Thursday, January 2, 2020

How can I kick the fast food habit?

So one of (if not the) biggest barriers to my weight loss has been fast food and takeaways.

When I moved out for university just over a year ago, it was my first time both living in the city and living alone. And with that came the brand new availability of deliverable fast food: Deliveroo, Uber Eats, JustEat –the works.

Takeaway food was one of the biggest factors in my weight gain, and now I’m struggling with the cravings whilst I’m trying to lose. I constantly reach a day or two of home-cooked meals before I get intense cravings for junk - usually a burger or pizza - and it always sets me back and stops me from making any progress beyond losing a couple of pounds.

I’ve started with the gym, and I eat a decent amount of fruit and veg otherwise, but fast food is the one thing I can’t seem to kick. I’d really appreciate any advice on dealing with these cravings.

submitted by /u/damnshinoda
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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