Thursday, April 2, 2020

Hot take: staying at home can help with weight loss

Upfront caveat: this obviously doesn’t apply to everyone. This post is to counter balance a lot of the posts about how losing weight is harder during quarantine. By no means am I insinuating that this situation is true for everyone - I wouldn’t dare discount the extreme levels of stress people feel during this time. I am sharing my experience in the hopes it may help some others.

Working from home affords me the advantage of having full access to my kitchen whenever I want it, which helps me lose weight. This sounds counter intuitive, but in my brain, knowing that I am not restricted in types of food or time of day I have to eat actually increases my ability to say “why don’t I just wait a little longer to eat”.

It allows me more freedom to listen to my hunger cues because I am not bound to the idea that “if I don’t eat now I won’t be able to for another 3 hours”.

I also know that I can eat whatever I feel like eating (because it’s all in my kitchen), so any impulse decisions due to a scarcity mentality around specific types of food, like “well I better just have this piece of bread now so I’m not distracted thinking about it all afternoon”, is no longer a factor in my decisions.

Anyway, just wanted to share and I’d love to hear about how the changing access to food has shifted (or hasn’t shifted) your mindset.

submitted by /u/paperdolls
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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