Thursday, October 14, 2021

How do I want to continue?

Hello, I need some advice, bc I really don't know what to do. I am a bit overweight, 167cm and 73 kg, but I have too little muscle mass, so it looks worse than the scale shows. I lost 3 lbs recently, but have plateaued for a month now. So far, so okay...ish. I have talked to my partner of 11 years about getting kids, and we wanted to start in November. I had set up doctors' appointments to check up on our respective health before that (he is a smoker and has started drinking on the daily a few years ago, so I was worried about that). Everything went in a good direction. Yesterday evening, he asked if we could talk, and then he told me that as much as he wanted a kid, he just can't do it with me at my current weight. What if I gain even more during pregnancy? He told me that I've tried to lose weight for so long, that he has waited, and that I haven't succeeded (I was at 60kg when we met). Asked me if I really WANTED to lose the weight. Told me that he doesn't really feel sexual attraction anymore bc of my weight. And that he wouldn't be able to stay with me if I gained another 10 kgs. Then he went on to say that even if I hurried up and lost all the weight, I would surely gain it back during pregnancy. I haven't slept at all tonight. I know that this isn't the right sub to ask about relationship advice, but rn I also don't know how to feel about my body, or about my weight loss project anymore. A part of me is disgusted about myself, too. Another part just wants to go eat as little as possible now, to lose weight quick and leave him then and make him be sorry (yeah, I know, but I'm sad and angry and tired). I really, really dreamed of having kids, but now I'm just afraid of getting fat during pregnancy and never being able to go back.

I just really need some opinions rn, my own thoughts are just spiralling.

submitted by /u/Sabriel1990
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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