Wednesday, January 1, 2020

A call for help

Hey All,

I'll make this post as Drama Free as possible but I intend to be humble about my situation because i legitimately feel like it's the best way to demonstrate the kind of help I need. So Lets get to the ground floor.

I am currently 34, 5"11 and 330 lbs atm. Every year I am tacking on a bit more weight and i am well aware my eatting habits are just atrocious. I have not been planning or factoring at all for meals my life right now feels im stuck in a 24 hour loop of "Work, Sleep, Eat"

I am endeavoring to change this because right now my Routine is rolling out of bed, letting my dog out. Rushing to work. 1) Grabbing a Canned Iced coffee and pop tart at work for breakfast almost religiously.
2) coming down to buy 1 or 2 microwavable sandwhiches and a drink for lunch
3) Order delivery for dinner.

I work in a call center so it feels really hard to grab rewarding food in time. I know the biggest issues with this is not making my own food for any of these meals. It genuinely feels like a struggle to just grab food from the grocery store each week and what I have found is I may have genuinely been living this way to make such visits barely last any time at all before I need to go again.

Living off fast food and crappy microwavable food this long I have found my ability to prepare food is all but dead. I can make ramen, eggs and a salad sure but anything more involved is genuinely a struggle.

So here is what I have done to attempt to resolve this....

1) For energy I am setting up a Gym Membership as I have the money just really getting the proper nutrition that I don't peter out.
2) I've made a vow after the 15th No more fast food until I've lost at least 30 lbs and then I plan to only have 2 cheat days a week until I develop healthy habits.

3) I set up Online grocery delivery, this i feel is the most impact to my weight loss I just need to honestly get some suggestions for recipes and food staples to live by as a guy who has all but destroyed his body. I want to develop a staple of food I can grab each week or two and then grab things that sound good But I think I need help from everyone here to provide realistic suggestions for this (That is why I am waiting till the 15th to compile any and all suggestions and move forward)

I hope this was coherent. My goal is to lose between 100 to 130 lbs as 200 is supposedly my ideal body weight but I don't perscribe to that too much as long as we are happy. But weight has been giving me some serious medical concerns lately for being so young still that this change has been a long time coming.

I hope everyone who does respond can see where I am coming from and remain patient with me while I move toward this goal. Thanks :)

submitted by /u/Tellinaire
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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