Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Humble weight loss story

I'll preface this account by stating that I'm not claiming my weight loss is phenomenal or even special in any way. I've read posts of people turning their lives around by making tough decisions and sticking to them. I'm actually writing this post as a possible starting point for people who are trying to lose weight but don't know where to start.

I've never been overweight to the point where you can actually see the weight on me, but for years I have felt over weight. Clothes have been getting tighter, and sizes of new clothes have inched bigger and bigger over the past decade (I'm in my 40's now).

A few months ago, I put on a pair of trousers and really struggled to close the button. I'm not sure why that was the trigger for me, but I became intent on getting into shape. I think over the past year I've realised I've woken up feeling less energetic, and stairs and walks have become things I have started to avoid.

I asked my wife to buy some bathroom scales, and I stepped on them to see 86kg (190lbs). This put me into the overweight category. Having experienced 2 close family deaths in the past year, I started to think about health in terms of years left on this planet rather than a item on a Wishlist for New Years. I downloaded an app on my phone (Yazio), and began to monitor every single thing I ate and drank on a day. It is a calorie counting app, but I didn't pay any notice to the calories at first. But there were recommendations as to what my intake should be per meal. I put in a target of 75kg (165lbs). That's the weight I used to be when I was younger, and more active.

Fast forward a couple of months, and I'm currently at 172lbs. I put on almost no weight over the holidays, despite my family and my in laws literally frying everything in every meal over a 1 week period.

So what is different now, over the dozens of times I've tried to lose weight in the past 10 years? Honestly, it was the app. Every slice of toast, every soft drink, every snack, every bowl of pasta just stared me back in place. But the difference this time around was I didn't have guilt about what I was eating. Two slices of toast became 1, salad instead of pasta, half a bowl instead of a full. Snacks are now apples and bananas rather than chips and dips. A huge shift for me is knowing what meal I will be having and not over doing it before hand. So a weekend pizza means I have much less for breakfast and lunch.

I start running tomorrow, again after a long break. I'm opting for walking and public transport rather than my car. I'm starting the year not making a resolution to lose weight, but knowing that a habit I started a few months ago has now become normal for me.

submitted by /u/madpsychot
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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