Monday, October 11, 2021

Getting the right calories: TDEE sedentary vs lightly active

I see a lot of information saying that if your desk job is sedentary you are sedentary. However, on the tdee calculator, all it says for light exercise is "exercise 1-2 days per week". Thus I interpreted "sedentary" as literally going to work and then coming home and sitting on the couch.

I do light-moderate exercise at the gym at least 3 days per week (mostly strength based training). Based on the tdee calculator definition it most definitely is not sedentary, in fact at the lower end of "moderately active". So does this mean I should eat 500 below the lightly active number?

Just my background: 215 lbs 28% body fat, 6ft tall. I have lost some weight since summer weight (226), and have done weight loss in the past. I have never eaten only 1900 calories a day which is my current bmr. I would usually do 2000 - 2200 and go down in weight. I am asking this because I feel extremely restricted with 1900 calories and find myself going over on a lot of days by like 100 or so, then feeling like shit because of it. This is with eating mostly healthy food, nothing friend and no alcohol.

submitted by /u/BadBeatMagnet
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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