Sunday, February 3, 2019

Tips for staying full on 1500 calories?

I’m normally a fan of eating as much as you can get away with and staying as active as possible, because that’s an enjoyable and painless way to lose weight. I did it that way years ago, and kept it off until recently. Suited me, because I’ve always had a big appetite, and hard cardio both curbed it and gave me a buffer.

After fours years maintaining, I regained it (multiple injuries; new relationship)

I now want to lose at a quicker rate (1-2 lbs a week) because knee pain is making me miserable, and weight loss is the best thing for it. (Will need a knee replacement, but am holding off on that as long as poss.)

I can’t do intense cardio anymore, and don’t have that appetite suppressing help. (Also can’t do lower body lifting.)

So I have to find a way to do this with food alone. I want to stick to 1500 calories. (Have never eaten less than 1800, and as I say that was fine, recommend it to others who can wait a bit, I actually lost 60 lbs that way and didn’t bat an eyelash.)

What are your tips for managing hunger?

I’m eating lean protein and high-fiber carbs, and watching fats. Not drinking my calories. Taking a fiber supplement for other reasons (TMI) and that is helping somewhat, weirdly. This is getting me to 1800. I want to shave 300 off that.

What little tricks do you use to get those calories down and feel full? (Apart from “getting used to hunger and ignoring it” because that 100% doesn’t work for me. Can’t sleep, can’t focus, can’t function, nope nope nope)


submitted by /u/Pigeonofthesea8
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost myself

Hello all. I am new to this sub and I hope I can get some tips/inspiration from it.

Around a year and half ago, I decided to start my weightloss journey and it turned out really well. I lost around 30 kg in a year and I was almost satisfied when it came to my appearance after the weight loss (in my mind I needed to lose maybe another 5-10kg). So a few months ago, I started to eat again and I stopped working out. I’ve gained almost 15 kg back and I am absolutely heartbroken about it. I really lost myself in the process of losing my ex bit by bit and I just let loose and found comfort in food and basically just being lazy all around.

The thing is, my sister is likely to get married around August this year and I really want to look my best by then. I’ve attempted to diet again two weeks ago and I just cannot seem to have enough discipline to stick to it. I know exactly what works for me when it comes to dieting and working out (I do low-carb + 4 gym days a week where I do mostly weight training) but it’s not working.. even though I know I must put in the work now if I want to have the body I want by then.

So my question is, do you guys ever struggle to get back on track after letting yourself go for a while? And if so, how do you get yourself back on track? What motivates you? What kind of diet do you easily stick to when you just start your diet? All suggestions are very much welcome!!

submitted by /u/xiyarmast
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Just got a gym membership and I have no idea where to start....HELP!

My stats - 29 / F / SW 367.2 lbs / CW 350.8 My husband's - 30 / M / SW 470 lbs / CW 440 lbs

My husband and I are just joined the YMCA. As you can see, we are very large. We joined to help our weightloss journies along, our problem is we have no idea where to start. I know how to use the machines, and the weights but I'm at a loss to design a program for us. I was on swim team in my teens, so I definitely will be swimming laps, but I just don't know other than that. We don't want to just go and work out willy nilly, we want to have a structured program to follow. We aren't focusing on muscle mass at this point, just weight loss. Once we've slimmed down some, we will add muscle building. Any ideas?

submitted by /u/NovaStarchaser
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Need help changing my eating habits for the better

Some context - I’m 23F. I do weightlifting twice a week because I love it and love being strong. I have been doing it consistently for about a year now and have noticed a marked change in my muscle mass, but have lost relatively little fat because of my eating habits.

Other than that I do little exercise at the moment (I’m job hunting so spending lots of time at home researching for jobs). I have had some issues with calorie counting in the past and anything in the vein of restricting calories puts me in panic mode where I want to eat everything in sight because I’m being told I can’t have it. I have a very sweet tooth and it’s very normal for me to eat chocolate daily. I’m about 100kg and want to shed the weight. It’s been a lifelong goal it feels like and it’s got to the point where I don’t ever believe I’ll do it, because I haven’t so far.

I really want to lose weight and be the best possible version of myself that I can be, but I’m standing in my own way. I know I want to lose weight and that food is the way to do that, but I still eat chocolate bars etc to excess and feel rubbish afterwards.

I don’t have a specific weight I want to reach; I’d prefer to base it on aesthetic goals rather than focusing on the scale.

I know it’s a long term journey and I’m prepared for that, I’m just desperate to be on my way to positive change.

Any suggestions or advice would be gratefully received.

TL;DR need advice about how to change my eating habits to meet my weight loss goals.

submitted by /u/samsam343
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Advice on how to stay on track when you are around already fit people?

I am finally trying to get serious about my weight loss, I have been tracking everything and have really been able to find unhealthy patterns by doing so. But I have found that most of those patterns are surrounded by my friends and boyfriend. Most of my friends are already very thin and don’t need to worry about what they eat. It’s hard now that I’m trying to get serious because I’ve found my highest calorie days are with friends or my boyfriend. Especially because he likes to go out to eat with me once a week. How do I keep a social life and not eat so many calories? I also don’t always want to eat salads when I go out they are really hard to track and because I don’t eat meat or dairy they are usually not filling at all. Please send tips that helped you in this situation!

submitted by /u/Jennybunny-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Halfway point in my little weight loss journey!



SW: 160 lbs

CW: 145 lbs

GW: 125-130 lbs

Since I started last Fall I have lost 15 lbs (6.8 kg) and 12 in (30 cm)! And I am not looking to find it ever again. XD

So excited about my weigh in today I just wanted to share it with someone else (as I don't talk about my weight loss with family). I wasn't planning to post as I feel my loss is small comparatively to most people here but then I thought maybe someone looking to lose a little too would read this and relate in some way. I have found this place to be so helpful and do enjoy reading about other's journeys no matter how much they are trying to lose so I thought what the heck. So for all those 'little losers' out there while it may not be a whole lot it makes a difference and it's totally worth it so keep at it!

I have one question though as I am now at a healthy weight I do worry about becoming complacent. Currently I don't feel burned out or less motivated which is good but that could change in the future.. Any tips on staying on track when you're happy with how you look but not quite at your ultimate goal? Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/theveryhungrypanda
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Fitbits calorie burned calculations seem totally out of wack! Anyone had similar issues?

I'm a 5'8, 185lb guy. I'm aiming to lose about 35lbs from where I am right now, and I run quite a lot. I love Fitbit generally, and like to see my deficit calculations for calories as a weight loss aid.

Here's my beef: today I ran 25km, that's basically all I've done all day beside a little bit of cooking. I've basically been in the bath tub or in bed for like the entire day.

My Fitbit thinks I've burned over 7000 calories today. Strava thinks I burned 2600ish on my run.

I feel like this is a totally unrealistic estimate. Surely, even based on A slightly elevated HR from dehydration, there's no way I could have burned 7000 calories when literally the ONLY thing I've done today is do one big 3.5 hour run...

Does anyone know how realistic this is? Is Fitbits estimate totally out and should be completely disregarded?

submitted by /u/hikesnhalfmarathons
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from loseit - Lose the Fat