Friday, June 26, 2020


progress pics

Guys. I made it today. I have been looking at other onederland posts regularly but never expected I would make one myself. Especially not this soon.

I have lost 40lbs.

My stats: 24F, 5'6" SW: 240lbs CW: 199lbs GW:155lbs

How I did it: Long story short, eat less.

-I would eat whatever I wanted but only for a taste. Everyone's having chips? I will have 2 chips. Someone made cookies? I will eat 1/3 of a cookie and put away the other 2/3 to eat tomorrow and the next day. Knowing I could have it later helped me avoid overeating.

-Portion takeout before eating it. As an example, if we ordered Thai food I would portion it into 3 lunches based on how much I need to feel comfortable (not full, never full). I have to do this and put it away before sitting down with my food or I eat it all.

-Go to sleep as I'm starting to feel hungry. Make sure I only eat enough to keep me comfortable through the day. No more, no less. I got good at the timing but it takes practice.

-Learned how much I needed to eat to go from starving to comfortable. Then I can objectively put this on a plate and eat it. Pause. And sure enough, every time, the hunger pangs would go away.

-Postpone the first meal of the day as long as I can. At first I would need to eat around 11am because I would get so hungry but now I can comfortably wait until 4 or 5pm to eat. I am slowly transitioning to OMAD as it becomes more comfortable.

-weigh myself every day. I know it's not accurate and your weight can fluctuate with water weight and other factors besides true weight loss, but weighing myself every day, whether I did good or bad the day before, kept me accountable.

-I made a note in my phone reminding me why I wanted to lose weight and read it every morning. I took progress pics every 5 or 10 lbs and compared them to my before pics often.

Thanks for reading!! I feel on top of the world today.

submitted by /u/dogofgone
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I have lost ~9-10lbs but I think I can't go on anymore

SW: 183.6 lbs CW: 173.5 GW: 116

I'm 26 years old and a female who was a student until last year. Life has been stressful. This year life has been better. So I had the motivation to start working out and eat right and I started in around mid May. Downloaded MFP, logged everyday, combined strength training with Cardio (I invested in a treadmill and weights) and followed CICO. Work was going good but this week it got stressful. I went back to hold habits of eating my feelings. I haven't worked out for the past couple days and I was regular since I started. Today I realized I'm scared of failure. Failing at doing the task given at work. I have always believed in never giving up but this one got me. I never before realized that the panic I feel when something goes wrong at work is my fear of failure. Since I never knew what this was all my life I have been stress eating. Now I know. They say knowledge is power. And I shouldn't be worried about failing. All the motivating things I can think of are running in my mind right now. But none of them have had an impact. I feel like this may be the end of my weight loss journey because work is going to get more stressful in the coming weeks. And I'm losing my will power. I binged on junk food like ice cream, chips, spicy snacks, etc. Has anyone ever been through this? Did you get out of it? How?

submitted by /u/harrypotterfan04
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How did you move past the mental scarring of being severely overweight?

The only proof I haven't been at least borderline obese since I was born is a single picture I remember from when I was probably 4 years old.

Yep. Lived and breathed being fat until early 2019 when I lost 50lbs in a couple months and have continued to slowly drop and yo-yo since then. I'm not happy about not having a tight stomach after all my weightloss, but I'm obviously healthier and happier with my body than I've ever been.

Despite this, I still live with the scars of being obese most of my life. No matter how hungry I am, no matter how skinnier than me you are, if you're not a super close guy-friend, I'm not putting more on my plate than you did when we eat a meal together. I'm not going to get seconds even if I want it. I'm going to be screaming inside my head when you see me checking Google Maps for food, ordering food, or looking at a menu. I'm definitely waiting for the kitchen to be completely empty when I want to go and make something to eat or just grab snacks. I'm not going to want to eat in front of you, but if I do I'm going to pay constant attention to the way I stand, sit, and lay to ensure I'm in a position that doesn't make it as obvious that I look like I'm bloated and gained 10 pounds from eating a meal.

It's crazy having people refer to me as "the skinny guy" when my mind is the same, but in a thinner body.

Despite all the compliments, extra happiness, and statistically impressive weight loss, I still feel like the fat kid. I still get embarrassed for even implying I ever eat food.

