Friday, January 17, 2020

I see all food as time

Started 250 lbs., currently 196 lbs., my goal is to be 170 lbs.

Before I started my weight loss journey I never thought about food until it was time to eat. “What sounds good” then I would go get it, usually from a restaurant and usually terrible for you. Since I didn’t actually cook almost everything I made was the worst kind of microwaved awfulness.

Now think about food constantly. My food is simple but healthy and I make it myself. I love looking at low calorie recipes but since I still really don’t know cooking I try to find the easy ones.

Here is something I’ve discovered…I see food as time. All of it is time. I don’t want a Big Mac because that will cost me time between now and my goal. I don’t eat that donut at work because it has processed sugar and crap that will cost me time. There is an overflowing candy bowl at work, I don’t even want to touch it because it will extend my time. I COULD eat it but then I feel I “wasted” the day…and I am 6 pounds from updating my flair!

Thanks to this subreddit I am making a lot of effort into getting all my essential nutrients daily. But I am unsure what’s going to happen when I get to my 170 goal. I feel like I should be moving on to a “this is a healthy sustainable living” phase but I really don’t see food that way, I see it has helping me get to where I want to be or it’s time eating crap. It doesn’t seem like this is a sustainable approach but I am just being honest. Is this a normal phase? Any suggestions on how to get my mind right? I am still a long ways from my goal so maybe I am worrying for nothing but, as I said, I think about food a lot.

submitted by /u/boom_townTANK
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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