Sunday, October 17, 2021

For anyone struggling to lose weight: personally, truly kicking sugar addiction (not all sugar, just the addiction!) is the best thing to overcome the slippery slope!

I am already a healthy weight, but I have gone on and off of sugar every now and then and the difference it makes in quality of life are insane. And of course weight loss is already implied! Mainly cause of the calorie deficit, but also you will literally feel your body thanking you! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, we don’t exist to feel like crap all the time! 🙌

Truly kicking artificial added sugars (not talking about breads, fruit sugars, etc.) to as much as you can stand, will actually make you crave healthy foods like crazy. At least that has been my experience!

CAUTION THOUGH: It’s so easy to get hooked again. Still let yourself live a little, but save it on the good memories with friends, for special occasions! And even then, know that not going overboard and overeating too much is actually the opposite of taking care of yourself! Treating artificial/added sugars like a dangerous drug will change your lifestyle. A drug addict shouldn’t keep his drugs easily accessible to him at all times, and if we know sugar can even practically slowly destroy us emotionally, physically, mentally, why should we take it so lightly?

Not to say we become orthorexics!! But just to overcome societal double standards on health (that one size fits all way of thinking I guess) for our own well-being. Don’t make it too complicated, and do what works for you!

Not telling anyone what to do, these are just some of my thoughts! Hope this could help someone!

submitted by /u/smeeblie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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