Thursday, January 2, 2020

CICO: Don't believe in the CO part

Speaking primarily about weight loss here. I've noticed that exercise somewhat helps to maintain the weight or to slow down the unwanted weight gain, but (at least in my experience), weight loss depends LARGELY on how much you eat, and exercise does next to nothing to "combat" the pounds/fat.

I'll give you an example. I can maintain my weight eating 1200-1500 kcal/day. It literally does not matter whether I'm entirely sedentery or if I make a massive effort in exercising off an extra 1000/day with different exercises. Whereas I lose quite easily eating 500 kcal/day (being sedentery). Technically, it's roughly the same daily net calorie deficit. But it only gives results when the CI is low, rather than when CO is high... does that makes sense?

So yeah, what's the deal with that? Has anybody else noticed a similar trend in their weight loss?

(P.s. before anybody "points out" to me that weight =/= fat, I am aware. By weight loss I don't just mean the numbers on the scale, I mean inches too...)

submitted by /u/Xgx9
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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