Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Peers trying to sabotage my weight loss (Venting)

I'm a 31 year-old man. I've been losing weight since March of '19. I'm 6 ft., 2 in. (187.96 cm). When I started, I weighted 305 lbs. (138.34 kg). So I was obese. Now I weigh 226 lbs (102.51 kg).

Since I've started losing weight. I've had to deal with most of my peers trying to discourage me from losing weight: "YOU'RE LOSING TOO MUCH WEIGHT!", "YOU'RE WAY TOO UNDERWEIGHT!"

I keep telling them that according to numerous health sites, my ideal weight should be between 175 - 179 lbs, but they're so up their own asses that they think they know more than the numerous health and fitness experts because they just dismiss them entirely and tell me that they're wrong. The only people that's been helpful and encouraging to me are the people from my church. You would think that all this discouragement would compel me to give up, but I'm not like other people. Discouraging me from losing weight only adds another inspiration for me to lose weight because I like to spite others (if it's for a good reason): If I'm doing something that's clearly legally and morally acceptable and you don't like it and try to get me to stop, I'm just going to do more of it to spite you.

But I need to ask,

To all you people out there who try to sabotage others' weight-loss efforts by "health-shaming," filling the house with nothing but cheap crappy junk-food, and doing more sinister sneakier things like spiking others food with ingredients to fatten them back up: What's your deal?! Does it piss you off and make you jealous seeing others succeed where you fail because they can learn self-control and you can't? Do you have some sort of fat-fetish? Is this nation's (USA) obesity levels so high that you and so many others around you have come to accept that as the new "normal" and you see someone losing weight as the new "abnormal freakish behavior"? What's your problem? You don't know what healthy is because you've never been healthy before. You're arrogant to dismiss health experts when you've never even gone out to educate yourselves. And if it pisses you off that I'm losing weight, then get ready to scream and pull your hair out in a mouth-frothing rage because I'm not going to stop until my fat gut's turned into a 6-pack and I'm going to enjoy the hellish rage that it brings you.

submitted by /u/sncash2188
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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