Saturday, October 9, 2021

My wedding & covid

Hi all,

I just wanted to share this somewhere and loseit seems the obvious place after all the help it's given me.

I've always been a big guy, I was 270 pounds at my heaviest a few years ago. I had been slowly losing weight for a while and had lost maybe 40 pounds over the period of a couple of years but never with any pace.

In Dec 2019 I proposed to my girlfriend and she said yes! It was time to step up the weight loss, I lost another 20 ish pounds between Dec and March.

When covid hit everything stopped, my routines were destroyed and bad habits returned. Big meals, take out etc. The weight started creeping back up. We obviously had to cancel our wedding which was booked for the end of 2020, this only made the weight gain, and my mood, worse. By Feb 2021 I had almost gained back everything I lost.

We decided to rebook our wedding for Oct 2021 and I decided if there was a single day of my life that I had to make an effort for it was that.

I started calorie counting and getting the train to the office instead of driving, this left me with a walk of about 90 minutes per day from the station to the office. I've not been perfect but I've lost weight almost every week.

This morning the scale was 199.4, the first time I've ever seen a 1 at the start. There's a couple of weeks before the wedding and while I'll still be about 18 pounds overweight by then I'll also be the lightest I've ever weighed in my adult life.

I regret the weight I gained during 2020 deeply but I'm extremely happy and extremely proud to be going into my wedding sub 200. I have no intention of stopping after that, every pound that comes off I can see a new me in the mirror.

Thank you to everyone who has ever posted here, it's my first stop on days where I'm feeling unenthusiastic and had gotten me through some tough times.

submitted by /u/FizzyGizmo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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