Saturday, January 14, 2023

Lost 7 lbs in my first week?

Hi there.

I went from 239.9–>232.9 in one week while exercising and intermittent fasting (for reference I’m 5’11, 19m).

Is this healthy? I didn’t think I was starving myself or anything—honestly I wasn’t very hungry—but I weighed myself today and I lost 7 pounds.

I haven’t been tracking my calories, so I’m not sure how much I’m eating; but I’ve been doing 16:8 intermittent fastening. During the 8 hours, I eat two meals (breakfast and dinner). I couldn’t really eat lunch even if I wanted to because I have class from 9-5 and 11-5 every day of the week. I’ve been trying to eat solely healthy foods too; it’s been turkey sausage, eggs, and fruit for breakfast and a variety of things for dinner (usually between salmon, chicken, quinoa/brown rice, broccoli, green beans, other vegetables, and fruit).

I also worked out 3x this week and averaged around 7k/8k steps a day.

Is this weight loss healthy? Should I change something? I feel like I’m doing everything right so I’m concerned about the speed.

submitted by /u/Known-Pudding-3919
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Am I doing something wrong or should I give it more time?

So, for context: I restarted my weight loss journey on January 1st. I’m really hopeful that this will be the time that sticks since I’m in the process of changing my mindset and relationship with food. Anyway, the first week went great; I lost 9 pounds. I know most of it was probably water weight, but I was still excited to be making progress. This past week, I’ve noticed the scale slowly creeping back up to around the weight I started at, and I can’t help but feel a little discouraged. I have no plans on giving up, but I would like to know if there are adjustments that need to be made or if I need to give it more time?

My BMR is 2,354 and I’ve been eating 1,700 calories a day. I log and weigh all my food; my sodium intake is below 2,300mg daily. I drink 80 or more ounces of water a day. I have an IUD and don’t have periods, so I’m not really sure how big of a role my cycle plays in these fluctuations.

I’m also 5’8” and have a fairly significant amount of weight I would like to lose, so I thought 1,700 calories would be a good place to start. Should I be going lower?

Any advice is appreciated. Thank you in advance! ❤️

submitted by /u/disconnectandupload
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, January 13, 2023

I've successfully lost 57lbs, and now have to lower my daily calorie intake significantly to continue losing. My new deficit makes me RAVENOUSLY hungry, literally can't sleep because of hunger pain hungry.

Height: 5'4"

SW: 240

CW: 183

GW: 170

I started my weight loss journey in August 2021. Up until this month, I was eating 1500-1600 calories a day and working out 5-6 days a week. According to my fitness tracker, my workouts averaged between 450-600 calories burned on average (moderate to high intensity cardio for 60-90 mins). I've typically lost about 1-1.5lbs a week with a few 2lb/wk outliers, and some 0lb/wks (holiday dinners, bdays, etc.)

I noticed around the beginning of last month that I had really slowed down progress-wise--even disregarding holiday stuff, which I was tracking anyway. I was still losing weight, but at a very slow rate--like 1lb over the course of 3 weeks. I decided it was time to reassess my TDEE at my new weight. According to most calculators, my BMR is now 1540--so my old daily target of 1500/1600 a day is definitely not gonna cut it anymore, even with the exercise.

I decided to try and bump my daily intake down to 1200/1300 at the beginning of January, and I have really, really struggled. I feel like I am absolutely starving--like my hands are shaking, I can't focus, I have no energy, and sometimes feel physical pain due to the hunger. The hunger pain has woken me up at night and I couldn't go back to sleep until I ate something. Even on my non-exercise days, 1200 doesn't feel like enough, and it's basically impossible on my exercise days. I did feel hungry sometimes on my old deficit when I was bigger, but not to the extent I'm currently feeling it. Before it was something I was conscious of, but could ignore. Now it's something that directly interferes with my ability to get through my day to day life. I also haven't lost any weight on this new deficit yet, which it has only been two weeks so it could just be that, but that's just another smack in the face.

