Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Recently switched to a vegan lifestyle. Feeling better than I ever have. I’ve had a lot of ups and down, but right now I’m getting better than ever and feeling great. Here’s my story:

My story:

I’ve talked about my weight loss story, but most people just see the before and the after. I would never want anyone to be discouraged. It is very rare that someone loses a lot if weight then keeps every bit of it all forever. That kind of consistency is tough, but it is possible. Some of us let life get in the way and fall off. The important thing is you can bounce back from anything.

16 years old. I was fat. I weighed 315 pounds. I hated myself. I was out of shape. I just wanted to level up in CoD and halo, eat Doritos, and drink a case of Dr. Peppers. I really wanted to to get better and healthier, but I had asthma so my parents never let me participate in anything that involved exercise. Partially their fault, but also partially mine. So one day my brother says hey lets just go get a gym membership I had $33 in my wallet from my birthday. It was 6 days after I turned 16. The membership would be exactly $33 to start up and then my brother said it could come out of his account monthly. Little did I know that decision would be the biggest one I ever made. My brother was a little familiar with weightlifting and nutrition, but not much. I went to every machine in that gym and did a set. When I tell you I hurt for 3 days....I literally couldn’t move. I said what the hell did I get myself into. So once the soreness went away we continued. I quit sodas cold turkey. Not as hard as I thought, but the taste of water was different. Yes, I never really drank water before. Sad, I know. So along with that I started tracking my food intake. I didn’t eat any chips, or candy, or anything calorie dense with no nutritional value. A lot of lean meats, veggies, the occasionally rice serving, maybe some potatoes. I had no idea what I was doing, but something was better than nothing. So, I kept strong.

I had some muscle but mostly just lost the fat. Got tiny. So a year goes by and I start gaining strength. Started to notice that I was getting pretty strong. Well it’s a lot easier to build muscle and gain strength if you’re eating more calories, so I did. I’m about 230 pounds at the time. I got into powerlifting. Started eating a lot more. Wanted to gain more muscle. Wanted to get bigger.

So I wasn’t impressive but I just wanted to workout and get strong. Over time I gained a little by little. Well I got really into powerlifting. I got really good at it. I wasn’t to be the strongest guy I knew. I wanted to be the best in the world. I wanted to compete and I needed to be stronger than I already was. So I said I would eat everything until I got to the next weight class and I would compete in 6 months. Extremely stupid I know but ego gets in the way sometimes.

Well some more years go by and I’m ready to compete. 276 pounds on the day of my competition. Bloated. Can’t run a mile. At least I’m strong right? No. Wasn’t worth it. I competed and did pretty well. Deadlifted 600 pounds. Benched 400. Squat was around 500. Not what I wanted but it was enough. So at this point I asked myself what are you doing? You got into this for health and now this? So I decided to follow a ketogenic diet and cut it off as quickly as possible.

3-4 months. I cut almost 60 pounds. I was roughly 213 at this point. Not healthy to do so but I felt better. I was very strict. No carbs. No alcohol. Nothing but what was strict on the diet plan. So, then I’m still lifting one day and decide to do a heavy deadlift then drop down.

Well, I herniate two discs in my back.


This was definitely the worst part. Juggling working 50 hours a week and school and trying to lift all the time and this happens. This took away the best thing I had. I was depressed. I worked out some but I couldn’t do what I wanted. I got off of my diet. We went out drinking too much. I worked out maybe twice a week. I gained a lot back.

So a while back and forth and here we were. December 1st 2019. My back was better. I had been working out and lifting on and off and running here and there. Drinking too much. Diet was trash. Decided to get back on track. I needed something sustainable once and for all.

Here we are January 10th. Recently adapted a vegan lifestyle. It’s not for everyone but I feel amazing. It’s not like keto where I’m extremely strict then binge for a week and fall off. It’s not a diet where I restrict a bunch of different foods. It’s just me enjoying my life, feeling better and working out every day like I enjoy.

I’m short, don’t ever give up. I tried to give up and few times, but I bounced back. No matter how far gone you are you can always get better. No matter what happens you can always improve. Most importantly, be the healthiest and happiest that you can be.

I hope you all have a wonderful day. If I can motivate one person that will be enough.

submitted by /u/_huntah
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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