Saturday, February 8, 2020

I really need to lose weight - Suggestions

Hello everyone!

I work 10 hours a day as a software developer... and we don't have breaks except 30 mins as our lunch break.. now I believe many of you may be in the same position, I have been eating alot of junk in the past 3 years and no moving.. I've gained about 44 lbs since then I'm currently 195 lbs which is obese.. and I'm getting married hopefully by the end of this year.. however I want to be back at least to 150 lbs, now I have started 6 days ago the detoxing / cleansing diet but im not happy with it, I starve alot at work its a little easier now after the 4th day but still starving whenever I see someone eating or see some advertisement, im doing the following drinking about x3 600 ml of green detox or similar drinks, eating one salad dish and 2 hard boiled eggs per day, I just started going to the gym today was my 2nd day, mainly doing cardio and abit of weight lifting I can see that in these 6 days I've lost about 3-4 lbs but its been stuck for the past 2 days at the same weight almost, I need something to get me going, knowing it will work for sure if I followed it, I've read in one of the posts about logging your calories in / out but I honestly don't know how to do that exactly how to begin, like okay I read hard boiled eggs are 155 calories per 100 grams but I can't tell how many calories in everything I eat, since I don't cook at home, maybe I need to which also leads me to the need of a plan where to find something trust worthy, also I cannot tell how many calories I've burnt when I'm doing my exercises im not following a specific plan, for example I was only able to do about 15 pushups, walked/ran for 20 minutes, did 3 sets of weight lifting I'm basing them on how much is my limit and I try to add a little bit more each time, and so on, maybe it is wrong to do this but yeah this is why im here I need tips for weight loss, exercising, food.

I seriously need to lose this weight, to me money is no issue if it comes to my health but I prefer if it was in the least amount possible.

submitted by /u/TheAwesomeOdai
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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