If I eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day, I just get hungry quicker and never feel fully satisfied--constantly thinking about the next time I get to eat. If I do more of an IF approach and eat the majority of my calories for the day all at once, I feel like I'm able to stave off hunger for about 9 to 10 hours, and then at the end of the night I'm ravenous. I already drink a buttload of water and it doesn't make the hunger go away. I would say my diet is fairly average--I eat a lot of salads with chicken or bacon, Japanese style chicken curry w/ a vegetable base instead of rice, home-made burgers, that kind of stuff, with the occasional sweet treat. I weigh and pre-portion my food as well (mealprepping) so there shouldn't be many calories unaccounted for. I was doing a low-carb diet for a while in September - October, but it ended up not being realistic for my lifestyle (I would get violently sick any time I had any carbs at all, and I do enjoy going out with my friends, going to company parties, etc. in which I might have a single white claw or something, and I'd always be extremely sick to my stomach for a few days after the fact.)

I feel really frustrated, because it's not really THAT big of a decrease even though it feels like it, and even with this decrease, according to the numbers the calculators give me, I'll still only lose 1lb a week on a 1200/1300 deficit (I'm not counting my exercise calories because I can't track them as accurately as my food, and am viewing them as an additional boost rather than an allowance to eat more). If I can't hit this deficit reliably, then I have no idea how I'm going to hit my goal weight. It feels frustrating to be struggling like this when I am so close to the finish line. I do have PCOS, and I know that it can cause issues with weight loss and hunger and stuff, but I've been to the doctor recently and nothing was freakishly out of wack in my bloodwork. Maybe I just need to be more patient and let my body adjust to the new deficit more, but it's a very shocking feeling to feel this way after over a year of it being relatively easy to do. It makes it feel like I'm not gonna be able to reach the finish line because my body just can't take this deficit.

submitted by /u/happyluckygal2020
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I was on a roll and then COVID happened. Totally got off the wagon.

Hi! I started my weight loss journey with a nutritionist last month. December 4. It was so great and I lost 10-13 lbs! From 164 to 153-151 range! After struggling to lose my pandemic weight! My goal is to get to 145. Anyway, I did this by tracking my calories and working out. Cardio, walking and strength training, etc. right when I hit my 151 lb milestone, a few days later, I find out I have COVID and had to stop my routine. I completely lost my appetite for a few days. And of course just in bed the entire week. But the past week, my husband and I (who also got COVID) have just been ordering out and eating out and just whatever all week! I didn’t eat out for the whole month of my journey and now I am just eating whatever. Untracked. Binge eating now that my appetite is back.

Will this mess me up and will I gain weight?? I figured I would just take it easy this week and just relax a bit. But I am pretty sure I overate a lot! Chinese food, sweets, you name it. Ahh, any tips on what I can do to get back??

Will I gain weight and will I be able to get back on track and go back to my lowest weight or is it a set back? So scared to ruin my progress and gain it all back!


submitted by /u/thedesignerr
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

need motivation to keep losing weight after a pause

I've lost about 10kgs last year between start of September and end of November. I did it by CICO but now I have no motivation to do counting again and I just crave so much sweets atm.

I know alot of it contributes to me being bored as I'm on a job hunt atm does anyone have any advice what to do from here on out. I probably should start tracking again but has anyone had the same experience where they've lost the weight but paused and had no motivation how'd you get it back? I've maintained the weight loss but varies between 2kgs which I'm fine with but I would like to lose more now

submitted by /u/pinnochios_nose22
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Loosing progress, Loosing Motivation.

I'm new to reddit and extremely new to this thread so I hope I've put this is in the right place.

I'm feeling especially frustrated right now with my journey and just want to vent a little.

I decided that my weight had gotten to a point that was out of control - I'd finish Uni which left me depressed, binge eating takeouts at least three times a week, cooking meals that were way too large for myself, at least a large chocolate bar and a bottle of coke a day - you get the picture.