Of course this question is more for my therapist, but I want to know what you guys think. How can I get past this and have the ability to eat around other people without having to hide everything and be embarrassed? I'm sick of having to feel bad for having a perfectly normal instinct that lets you know when you're running on empty

submitted by /u/CUMZONE_INFINITY
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Back at it again with the depression

Hey gang, I've been away for a month or so while I fight my depression. I finally have a medication change and am starting to feel better so that's a positive. While I haven't been exercising and counting calories, I've noticed that I've had a bit more trouble getting into my clothes. I'm thankful that I can see that what I've done in the past was actually helping and now I have to start up again now that I can actually think about something other than darkness.

So since I'm getting back into it I was wondering if there was a better place to start than the whole "try, try, retry" thing that I've been dealing with. Ya know, that thing where "I'll start next Monday!" "Oops, messed up, start again next Monday!" And on and on. Do you guys have any advice on how to not go back into that rut? Also, am I really on the right track to reach my goals? I'm 28F at around 180 ish pounds. I'm hoping that by the time I'm 30 I'll be where I want to be with my weight. I real goal is to gain muscle mass. I wouldn't mind being 140 if most of it is muscle. So should I worry about toning right now or should I just try to lose weight first? I'd also love to know how you guys keep yourself determined with your weight loss journey. I'd love to hear some advice from you guys.

submitted by /u/OddlyEverAfter
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is this waist to weight ratio... normal?

So after getting a 500 mg/dl result on a blood sugar test I thought it's time for change and started losing weight. Things have been going okay so far in terms of actual weight loss. 55lbs/25kg in the past 7 months. That said, you seem to hear a lot about how waist size is the more important indicator for health, and while I'm currently down to 5'8 and 166lbs(172cm and 75kg) my waist size is still a bit over 40 inches(102cm). Height to Waist ratios would actually put me as obese(and I honestly wouldn't argue because I certainly do look pretty fat) whereas according to BMI I'm almost out of the overweight category. I can't help but feel like my waist and actual weight are in-congruent.

That said, I'm not stopping here so I suppose I still have some room to lose weight and and go down, but I was originally aiming for about 140-145 and I find it hard to believe that just another 20-25 lbs is going to be enough to suddenly drop from a 40 inch waist to a more healthy 34/36. Should I just keep going until I do? I feel like I'll be down to under 120 before that happens lol

submitted by /u/CronoTheMute
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to tell people I have no self control?

I’ve been on a weight loss journey for years. Lost 150lbs gained 125lbs back.. so starting again. Whenever I’m at work or with friends and they are eating out or we have free lunch/ treats at work I say no I’m on a healthy lifestyle change. They tell me I can’t deprive myself of everything and I can have a treat now and again. But here’s the thing I CANT. I will go off the rails every time I have a cheat, even if it’s small. I use it as an excuse to binge. They don’t understand that. I don’t have self control and can’t just have a little. But they don’t respect my no and just keep telling me I can’t live this way forever. How do I get it through people’s heads that no I can’t just have a treat and move on.. sorry for the bad formatting.

submitted by /u/vonnie2017
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Trying my best to lose weight but not seeing results

Since the virus came I slowly started to change my life. Near the end of may I decided to cut fast food from my life since I started eating so much junk food from outside. Before the virus came I was in the gym 5 times a week doing mostly weight training, and I was living a active lifestyle. I always stood away from sodas but I would drink orange juice now and then.

Im 20 years old and im 6 ft weighing around 208 lbs. I started getting serious about my weight loss at the beginning of june. I would wake up at 7am on a empty stomach and go for a 4-5km jog around the football track. After I would either sleep or cook up and omelette. I havent been counting my calories, but I downloaded my fitnessspal and it showed me that I needed a total of 2,200 calories a day to lose weight. However, I can guarantee that I havent went over that in the past 18 days since I started. I always eat a bowl of fruit, have 2 eggs and for dinner I would cook up something healthy such as chicken breasts, turkey sandwhich etc. I completetly cut out every sauce in my diet and as mentioned before I do not eat any fast food. I also carry a 2L water jug with me, which I always had with me for year now.

I always tend to lose weight fast, but I only lost like a pound or two. I know its only been a little over 2 weeks but im scared that my body is in a "plateu". I'm gonna start counting my calories again using the app. What are some recomendations that you guys have to help me shred more weight? The best saying that is helping me get through this is that the journey is a marathon and not a sprint, so I know its going to take time. I'm just worried that I wont see any results and i'll end up giving up.

Trying to get to 195lbs BTW

submitted by /u/RCheema2000
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from loseit - Lose the Fat