Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Maintained weight loss for a year, then gained a few lbs. No big deal. But I binge every time I track calories now.

Title pretty much sums it up. I'm female, 30, and am sitting around 123-125lbs. I lost ~45lbs in 2017, over a period of 8 months. Maintenance has been really easy, but I have put on a few pounds over this recent holiday season. Just enough to make my pants snug enough for the return of the muffin top, yay.

I thought it would be no problem to eat at a deficit for a few weeks to get rid of it. I didn't want to seriously restrict for such a small loss goal and am fine with slow progress, so my calorie limit has only been a little below maintenance. But every time I track calories now, I start craving everything under the sun and end up eating way over. The result being that I've just gained more weight instead of losing it! Anyone else experience this? Is it some weird self-sabotage thing? I am obviously very afraid of going back to my previous size.

submitted by /u/chaneilfior
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2WId7bC

Monday, February 4, 2019

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Tuesday, 05 February 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2Blc0Wx

NSV- down 100lbs and I fit comfortably in my airplane seat and actually had to tighten my seatbelt.

I’m 10 months into my weight loss journey and now down 100 lbs. today I flew for the first time in about 5 months . Previously when I used to fly, I would fit in the seat but the seatbelt would have to be fully extended and I would have to suck in to get it to click. Today, as I sat down I fully extended the seatbelt fully anticipating to have to suck in again and to my surprise, I had a ton of room to spare. I even had to pul the belt tight almost 8 inches. Talk about pumped. One of the reasons I gained so much wait was I was unable to control my portions. I remember the day I started to make to make this journey I had gone to the doctors office with chest pains and decided I was going to partner with my doctor to reach my goal. Here are a list of things that I feel have helped me along the way:

  1. I partnered with a doctor that cared about my weight loss journey. I can’t underestimate how much this has helped me. He prescribed me phentermine. What this helped me do is start controlling my portions and develop good habits.
  2. I didn’t stop myself from eating what I wanted. I’m a firm believer that it’s about good habits and portion control. If I wanted a burger, I ate a burger. I just didn’t eat it all and had a healthier side instead of French fries. Also, I didn’t eat it all the time.
  3. I maintained a high protein, low carb diet. From what I’ve read, protein provides a more sustainable energy source that burns cleaner than carbs. When I did eat carbs I leaned toward healthier carbs.
  4. This is one of the biggest things I’ve learned how to do that I think has helped me. I learned how to chew my food and slow down. It allowed me to get full faster and stop eating sooner.
  5. I’ve recently started exercise using, mostly the elliptical and swimming. I only started this 9 months in my journey because I wanted to develop good dietary habits first.

None of this is necessary a diet plan that was prescribed to me but it is what I did to help me lose weight. I’m down to 295 lbs and still have about 70 lbs to get to where I want to be. But I’m super pumped about the progress I’ve made.2

submitted by /u/lukhoffm
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2WJl9Bk

OC Marathon Training Plan and Race Discount Code

Hello! Did you run the Surf City half or full marathon this weekend? Got some FOMO? Or what is past tense FOMO…? SAMO – sad about missing out?? Anyway – I have SAMO! I’ve run the Surf City race for years and didn’t this year for a few reasons. But I think I’m going to run the Orange County Marathon so I have something new to focus on and train for!! I have a discount code for the half and full race so you can run it and save some money too!

AND I’m sharing a training plan for the full marathon and half marathon so you can sign up and get started today.

The race is about 12 weeks away so if you already have a running base a 12 week training plan sets you up for a great race. Sign up! Start now!!

OC marathon half marathon discount code

OC Marathon & Half Marathon Discount Code

Save 10% with code: RUNEATREPEAT10

Race – May 5 2019

Orange County, California – starts in Newport Beach and finishes in Costa Mesa, CA

Register & more info here – OC Marathon.com


And if you need a training plan for this race or another race… check out the options below.

Marathon and Half Marathon Training plans intermediate run strength train (427x640)


The half and full training plans are below – but these are just ideas and templates. All training plans should be made and updated for YOUR body and needs. Update them as needed. This means – make sure you are getting enough training and mileage each week so you’re well prepared for the race. But also don’t force yourself to do every run on the plan when your body is showing signs of injury.

Over the course of a 12 week training plan you might need to update or tweak your plan,runs, workouts, etc. If you want a personalized running or training plan – work with a running coach.

half marathon training plan tips and reminders

Before starting a training plan consider these factors:

  • Running base: You should be running 4 to 5 days a week consistently for a few months for a half or a year for the full.
  • For the half marathon – you should be able to run 6 miles for the 1st long run of the plan.
  • For the full marathon – you should be able to run 10 miles for the 1st long run of the plan.
  • Your body: You should be injury free when starting a new training plan.
  • Time: You must have the time to run at least 4 days a week & 2 strength or yoga workouts for the next 12 weeks.


Training Plan Notes and Reminders:

Warm up before each run.

Stretch after each run.

Listen to your body – when you stretch, while you’re running AND note: any areas that are tight, tired, achy, etc… and change your routine as needed

Incorporate strength training and/or yoga.

Fuel your body with healthy food.

Make recovery a priority.

Get enough sleep.

Have fun!

The training plans below are for an experienced runner with a goal time. I usually run my long run on Saturdays but the OC Marathon race is Sunday. And you might like to do your long run on another day so there are 2 options – 1 has the days of the week with the Long Run on Sat. OR the days are numbered 1-7 and you can make your Long Run any day of the week – just keep them in order so you’re not grouping hard days together.