I (F24) weighed 266 when I started my journey and at 5'4 that meant I was a chunkyyyyy gal. Doesn't help that I have PCOS but that isn't an excuse anymore.

I thought enough was enough when I came home and decided to do some calorie counting. When I started, it was the middle of lockdown and I was unemployed so I took the opportunity to try and better my health by exercising and try to get a hold of my binge eating issue.

My approach was not to cut anything out - still enjoy the occasional chocolate and treat provided it's in moderation and honestly as difficult as it was, I somehow stuck to it. As I lost the weight, I would slowly cut back on calories. I think part of the issue here is that I was consuming just about 1.4k cal, and would burn at least 400-600 calories a day meaning I'd lost it quickly and in an entirely unsustainable way. Somehow though, those were the days I felt the best as i felt like i was achieving something (obviously not good in the long run.)

I originally started the journey by walking through the local meadows, at home exercises and occasionally going to the gym when possible.

I got a full time job for six months, weight stagnated, quit my job (for separate reasons) and did my best to loose some weight again (and it was slow but sure process)

I got myself a part time job 2 months later and while the weight loss slowed down (retail sucks ass and so does standing on your feet for hours at a time but burning nothing) I still managed to loose it slowly.

I actually got to 195lbs which is a rounded 70lbs loss (5 stone). I felt the difference and was so happy with myself. While loose skin isn't exactly the most attractive physical consequence of my weight lost, I was still happy.

I've since accepted a full time job (which mostly involves mostly sitting at a desk and in those six months of being here, I have now gained back 27lbs since starting this job.

I feel devastated - I've tried time and time again but my will power and my motivation has just disappeared. My binge eating is back and when it's in walk I just feel defeated.

I am so mentally tired that I find myself truely struggling to do anything after work at this rate.

I wake up at 6:15, get into work for 8:15, finish at 4:50pm and don't often get home until 6/7pm depending on travel and bus issues. I am tired. I love my job but I am so mentally exhausted during and after the day as it's certainly intense.

I also struggle doing my walks as they roughly take me 1hr30/40 minutes (burning roughly 400cal a sesh at my current weight) which leaves me such little time to socialise, meal prep, get my shit sorted for the next day and shower etc.

Winter has been especially hard - I hate the cold and with the massive weight loss, I feel it tenfold. I also get hives when cold (even during the summer) if I forget to take my antihistamines tablets which happens a lot.

I know that ultimately I have the time to do it, and that I could fit it in, and people have lives much busier than mine but I don't know where to find the motivation any more. When I'm trying to avoid eating, I actually grind my teeth which makes me think of it more lmao. I feel like I'm back at my original spot.

I can little feel my double chin again and I've never felt so heartbroken, frustrated and quite frankly ugly. I don't even want to go back into the office at this point.

It's like my only choice is to go part time which is not financially viable nor is it an option for my current job.

I'm not really sure what else to say, I just wanted fester in my own little pity party and maybe vent to someone who might have similar struggles. I'm hoping I can get my ass back in gear but with my progress loss I feel like I already know what will happen.

Has anyone managed to get back on track after such a massive loss of progress?

submitted by /u/xElectricCherry
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

It's tough when the pounds stop falling off as easily

I started my weight loss journey (this time) about 4 months ago. This is the longest I've ever committed. I'm down 40lbs to 200lbs. 5'11 M 31. At first the pounds came off quick. Then I added in strength training, and while I wasn't losing weight as fast, I was gaining muscle so there was a lot of progress there.

Now I'm still going to the gym 4-5 times a week, cardio and strength. I'm still eating a deficit, and my body has felt stuck for about 3 weeks. I feel changes happening much slower and some days it's tough to find the motivation when I'm not seeing the progress I used to.

Has anyone else experienced something similar?

submitted by /u/PalindromemordnilaP_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat