be to focus on sustainable progress. Otherwise you will just rebound it all back.

Since August I am now down to 155. The reason I am making this post is that I truly havent made huge changes or exercised much. It's been up and down with sustained plateaus, but here's what I can offer as truly practical advice to LOSE WEIGHT WITH MINIMAL LIFESTYLE SACRIFICES:

  • Small lunch and medium dinner seems to be a good go-to strategy for me. I try to keep lunch objectively healthier and then try to ease up on dinner. My main change to dinner is sides. I don't eat the whole thing of french fries and I don't drink soda. I don't eat breakfast.

  • Calories. Always keep calories in mind. At the end of the day, if you break down and eat some cake and donuts in the office, if you keep lunch really light you probably didn't do that much damage.

  • Cheating: Unless you have serious medical need to be dieting, I think cheating is inevitable and should be accepted. But I just keep in mind the last bullet point. What that means is that I recognize that one or two packages of candy on Sunday isn't going to set me back much. It means I look at the calories and try to make an informed decision about which snack is more worth it. Just being slightly more informed / educated with smaller decisions adds up. The worst you can do is say "I cheated so now I give up" and set yourself back an actual week's progress in calories.

  • Drinking: tequila or vodka sodas all the way. Cocktails will destroy your calorie count.

  • Fasting: I go close to 24 hours without eating somewhat regularly. I don't like to do it after drinking, but if I had a sober friday or saturday then I may just skip brunch the next day. Especially if I really pigged out the day before. I can see how this could be considered a bad habit / mentality so be careful here if you are prone to eating disorders and obviously don't abuse this as an excuse to pig out all the time.

  • Exercise: It's hard now that it's cold out, but walking is amazing. Especially if you live in a city. Getting a smart watch can motivate you to get more steps in.

In short, I realize none of this is groundbreaking. But if you're just getting started out and find dieting intimidating, try: 1) incorporating more walking into your life 2) make a conscious effort to limit yourself to mainly just the dinner entree and half a side 3) focus "healthy" eating efforts around having a smaller-sized lunch 4) cut out all regular snacking / sodas, don't punish yourself for cheating, and try to make smart relative choices by looking at calories 5) if you have to drink, get a tequila soda

submitted by /u/JinxyDoodleDandy
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A call for help

Hey All,

I'll make this post as Drama Free as possible but I intend to be humble about my situation because i legitimately feel like it's the best way to demonstrate the kind of help I need. So Lets get to the ground floor.

I am currently 34, 5"11 and 330 lbs atm. Every year I am tacking on a bit more weight and i am well aware my eatting habits are just atrocious. I have not been planning or factoring at all for meals my life right now feels im stuck in a 24 hour loop of "Work, Sleep, Eat"

I am endeavoring to change this because right now my Routine is rolling out of bed, letting my dog out. Rushing to work. 1) Grabbing a Canned Iced coffee and pop tart at work for breakfast almost religiously.
2) coming down to buy 1 or 2 microwavable sandwhiches and a drink for lunch
3) Order delivery for dinner.

I work in a call center so it feels really hard to grab rewarding food in time. I know the biggest issues with this is not making my own food for any of these meals. It genuinely feels like a struggle to just grab food from the grocery store each week and what I have found is I may have genuinely been living this way to make such visits barely last any time at all before I need to go again.

Living off fast food and crappy microwavable food this long I have found my ability to prepare food is all but dead. I can make ramen, eggs and a salad sure but anything more involved is genuinely a struggle.

So here is what I have done to attempt to resolve this....

1) For energy I am setting up a Gym Membership as I have the money just really getting the proper nutrition that I don't peter out.
2) I've made a vow after the 15th No more fast food until I've lost at least 30 lbs and then I plan to only have 2 cheat days a week until I develop healthy habits.

3) I set up Online grocery delivery, this i feel is the most impact to my weight loss I just need to honestly get some suggestions for recipes and food staples to live by as a guy who has all but destroyed his body. I want to develop a staple of food I can grab each week or two and then grab things that sound good But I think I need help from everyone here to provide realistic suggestions for this (That is why I am waiting till the 15th to compile any and all suggestions and move forward)

I hope this was coherent. My goal is to lose between 100 to 130 lbs as 200 is supposedly my ideal body weight but I don't perscribe to that too much as long as we are happy. But weight has been giving me some serious medical concerns lately for being so young still that this change has been a long time coming.

I hope everyone who does respond can see where I am coming from and remain patient with me while I move toward this goal. Thanks :)

submitted by /u/Tellinaire
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Last Year I Did What I Said Was Impossible

Hello all! I’m generally more of a commenter than a poster, but I guess I’m in that old New Years reflective state that gets us. Anyways, I’m f/37/5’6”/SW355/CW265ish. Always been bigger, yo-yoer, you know the story. Started seriously this time around about thanksgiving 2018. I had lost 100 pounds by this past Halloween, but then between hitting that milestone and some health issues, I’ve backslid a bit (it’s ok. I’ve learned some lessons from it).