Marathon Training Plan – Days of the week

Click here for Marathon Plan w/ Days of the Week pdf

Run Eat Repeat Marathon Training Plan intermediate - week days schedule


Marathon Training Plan – Day 1-7 (so you can make your long run any day of the week)

Click here for Marathon Plan w/ Day 1-7 pdf

Run Eat Repeat Marathon Training Plan intermediate - day 1 to 7 schedule


Half Marathon Training Plan – intermediate level

Click here for Half Marathon Plan w/ Day 1-7 pdf

Run Eat Repeat Half Marathon Training Plan intermediate - day 1 to 7 schedule w strength training


Half Marathon Training Plan – intermediate level with days of the week

Click here for Half Marathon Plan with days of the week

Run Eat Repeat Half Marathon Training Plan intermediate - days of the week schedule w strength training


Do you need a beginner level half marathon training plan?

I have a lot of different plans – pick the one that’s best for you.

Half Marathon Training Plan – Run/Walk Plan

Half Marathon Training Plan – 10 week Beginner Plan here

Half Marathon Training Level 1

Run / Walk Half Marathon Training Plan – 3 run days a week for new runners


Now who’s running the OC Marathon or Half Marathon?

OC Marathon & Half Marathon Discount Code

Save 10% with code: RUNEATREPEAT10

Race – May 5 2019

Orange County, California – starts in Newport Beach and finishes in Costa Mesa, CA

Register & more info here – OC Marathon.com

Question: What are you training for right now?

The post OC Marathon Training Plan and Race Discount Code appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat http://bit.ly/2DSXxTj

Cutting soda was easier than I thought it would be.

I’ve never been much of a water drinker and would drink a lot of soda. 2 liters or more a day sometimes. Well I started looking into alternatives. I finally settled on Mio. It’s pretty nice because I can just fill up my bottle at work with water and add some zero (or at least close enough to zero that they can market it as such ) calorie flavor. After doing this for 2 weeks I feel a lot less thirsty and my desire for soda has dropped. I’ve had some soda a few times these couple weeks when I went out with friends to eat, and 2 cans at home, but I didn’t even finish one of the cans.

I think the calories cut from soda is really going to help with my weight loss. Thanks to everyone here to by being inspiring enough to get me to really try to make a change!

submitted by /u/Suekru
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2RD3JCr

I fell off the weight loss wagon for the millionth time, but refuse to give up on myself again.

Hi there, This is my first time posting anywhere so I was a bit hesitant, but this community seems so supportive I wanted to give it a shot. Background wise, I (26F) started my weight loss journey on Oct 2018 after struggling with my weight for years and years. I started doing CICO and would hit 10,000 steps daily on my Fitbit. That lasted up until halfway through December. The holidays came and it started with little cheat days and slowly cheat days became cheat weeks, take out dinners, and falling into every bad habit that landed me where I’m at now. My depression pivoted to rock bottom and I felt like I was stuck in a self destructive cycle I was all too familiar with. I’m trying to start once again and I noticed that it really does start with small decisions. Two days ago I looked at the left over Chinese take out we had and fought against every instinct to eat it. I took it and put it in the trash and baked some chicken breasts instead. I haven’t started working out yet, but I’m happy with the healthy decisions I’m starting to make once again! I’m writing this because I backslid and gained back 7 lbs but overall I’m still 25 lbs down (CW: 225). Before I undid all my work I just wanted to remind myself and anybody else that has stopped their weight loss journey for whatever reason, that it’s not over just bc you stopped for a few weeks or a month or whatever and gained back whatever amount, think about the big picture and think about all hard work it’s taken you to get to where you are.

submitted by /u/racheltzu
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2WFSigW

Fat Losers who Exercised Lost more Dangerous Visceral Fat than other Interventions


It's well known around here: To lose weight, you need to control your food. When the intake is controlled, then exercise might help you lose weight in some minor way. Food control is the way to manage your weight.

But, in the same breath, exercise is great for fitness/health and we all should keep doing it... READERS: IF YOU'RE NOT EXERCISING, START. IF YOU ARE EXERCISING, DON'T QUIT. It's awesome! And we just learned a new thing about exercise that we didn't know -- and it's about losing some of the dangerous fat near your organs -- called visceral fat.

In a metastudy of 17 studies, some involving weight-control drugs, drug trials, and some exercise alone, researchers found that those who lost weight using exercise lost a greater proportion of fat from visceral fat, the fat that provides more chances of dangerous conditions related to being obese.

This might sound like a mixed message, but it really isn't. Many of us here in /r/loseit have been pretty consistent in our advocacy for using diet for weight loss, and exercise for fitness and health. What this might shade differently is that exercising while losing weight seems to provide a bias toward burning a particular kind of fat -- the fat that is not a layer of our skin but that lives around our central organs.

Said differently: Exercise with weight loss doesn't do much to fight the fat that makes your waist and neck look too big, but it does fight the inner fat that is even more critical to lose if you're obese.

♂55 5'11/179㎝ SW:298℔/135㎏ CW:183℔/83㎏ [3Y AMA], [1Y recap] MFP+πŸšΆπŸ‹+TOPS

submitted by /u/funchords
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2SaJp0x