Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Checking in with a few broad / practical tips for smaller changes

Hi guys, I have a middle of the road approach to weight loss since I'm not overweight and have a fairly active social life.

I'm a 5'10 male. About a year and a half ago I worked myself down from 180 to 158 through regular exercise and diet. I lost motivation around the holidays and gained most of it back.

In June I then moved in with new roommates and was living very unhealthy. By August I was around 175 and started committing to a new mentality of smaller changes, because I lost my motivation last time after I hit some goals (7 minute mile, 160 pounds).

The key seems to be to focus on sustainable progress. Otherwise you will just rebound it all back.

Since August I am now down to 155. The reason I am making this post is that I truly havent made huge changes or exercised much. It's been up and down with sustained plateaus, but here's what I can offer as truly practical advice to LOSE WEIGHT WITH MINIMAL LIFESTYLE SACRIFICES:

  • Small lunch and medium dinner seems to be a good go-to strategy for me. I try to keep lunch objectively healthier and then try to ease up on dinner. My main change to dinner is sides. I don't eat the whole thing of french fries and I don't drink soda. I don't eat breakfast.

  • Calories. Always keep calories in mind. At the end of the day, if you break down and eat some cake and donuts in the office, if you keep lunch really light you probably didn't do that much damage.

  • Cheating: Unless you have serious medical need to be dieting, I think cheating is inevitable and should be accepted. But I just keep in mind the last bullet point. What that means is that I recognize that one or two packages of candy on Sunday isn't going to set me back much. It means I look at the calories and try to make an informed decision about which snack is more worth it. Just being slightly more informed / educated with smaller decisions adds up. The worst you can do is say "I cheated so now I give up" and set yourself back an actual week's progress in calories.

  • Drinking: tequila or vodka sodas all the way. Cocktails will destroy your calorie count.

  • Fasting: I go close to 24 hours without eating somewhat regularly. I don't like to do it after drinking, but if I had a sober friday or saturday then I may just skip brunch the next day. Especially if I really pigged out the day before. I can see how this could be considered a bad habit / mentality so be careful here if you are prone to eating disorders and obviously don't abuse this as an excuse to pig out all the time.

  • Exercise: It's hard now that it's cold out, but walking is amazing. Especially if you live in a city. Getting a smart watch can motivate you to get more steps in.

In short, I realize none of this is groundbreaking. But if you're just getting started out and find dieting intimidating, try: 1) incorporating more walking into your life 2) make a conscious effort to limit yourself to mainly just the dinner entree and half a side 3) focus "healthy" eating efforts around having a smaller-sized lunch 4) cut out all regular snacking / sodas, don't punish yourself for cheating, and try to make smart relative choices by looking at calories 5) if you have to drink, get a tequila soda

submitted by /u/JinxyDoodleDandy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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