Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Calorie deficit does work!

I know it's a known fact but still a bit shocked.

I (25F, 5'4) have done the whole weight loss thing before with intense exercises 6 days a week but little to no change in my diet. I lost some weight but quickly gained it all rapidly.

In September, I decided it was time for a permanent lifestyle change. I downloaded the lose it app and set a daily calorie limit of 1,323 and was strict with it for the most part. Started eating more protein and fresh food, I had already completely cut soda 2 years back.

I couldn't work out as I wanted to as I'm schooling and working full time. Recently, I started doing 20mins cardio 3 to 4 days a week. I noticed my clothes had been getting loser so i finally decided to ignore my anxiety and stand on the scale today, was shocked to see that I'd lost 10kg (22 pounds)!

Last time I weighed in August, I was 70kg and overweight. I am now officially in the healthy weight category🥳. Still plan on loosing 5kg to reach my goal weight of 55.

submitted by /u/Otherwise-Cod-6445
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/d4Pf37j

Done with year of “maintenance”!

In 2021, I lost a total of 50 lbs! (F29, SW:240, CW:188).

In 2022, initially, I lost ~18lbs, and I was around 173 lbs, and felt great. However, after a break up, graduate school failures and just life, I gained those 18 lbs back.

But I don’t feel like I failed at weight loss, surprisingly. I see 2022 as a year of maintenance, when I had to deal with a lot of emotional trauma (with therapy and self awareness).

NOW, I want to continue, and finish what I started :) My goal is 140.

To anyone restarting, you can do it❤️ It is extremely hard. For me, I think getting my mindset in the right place helped a lot. Being kind to yourself but also holding yourself accountable. It is a balance and slippery slope if you are used to the all or nothing mentality like me. But it is possible. Healing is possible.

Let’s do this :)

submitted by /u/Whoisdaatgirl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/tX7FpkK

How to address my girlfriend's weight without upsetting her?

I have been losing weight for the past several months but I didn't do this in the healthiest of ways. Girlfriend thinks I did it in a more "normal" way but she is aware I restricted calories heavily and she sometimes gets upset that she can't seem to do that (I don't want her to obviously). I don't want her to think I'm a hypocrite because I sincerely do care about her health, it's not just about appearance. I'm now working on a healthy balanced diet and exercising regularly.

She is 5'5 and weighs about 170lbs but was around 130 when we first got together 2 years ago. Due to my weight loss she is now very insecure about her body and no amount of reassurance helps. It's starting to get frustrating and I'm worried I may soon just snap and tell her to just lose the weight. Sometimes I express disapproval at her food choices and she doesn't take it well. She also thinks that I'm "too skinny" now (I'm a very average weight) so I think her perception is skewed. I still find her attractive but I have to admit as I lost weight I began to find her less attractive, although this could be explained by loss of sex drive due to other reasons. I guess she can sense my loss of interest, but she isn't acting on the weight problem which I don't understand because it seems to upset her so much.

I offer to make her healthy food and sometimes it works but she always snacks on unhealthy things. We don't live together so I can't request she doesn't keep that stuff in the house. I work a lot so I can't really go to the gym with her.

How can I help her?

submitted by /u/odods11
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/fXazLVE

Monday, January 9, 2023

Too scared to weigh myself

I’m starting a weight loss journey. I have depression and OCD, and I take a medication which makes me gain weight. I am trying to counteract this by eating less and exercising more. I have a history of eating issues which makes my weight gain a lot harder. I was borderline anorexic in high school. I’m better now, but the thought process is still there. I’ve gained a lot of weight over the last few years because of my mental health conditions and medications. I am considered overweight by my BMI now. I’m doing a lot better now and want to lose this weight. I know weighing yourself is an important part of weight loss, but I am too scared. I know it will be much more than I want, and I really don’t want to trigger myself, as I am very sensitive to this due to my eating issues. I am scared I will trigger my old issues again. I don’t want to do that because I need to stay healthy for a career in EMS and nursing. Help please. I’m too scared to get on the scale and I hate even looking at myself because I view myself as disgusting. Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/ResilientEagle23
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/sLbNcRy

This is your fault

Yes, I know this is an extremely confrontational title. And mostly this is a rant and a bit of insight into my own mindset which has allowed me to have some success over my weight loss endeavors.

I spent a lot of my time when I was at a weight that I wasn't healthy at, blaming outside exterior factors. Work, kids, schedule, etc. This just created a situation in which I felt trapped and felt powerless because I was a victim of my circumstances. But nobody made me eat. Nobody forced food into my mouth. I did that all by myself. It was only when I accepted responsibility for my own struggles that things began to change.

It's not that those reasons weren't valid. Many of us live lives that due to stress or scheduling or whatever else, losing weight and becoming the people we believe ourselves to be capable of becoming, just seems like a pipedream, drowned out by the happenings of life.

For myself that meant changing many of my circumstances. To allow room for me. I realized I was too selfless. I get that from my mom. I always wanted to give my time and give everything for others. This led to my own destruction as I no longer prioritized myself, which led to my loss of self control.

submitted by /u/Round-Mechanic-968
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/Nz72Fxa

The trainer at my work gym complimented my appearance and it made my whole day, maybe my whole month.

My office has a fitness room with weights and cardio machines. They also offer free fitness classes every day, but I only go to the office 2 days a week, so I only have 2 days a week to take advantage of them, and then only when I have time and am not too busy doing my actual job. The trainer that teaches the fitness classes is just goals. She is a few years older than me (I'm in my 40's) and she is just so fit and healthy (as you would expect from someone who teaches 3 fitness classes a day 5 days a week at least. I don't know what she does when she's not at my office.) She's buff, and she's flexible, and she's also extremely kind and cool and I just love her to pieces. Definitely a little bit of hero worship going on here. Lol

Anyway, I haven't seen her in over a month because I got Covid in early December and then I wasn't allowed back in the office even after I was recovered and then she took 2 weeks off to travel around the holidays.

I walked in to her class today, and she immediately said "You look goooood!" And it just made my whole day, way more so than anyone else who has noticed and commented on my weight loss, I think because she is kind of a hero of mine. I did 45 minutes of tabata with a happy smile on my face. I'm going to be pulling that little comment out when I need a pick me up for like the next week. Lol

submitted by /u/Overbeingoverit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/n1ChvMZ

I apologize if this isn’t the right place for this, but: what to do when you have a lot you want to accomplish at once

And of course weight loss is at the forefront. But basically, I feel really pressured to do a lot in these next several months before June when I turn 30. Getting healthier is a priority, and weight loss plays a big role in that. But I also want to achieve some personal stuff that are largely creative/writing-related. I already feel like I’m falling short on all accounts, and it’s getting me down.

I’m not sure what kind of advice I’m looking for here. Maybe: what helps you stay focused, balancing what you want to achieve with everyday life (work and whatnot)? I already feel way behind in many regards but I’m trying to dust myself off and pick up where I’ve left off.

submitted by /u/HummingbirdsAllegory
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/acdKH2u