Monday, August 31, 2020

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

For me

Hey everyone! I first started my weight loss journey July of last year. I have since lost 80 pounds! I still have probably at least 20 more to go until I’m at a “normal” weight. And for the first time in YEARS I’m at overweight instead of obese!

I lost weight by counting calories, IF and OMAD. I did some running in the beginning but I only seriously started exercising in January.

I’ve been maintaining since June at about 179 and today I decided I’m going to push myself to get back into becoming healthier. Originally I didn’t have a goal set, I just wanted to look better. I wanted to feel better. And I do, but I’m still not 100% comfortable with my body yet.

The reason I stopped losing weight is because my fiancé didn’t “approve” of it. I remember standing in the kitchen feeling so confident in a size 14 pair of jeans (that were slightly loose!) after being in a tight 18 for over a year when he told me I looked sick. It crushed me. Not once In a whole year did he compliment me on my weight loss. He only picked at me saying things like “you know I like bigger girls” “your butt used to be so much bigger” “you don’t look the same” “your thighs are too small” “you need to gain more weight”. I felt every single one of those insults. I stopped losing weight. I stopped eating healthily. I stopped caring. I thought maybe if I just stayed at that weight he’d come around.

But today, after finding out that he has been cheating on me (with bigger women actually) Today, I restart. For me. For my health, for my confidence. For me.

So here’s to day one, again.

submitted by /u/heymegsss
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Don't rush and overcomplicate weight loss

I've been there. One day you suddenly see clearly everything for what it is. You don't exercise, you don't eat well, you're overweight and you're leading an unhealthy lifestyle. You panic. You decide that this is it. You need to change immediately. You throw out the junk food, you buy recipe books, you purchase a gym membership and you vow to never touch junkfood again.

All is going good until you've had a rough day two weeks later. You get home and order takeout. You wake up the next day feeling guilty but decide to move on. But today is not better than yesterday. So you eat your feelings away and decide that maybe you should take a break from all this dieting stuff. You have enough on your plate and planning everything takes so much effort. Not to mention food is the only thing that's bringing you joy right now. And I mean, you did last two full weeks, that's something! So you let yourself go.

A few months later you suddenly see everything clearly again. And rinse and repeat.

You've heard it over and over again but let me say it again. Weight loss should be sustainable. And preferably slow. You're not doing yourself a favor by shedding more than 2lbs a week.

I know fast results are what people want but they are not realistic and they raise chances of gaining the weight back. I know some people aim to lose the weight quickly and only then start building habits to maintain but that's very hard and odds are against them.

You need to make weightloss a way of life. Something you can do without thinking about and obsessing over. Something that's a part of your life but not the centre of it.

Small changes over time, moderation, some exercise and smart choices. That's all you need. It's not easy but it's simple.

submitted by /u/throwraccooon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Afraid to go on the scale

The last time I checked the scale was so long ago I can't even remember. I have gained so much weight, that I have had to go back to the store buy clothes that could actually fit me, *many* times.

I have struggled weight loss with all my life, but it has been nothing like this.

What hurts the most is that a lot of this weight is weight I HAVE GAINED BACK!!!!!! Which makes me so unbelievably disappointed in myself, that I can't even express it. I started at 150lbs, and went down to 126lbs (I'm 5'3). The last time I had the courage to check the scale, I weighed in at 196lbs...

That was a long time ago... and now I'm scared. I had to go back to the store yet again for a bigger size, because the other big clothes I bought no longer fit me....

I can feel the weight on my body, and I hate it. It's uncomfortable. Even laying down, my fat rolls around my sides and my back, and it is painful. The stairs in my house now seem impossible. I'm tired doing even the most simple things....

I'm devastated, especially because I gained all my weight back... I feel lost. I feel like giving up. I'm afraid of looking at myself in the mirror, taking pictures, and stepping on the scale because I know I will hate what I see.

submitted by /u/Itsajenna
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

As of September 1st 2020 I will begin my journey into weight loss

I’m 17M, 5’8, 198lbs and as off today I will begin my journey into losing weight. My target goal is to be 160lbs by the end of the year! That’s 121 days (just over 17 weeks) which means if I lose 2.2lbs a week I will achieve my goal! Of course it sounds easier than it actually will be but I believe in myself that I will be able to accomplish my goals and end this year well. I have set myself rules in this journey. I will do atleast 8k steps per day whether that be walking to and from college, or going for a walk/run. I will permit myself to 1 treat meal a week. As well as making sure I keep an average of losing 2lbs a week. I will cut out all of the junk food/fast food/sugary drinks in replacement for healthy lower calorie options. I’m sure this won’t be read by anyone but this is more as a way to document my progress week-by-week. I will be back next week to give an update if you’re interested 👍 good luck to everyone on this same journey 🤜 we can do this together...

submitted by /u/ReliantHydra
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Getting used to: Being Full ≠ Being Fat

SW: 220lbs CW: 200lbs GW: 150lbs

I’m grateful for this community. So many of you have inspired my journey and I’m down 20lbs from July 7th to now thanks to a new nutrition and exercise routine.

However, it’s amazing to see my body adapt to food and movement but my mind struggles with old patterns of negativity.

This is the first time I’m on a holistic journey - weight loss and exercise all these years has meant either being fatigued or famished and people telling me it’s “normal.”

