Thursday, January 31, 2019

The end of a weight loss journey (or the beginning of the second chapter?)

Firstly, a before and after pic: (On the left I am about 136 kg, on the right I am about 85 kg)

In august 2016 I decided that I didn't want to gain anymore weight. I felt that was a modest and realistic goal. I discovered CICO through this community, and began methodically registering my energy intake and outtake with a spreadsheet. The weight came off at a ridiculous pace: (Uger = weeks)

It took me about 14 months to reach a weight and body composition that I was happy with. I've been maintaining for about 1½ years now. 3 months ago I decided I wanted something done about the fruits of my labour: The dreaded loose skin. Fortunately I was given the option to have skin reduction surgery performed "for free" through public health insurance. I had a lower body lift performed, where loose skin was removed and tightened from areas around my stomach, back and buttocks. I had to wear a compression belt that extended from my crotch up to my chest for 3 whole months. Last week I was finally allowed to stop wearing it, and the hospital photographed me again now 3 months after the surgery. Here are some photos: The day after the surgery (Warning: Dried blood): Comparison of body before and after surgery:

So, this is somehow the end of my weight loss. But frankly I feel this is just the beginning. From now on I have to care for my scars and maintain my physique, and not allow myself to reach a point where I become obese again or all of this work and this surgery will have become wasted on me. Thanks for your time and advice, r/loseit! I hope my experiences and the pictures of my surgery can aid you in some way to perhaps achieving the same.

Here are my previous threads if you care to read about my journey: First thread: Second thread:

submitted by /u/2fat2funk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Thursday, 31 January 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I don't know if I'm doing this for the right reasons

So on Christmas day, my boyfriend's dad made a slighted remark at my weight/lack of exercise. I've always struggled to lose weight (I tend to yo-yo a lot) but I thought it wasn't that big of a deal since it was the holidays. Ever since then I've been painfully aware of the way my body looks and have been obsessing about my size. My original goals for weight loss have always been to look good and feel good for myself, but now I feel like I'm doing it just to be spiteful and I feel like it's making me hate myself an unreasonable amount. I want to do this as a gift to myself but I can NOT stop thinking about the way he's made me see myself. Is there any way to get out of this rut? I would love some advice. Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/treponema_pallidumb
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thanks for all the unknowing encouragement & motivation!

I’ve been lurking for the last 6 months or so and wanted to introduce myself and let you know how motivating and encouraging it’s been to read the posts here!

A little about me: I’m a 31F and I stay home with my 2 kids. I’ve always despised exercise and only ever succeeded in weight loss when I’ve counted calories (albeit without any knowledge of TDEE) or cut something out (stopped drinking soda in college and noticed a difference) so CICO made sense.

I’m 5’4 and I believe my very highest weight at some point in 2017 was around 180lb which I disliked immensely. Managed to get to 176 on my own and maintain there for 6-8 months before stumbling onto this sub and deciding to get my butt into gear. Currently I’m down to 159 having maintained ~160 for Oct-Jan. Oct-Dec were known large amounts of travel and holidays and birthdays.

I’ve learned that I can maintain pretty well but struggle to lose. I’m working on 1200-1400 calories/day knowing that closer to 1200 is better for me. Surprisingly I’ve had no issue finding foods to keep me full within that calorie range. My biggest current hurdle is mid-afternoon snacking while my kids nap and while I know my body doesn’t need that food for now I’m ok doing that and eating smaller dinners.

Thanks to you all I’ve learned what a good TDEE is for me and have confidence in mg calorie goals. You all also introduced me to the Happy Scale app which has resulted in my longest streak of weighing myself daily without getting frustrated by the numbers and giving up. I now know that plateaus are fine and I can hate the all-encompassing evil of scale/food fluctuations around my period with more understanding.

I’m down a pants size and am able to wear my wedding ring without breaking out in a rash from it being too tight for the first time in a couple of years. After being too lax and content in January I’m back on the wagon with a stretch goal of 120. I spent a lot of high school/college around 140 so that feels realistic but I’d love to see what I can do.

Thank you all for the comments on other’s posts which gave me countless tidbits and the encouragement you give to everyone regardless of their starting point!

Sorry this all got away from me and turned out longer than I meant!

submitted by /u/alittlesneakyredhead
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What do you do for in-between clothes?

Long time lurker first time poster!

Over the last 3 years I have lost 30 pounds. Slow weight loss, but weight loss nonetheless. I'm reaching the finish line and have really buckled down this last month to just finish the weight loss struggle.

None of my clothes really fit me anymore; even clothes I've purchased a couple months ago are turning baggy. I don't want to invest a ton of money into new clothes, but also I am sick of showing up to work in baggy skirts and blouses. Even the nicer secondhand stores in my town are a little expensive to me for short-term wear because I am a student working part-time.

Does anyone have any tips on buying clothes, altering clothes, or buying clothes that are more sustainable for weight fluctuations?


submitted by /u/highhosilver
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

1 month of CICO (data tracked)

Hi all, I just thought I'd share a little different type of progress pic. This is a picture of my data thus far since I started tracking CICO 12/29/18

Stats: 30F SW: 180 CW: 170.4 GW: 135

The data I tracked is based on my logging into MFP and the calories burned based on my samsung watch.

I am human and didnt track for 1 day out of the month (life, long story...)

But, according to my data I am at a deficit of just over 21,000 calories for the month. Per the scale I am down 9.6 lbs.

I find this data to be interesting. If 1 lbs is truly = to 3500 calories I should only be down about 6 lbs. I think this is a reflection of some water weight loss, coupled with perhaps some element of guestimating calories and also perhaps my watches calories out tracking isnt completely accurate.

Anyway, seeing that I'm nearly 10 lbs down in 1 month this morning was an awesome feeling and I'm looking forward to the continuation of my journey!

submitted by /u/Msmckitten
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Make sure you’re mental state is right.

We all know a good diet and exercise plan will get us to our weight loss goals eventually. If you break it down in it’s simplest form it’s losing more energy than you take in. It’s so simple but most people including myself struggle with it for years. If you’ve tried and failed numerous times... it almost has to be a bad mental state holding you back. Some people have that, “Hard work and dedication, I’m just gonna get it done!” Capability. Some do not. I’ve been relying on meditation lately and it’s a lot easier feeling like I’m not gonna just snap and go back to bad habits. Meditation is just my personal recommendation, some people pray, some people use the law of attraction, and some people even get therapy. Whatever you got to do to put your mind right, do it! Hopefully some of you guys got tips in the comments that can help people build up that strong mental state. Best of luck to all of you!

submitted by /u/CarTransmission
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from loseit - Lose the Fat