Monday, October 11, 2021

I've Lost 35lbs. I am Using Data (and more than that) to Make a Change.

I have been a lurker in this community for almost a year now and often wanted to speak on my progress. I haven't felt I met my goal enough to congratulate myself on this sub. I still don't feel like I do. But as of today, I am 35 pounds lighter than I was on Jan 1, 2021. While that has been great progress, I am still working through my internal overachiever ego that always wishes I need to do more. Weight loss has been the most difficult challenge I have endured. That being said, I am beginning my new diet adjustment that I plan to hold onto between now and the end of the year. I am ending my fling with keto and moving back to an adjusted low carb Calories in Calories Out (CICO) diet.

Over the course of the year I have tried CICO, keto, and an adjusted whole 30. I also had a period where I backslid into old habits. Throughout the entire year I actively weighed myself almost daily. While weighing myself daily has its own consequences on my psyche, it has given me some really valuable data that I can look at. Weight hardly ever tells the full story, but tracking weight over time has given me insight into how my body is responding to the food I am feeding it.

With that being said, today, I pulled the data of 10 months, 100 data points onto an excel sheet and looked at what I can see.

The Data:

  • Data was sourced from my Rephno app Bluetooth scale. There are 100 entries beginning 1/5/21 and ending 10/11/2021.
  • There is little data between 2/27/2022 - 8/11/2021 where I spent a lot of time no focusing on my weight but my mental health. I also backslid between February and June where I gained most of my weight back from my CICO progress.

Calories in Calories Out 1/5/21-2/27/21

Calorie intake:1450-1800 on average.

Weight lost: -14.9lbs

Comparative weight loss: (removed initial weight crash at the beginning to normalize the data.: -13.6lbs

Adjusted daily weight loss (days/total weight lost): -.28 lbs

Standard deviation: 1.314

Pros: Easy to follow, freedom to eat what I want, less variable, easy to track.

Cons: Counting calories suck, can blow calorie count easily, hungry often. Slower results.

Overall thoughts: this was the best diet for my mental health. It made it easy to understand the amount of food I was putting into my body. Portion control and understanding worthless calories became a real game changer. I found easy alternatives to empty calories. Early results were fast and constant weight loss became easier to see. However, when things got tough, it became easy to fall back to old habits. I fell off and regained most of my weight. I was hungry a lot and this diet did not offer a lot to keep that under control. Overall it taught me portion control.

Keto 8/11/2021-9/30/2021

Calories intake: unknown

Weight loss: -15.8lbs

Adjusted daily weight loss (days/total weight lost): -.32lbs

Standard deviation: 2.965

Pros: No focus on counting, easy excluding food groups, fast results, better attention to what food I consume.

Cons: keto flu, no fruit, easy to do dirty keto, shame around cheating (no leeway), long term worries about heart health, cholesterol.. Expensive.

Overall thoughts: This fad was being tried out in my office and I jumped on knowing I gained a lot of my weight back. I needed to look good again for back-to-office. Keto was fast. It was easy to just exclude carbs. I became more aware of what I was eating. Sugar is in EVERYTHING. This diet taught the importance of the quality of food I was putting into my body. It taught me so well that I became more critical of keto. Keto flu, keto fog, and ketosis is my body not feeling good. If I am not feeling good, something is wrong. I am concerned about long term health effects on my heart, cholesterol, and BP. Weight loss was more erratic and cheating became non-existent and shameful.


Both diets offered me something to work on. CICO taught me portion control and empty calories. Keto offered a deep look into what I was eating and the effects of sugar. Both offered positive weight loss results. While keto offered a higher daily adjusted weight loss of -.32lbs, towards the end of September it began to stagnate. At no time did CICO slow down in loss for me.

The deal breaker:

For me the deal breaker is seen in the Standard Deviation (SD). The standard deviation for CICO was 1.314. The standard deviation for Keto was double the amount at 2.965. What this tells me is that over time, the weight loss for CICO was more steady and constant, whereas Keto was erratic and had lots of deviation. The SD plus the way it made my body feel were clear indications that my body was experiencing something it shouldn't be.

Either way, the lesson for me is to listen to my body and follow the weight loss plan that makes me feel good too. The end number is a goal, but how to get there is really the lesson of the day for me.

Thanks everyone, I see your posts everyday and you all inspire me to do better.

submitted by /u/josholboy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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