On this day last year, I was PMing with a lady from a resolution thread, who had said she’d gone from a size 26 to a 20 in 2018. Sitting in a size 28, I told her that getting to a size 20 in a year was smaller than I’d been in decades, and that it was beyond the kind of progress I could possibly imagine.

Well, kids, today I sit here in a size 20 pants and an XL shirt. If I could go back in time and tell 2018 me about it, I still don’t think I’d believe it. I didn’t set out with the goal to do this. My resolution last year was ONLY to end the year weighing less than I started. I was focusing mostly on the mental work, and stopping binge eating.

This time of year is great because motivation comes naturally, both if you’re new, and for those who’ve been at it a while. Just remember that motivation will leave. It simply can’t last. Focus this period of motivation on building habits, so you can then rely on determination to keep you going. I look at my path to being healthier as just part of the responsibility to take care of myself. I’m not motivated to go to work every day. I’m certainly not motivated to do the dishes. I do them because they’re what I need to do to take care of myself.

This year my resolutions are simple. Again, to end the year weighing less than I started, and to accept that my weight loss will probably slow down now. I don’t know what that next “impossible” thing is for me, but I can’t wait to discover it.

If you’re new, especially if you have a long way to go like me, just take things one day at a time, focus on your successes, and refuse to give up. Who know, maybe that thing you’re thinking is impossible will turn out to be totally achievable.

submitted by /u/IrrawaddyWoman
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

M/39/6’3”/295 and I need to be held accountable!

Ok so like many people I am starting my weight loss journey today.

I’ve always been “the big guy” as I have a broad frame which helps hide how overweight I am, but now I am at my heaviest ever and my goal is to lose 50 pounds by my 40th birthday in July,

A year ago I was around 260 but when a back injury at work gave me 2 slipped discs I left my manual labor job and ever since then I have not exercised on a regular basis. Couple that with some emotional eating and in the last year I’ve gained 35 pounds.

I want to be fitter and healthier for myself but also for my wife and 3 year old daughter, however until now I have lacked the motivation to get started with exercise and healthier eating. I eat too much chocolate and fast food, so need to cut them down a lot.

So as well as asking you all to help hold me accountable, I am taking pictures and documenting my weight loss. I plan to lift dumbbells at home, walk my dog and ride my mountain bike every day. I am also making healthier eating choices, including intermittent fasting (only eating between midday and 8pm every day), more fruit and vegetables, less fat and sugar, smaller meals and more meals instead of snacking. In theory it seems like a decent plan, so I start now and let’s see how much I can lose in January!

submitted by /u/Balzac_Tbagha
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Humble weight loss story

I'll preface this account by stating that I'm not claiming my weight loss is phenomenal or even special in any way. I've read posts of people turning their lives around by making tough decisions and sticking to them. I'm actually writing this post as a possible starting point for people who are trying to lose weight but don't know where to start.

I've never been overweight to the point where you can actually see the weight on me, but for years I have felt over weight. Clothes have been getting tighter, and sizes of new clothes have inched bigger and bigger over the past decade (I'm in my 40's now).

A few months ago, I put on a pair of trousers and really struggled to close the button. I'm not sure why that was the trigger for me, but I became intent on getting into shape. I think over the past year I've realised I've woken up feeling less energetic, and stairs and walks have become things I have started to avoid.

I asked my wife to buy some bathroom scales, and I stepped on them to see 86kg (190lbs). This put me into the overweight category. Having experienced 2 close family deaths in the past year, I started to think about health in terms of years left on this planet rather than a item on a Wishlist for New Years. I downloaded an app on my phone (Yazio), and began to monitor every single thing I ate and drank on a day. It is a calorie counting app, but I didn't pay any notice to the calories at first. But there were recommendations as to what my intake should be per meal. I put in a target of 75kg (165lbs). That's the weight I used to be when I was younger, and more active.

Fast forward a couple of months, and I'm currently at 172lbs. I put on almost no weight over the holidays, despite my family and my in laws literally frying everything in every meal over a 1 week period.

So what is different now, over the dozens of times I've tried to lose weight in the past 10 years? Honestly, it was the app. Every slice of toast, every soft drink, every snack, every bowl of pasta just stared me back in place. But the difference this time around was I didn't have guilt about what I was eating. Two slices of toast became 1, salad instead of pasta, half a bowl instead of a full. Snacks are now apples and bananas rather than chips and dips. A huge shift for me is knowing what meal I will be having and not over doing it before hand. So a weekend pizza means I have much less for breakfast and lunch.

I start running tomorrow, again after a long break. I'm opting for walking and public transport rather than my car. I'm starting the year not making a resolution to lose weight, but knowing that a habit I started a few months ago has now become normal for me.

submitted by /u/madpsychot
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from loseit - Lose the Fat