Friday, October 1, 2021

My day 1

I’ve been lurking on this sub for a couple of years now. This is my first ever post here, but I have always been meaning to get started on my own weight loss journey. I have had a couple of weeks where I did start trying to be healthier, but it always dwindled off. Especially when covid hit. I definitely have put on a lot of weight since the beginning of 2020. I didn’t realise how much until I stepped on the scales a couple months ago out of curiosity and I was shocked to see that I was almost 100kg (just over 200lbs). It is important to note that I’m 5’1. Back in 2019, I was about 83-85kg (still extremely overweight, obviously).

I think seeing the 95kg on the scales was a really big wake up call. Being short, I think it’s a little easier to forget how heavy you actually are. I have decided that things need to change now; I don’t want to see my weight go up into the 100’s. I’m making this post to hold myself accountable, and I bought my own digital scales today so that I can more accurately track my progress. I know it’s not going to be an easy journey and that there will be plenty of high and low weeks, but in the long run, it will all be worth it. I’m sick of feeling ashamed when I am out in public, I want to be able to go shopping with my friends and not worry about whether or not there will be clothes in my size.

Hopefully in a year or so, I will be able to read back on this post and be proud to say that I am well on my way towards my goals 😀

If anyone has any advice, especially on how to lose weight in a healthy way while also being short, I would love to hear it. Thanks for listening to my tangent 😊

submitted by /u/soulfulpurple
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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