Monday, February 4, 2019

I fell off the weight loss wagon for the millionth time, but refuse to give up on myself again.

Hi there, This is my first time posting anywhere so I was a bit hesitant, but this community seems so supportive I wanted to give it a shot. Background wise, I (26F) started my weight loss journey on Oct 2018 after struggling with my weight for years and years. I started doing CICO and would hit 10,000 steps daily on my Fitbit. That lasted up until halfway through December. The holidays came and it started with little cheat days and slowly cheat days became cheat weeks, take out dinners, and falling into every bad habit that landed me where I’m at now. My depression pivoted to rock bottom and I felt like I was stuck in a self destructive cycle I was all too familiar with. I’m trying to start once again and I noticed that it really does start with small decisions. Two days ago I looked at the left over Chinese take out we had and fought against every instinct to eat it. I took it and put it in the trash and baked some chicken breasts instead. I haven’t started working out yet, but I’m happy with the healthy decisions I’m starting to make once again! I’m writing this because I backslid and gained back 7 lbs but overall I’m still 25 lbs down (CW: 225). Before I undid all my work I just wanted to remind myself and anybody else that has stopped their weight loss journey for whatever reason, that it’s not over just bc you stopped for a few weeks or a month or whatever and gained back whatever amount, think about the big picture and think about all hard work it’s taken you to get to where you are.

submitted by /u/racheltzu
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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