Monday, October 29, 2018

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A sneak peek into my Weight-Loss-Goals Status. CANNOT WAIT wait to meet the AWESOMEST one on the list!

I maintain a little excel sheet with dreams that I dreamt of along the way and mark as I achieve them. Yesterday, I came up with the best one ever!

Weight Loss Goals Status
Hit 70 kg Achieved
Hit 65 kg Achieved
Have a normal BMI Achieved
Have a normal ASIAN BMI
Be the lowest weight of my adult life
Run the 10k again
Have a healthy waist circumference Achieved
Fit into the polka dot top Achieved
Fit into the black top and zip it up Achieved
Fit into the black top and button it up
Fit into all my saree blouses ever Achieved
See crotch sucking in tummy
Question mark side profile Achieved
Lie down and have concave tummy in the mirror
Lose as much as nephew weighs

I bought a digital scale after I started my journey and kept it in a corner of my room. I weigh myself every morning. So does the little guy before he goes to school. I want to lose around 18kgs in total and he weighs around 15kgs! I am 10kgs down already.

I thought of the photo shoot idea yesterday. I can lift him up and know how much weight I carried along with me all the time! I am going to click pictures carrying him to commemorate my awesomeness!

I cannot wait to meet that goal and share with all of you! I am so excited!

Do any of you have super cool goals like this to share with us?

submitted by /u/CurlyMope
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Slightly different approach to creating a deficit


I’ve developed a somewhat new (at least for me) approach to creating a weight loss deficit which I though might be helpful to someone. I’ve been struggling to consistently hit my targeted calories and after a lot of thought I realised that a) my goals were probably too extreme and b) a traditional static deficit doesn’t work with my natural fluctuations in appetite.

I’m a short 5’3” female, 93kg (205lb) and fairly active (10-17k steps a day) plus heavy weightlifting for an hour three times a week. I have been shooting for 1500 cal a day or less and have just been completely unable to maintain that goal. I find if I restrict for too long I inevitability end up going off track for a month or so and seriously stalling my progress. I follow a 16:8 intermittent fasting schedule but still struggle with the restriction. I eat lost of protein and veggies, but honestly my love for broccoli is greatly enhanced with butter.

My current TDEE is somewhere in the realm of 2200 calories and interestingly I notice that when I got off track I tend to eat at maintenance naturally. With my original calorie goal that would equal a deficit of 700cal (okay for some but really affects my energy and performance). I’ll be okay eating 1500 for a day or so but end up extremely hungry on other days.

I decided instead to try to just eat at the calories it would take to maintain my goal weight (60kg/132lb & 1800 calories). This was so much easier to handle and I stuck with it for roughly a month. But, I was still noticing that I was really hungry on my lifting days. So what I’ve been doing the last few weeks is eating at a more extreme deficit on my rest days (~1400cal) and at maintenance on my lifting days (~2200cal) and then just 1800 cal on the seventh day. This allows me to have a running weekly average of 1800cal, recover really well and build strength at the gym, be comfortable to eat the foods I like in a sustainable way and still loose ~0.7kg (1.5lb) a week.

Hopefully, because I’m eating my maintenance calories at my goal weight I’ll be able to eat pretty similarly from now on and not have to continually decrease my intake. I might take me longer to got there, but I feel like I’m so much less likely to develop diet fatigue and gain the weight back.

submitted by /u/_nuudles_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing weight with rice as a diet.

Hello folks! As the title states, will rice really hamper my weight loss? Rice in my diet has been ingrained in my body since I was a child . I'm 74kg 5'8 20M. I have started going to the gym 6 months ago and although I have gained good amount of muscle my fat seems to remain the same. I really need to eat rice once in a meal per day , everything feels wrong if I don't. I was quite fit (as in athletic) throughout my life and since I moved to another country 2 years ago , I seem to have been gaining weight little by little. I really don't think rice alone will hamper my weight loss but everyone tells me to take it out of my diet. I'm a Nepalese so my diet is similar to but not the same as that of an Indian person. Is it really necessary to take rice out of the picture ? I mostly eat 1or2 light meals and and 1 heavy meal as dinner (Rice with other side dishes consisting of meat and vegetables) per day.

submitted by /u/zapharian
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV: I now prefer the small strap on wearable tech stuff.

I've worn an Apple Watch and a Fitbit Charge 2. I always used the larger strap that came on it, being a large man both vertically and horizontally. I watched my body get smaller and smaller (and it's not done!) and I would move a notch in about every 3 months or so.

My beloved Charge 2 pooped out. Eager to try something different (which is another thread entirely) I picked up the Samsung Galaxy Watch today. The large band fit but there was just so much excess it felt a bit much. I just put on the "size small" strap, I'm fastened at the third notch, and it feels nice and secure.

I've never been a small strap person. Like ever. My body has changed slowly and it has been easy to feel like I'm the same as I was 30 or 60lbs ago, but I'm not. I'm really proud of myself tonight.

Weight loss takes so freaking long if you do it the right way. And even longer if you like ranch dressing as much as I do. But after long enough you'll notice it in unexpected ways and it's always a pleasant surprise (and a little surreal).

submitted by /u/INTJam_on_toast
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What is your biggest crux when it comes to weight loss? How do you manage them?

I'll be the first to admit that I have an eating disorder. I can constantly stuff my face with food whenever I'm under periods of stress. Most of my choices are extremely unhealthy with my go to food choices being junk such as chips, soda, energy drinks, and most things deep fried. Fortunately for me I'm not a lover of chocolate or candy or it would be that much worse. It gets difficult to battle with these issues, especially since I have a stressful job where I work far too many hours (I'm looking for a job where I DON'T have to work 84 hours a week).

I go through periods where I'll be able to steer clear of these comfort foods for weeks or even months before falling back into the trap again. Once I've had it even one time I just seem to fall off the wagon and gain a couple pounds before I pull the reins in. I feel as though I'm one of those people that needs to quit those foods cold turkey or I'll continue to struggle with them for the rest of my life. Am I being silly or is it possible to limit my intake despite having such strong desire, I would even say addiction, to some of these foods?

I'm interested to hear what you all have to say. What are some of your biggest challenges in weight loss? Whether they be food, exercise, life schedule, etc. How do you combat those things to continue your healthy lifestyle while balancing it all?

I also want to offer the obligatory best of luck to all of you losing weight out there! Much love for the people of this sub!

submitted by /u/DefiantOneGaming
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


I don't know who I'll be if i'm not trying to lose weight, All my life that's, sadly, been my only objective. I've been thinking about my weight since the age of 10, i'm 22 now, and though I didn't take weight loss seriously until I was 18 it was still always on my mind. It's been the only constant for me for 12 years. I've gone from 200lbs to 145lbs, back up to 185lbs back down to 150lbs and now i'm back up to 175lbs across the span of 4 years. It's as though the second I get close to my goal weight (140lbs) my brain absolutely loses it, because it just doesn't know who it'll be without constantly focusing on weight loss.

It's really taken it's toll on me, and I fear i'll never have a healthy relationship with food again. I either stick rigidly to what mfp tells me, or i'll binge eat up to 6,000 calories a day. There's no inbetween. And these two opposites lead to the constant weight loss and then gain. It's as though my mind wants me to get back up to a certain weight as quick as possible (hence the binge eating) just so I can then be focused on losing it again.

Does anyone else just feel as though they'd be lost without, well, weight loss?

submitted by /u/Jesslestrade
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from loseit - Lose the Fat