Friday, October 8, 2021

Sudden weight gain after 11 months of consistent weight loss. Is it more than water weight?

37M 183cm (6ft 0in) SW: 135kg (297lb) CW: 104.5kg (230lb) GW: 92kg (202lb)

I've maintained a calorie deficit for almost a year now and have lost over 30kg (66lb) so far, which is an achievement in itself given gyms have been closed for half that period due to lockdowns. For the last 5 months I've recorded my weight each morning to better understand my progress and fluctuations, but the last month has me stumped.

Three weeks ago I binged for a day or two over the long weekend, nothing excessive but a few beers, pies, cheeses etc. Prior to this there were minimal fluctuations in my weight (less than 300g variance in week prior) but on this occasion I gained 3kg (6lb) overnight. I put it down to water retention, so I drank more water, did more exercise, reset my diet and started taking Metamucil daily.

After 3 weeks I'm no closer to my previous weight and has hardly moved from my overnight gain. I feel and look less bloated but the scale suggests otherwise. I was on track to be below 100kg (220lb) by November and I'd really like to hit that goal after 12 months of discipline and hard work, but at the moment I'm on track to fall agonisingly short. Am I being too impatient, or do I have to suck up the fact that my binge has set my progress back a month?

submitted by /u/johnnyjoejoejr
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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