So now when I feel full after an extremely clean and balanced meal, I have to hold my hand to my heart and have gratitude because the phrase “oh I ate so much, I feel fat,” arrives so effortlessly.

Over the past few days, I’ve eaten within my calorie limit but took a break from eating clean and I spent all day thinking I was definitely 210lbs with all the carb/water weight etc. and after a hearty meal, stood on the scale “just to check” and I was 202 lbs.

Again, in that moment - I had to practice kindness, not belittle myself, call myself silly etc but calmly tell myself, this has to get better. My relationship with the self, food and my mind is what’s equally important, if not more.

So just a random rant out there - to anyone who may be struggling in their hearts and minds like me.

Please continue to Feel full. Feel whole. Feel loved.


submitted by /u/mk2154
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Your fitness journey should be for you and nobody else

Hi everyone. I started my weight loss/fitness journey in December 2019. I’ve made some really good progress on a pretty large goal.

I am 38% of the way through and feel better than ever. Im not ready to disclose the details yet but 38% is still more than most.

I’m the best shape I’ve been in five years and the changes I made have done a total 180 on my life. My chronic condition is healing and everyday I get better and healthier.

Some days are easy and other days (especially closer to my TOM, I wanna swim in chocolate). But still, I keep my eye on the prize and the mental will power requires strength.

But right now all I feel is defeated and triggered. I was talking to my mom as I prepared dinner and she made a comment about the amount of work I still need to put into my abdomen area. She might as well have punched me there because that’s how her words hit me.

I felt like all my progress was still not good enough. I was taken back to my high school years when I was physically in great shape but wasn’t stick thin and she made me feel awful about it. It was those years where I felt no matter how healthy and great I was feeling, I was fat and ugly. When you’re a naive girl in high school who is told from every angle she needs to be beautiful, you develop a cute little condition of body dysmorphia. No matter how good you look or feel, you’re ugly and fat. It’s like being gaslit about your body.

And her one comment brought all those years of torment back. It was those years of torment that made me stop caring for me to then lose control of my health and now I have years of damage to undo.

Side note: she is overall a great mom that loves me a lot and would go to the ends of the earth for me. She’s been really proud of my progress and praises me more than she messes up. She was raised in a similar toxic background but it would be unfair of me to not include the loving side of her. She’s very selfless and very affectionate and has become a better mother over time. But still... I can’t ignore the impact this has on me.

Anyways, I won’t be eating dinner tonight.

Just needed to vent. Please don’t trash my mom. I think when I am emotionally stable, I’ll let her know how her comment impacted me and I think she will take that feedback to heart.

submitted by /u/sweaterweathervibes
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What are your weird/ less talked about weight loss tips? Here are mine.

I went from 112kg to 69kg in 8.5 months and I'm 6'1. I have maintained for 4 months now. I still do a lot of these to maintain.

• first tip is to drink water all the time. Well, not all the time, but when you feel hunger coming on it's possible to suppress it just by filling your stomach with water. I love cold water, so I always keep ice in the freezer to make drinking it more appealing.

• pickles are your best friend if you crave salty things. Seaweed is another good option. Very high sodium obviously, but super low calorie (only about 7 per pickle!) If i ever crave a salty snack, pickles satisfy that instead of binging on something calorific.

• "barrier foods". Basically before eating your actual meal or before snacking, fill up on something low calorie. I like broccoli for this. If I don't like the idea of eating broccoli I'm not as hungry as I thought.

• coffee. I have about 4 cups a day, maybe that's not ideal but I'm not hungry after drinking it. Black coffee is best obviously.

• avoid sugar and sweet things. I know this isn't for everyone but it really helped me with my cravings. Super sweet things also seem to trigger that same hunger response. The less sugar you consume regularly, the nicer low sugar options taste. I actually enjoy black chocolate much more than regular chocolate now.

• I saw this suggested here before, but wear tight clothes when eating and grocery shopping. It makes you more aware of your body and how you actually want it to look. When I felt uncomfortable in my clothes I bought a lot less food. I also eat less, especially in public.

• replace bread with rice cakes. Small change but you won't regret it, much fewer calories and still satisfies the carb craving. I eat a low carb diet and rice cakes are very satisfying for me.

• And finally something that helped me a lot to think about: humans are meant to be hungry. It's okay and healthy to be hungry throughout the day. It's even healthy to go many hours or even days without eating, that's why fasting works. The advice "eat when you're hungry" can't be applied to most of us, because if we do we just eat too much. Think of hunger as a part of life rather than something you immediately have to immediately satisfy.

Hope this helped in some way, I'd like to hear your weird tips.

submitted by /u/90popp
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Long time lurker, first time poster

I’ve spent the last year losing weight and trying to get healthy and I’m thrilled to say that that effort has resulted in me losing 96 lbs and this community was a big reason why that happened. I’ve been part of this subreddit for YEARS and never took any real steps to improve my health. It always felt insurmountable and I had more of less come to terms with being fat the rest of my life.

But I hit 30 a couple of years ago and I began to really feel the weight of my obesity. I could feel it in my joints and specially my back. I also wasn’t having any luck dating and I knew deep in my bones that it was because of my weight. Especially on dating apps, first impressions are everything, and I knew that I wasn’t giving off a good impression at all. So I knew for my physical we being and mentally health that something needed to change.

So I started reading more and more of the posts here. Seeing what did and didn’t work for people and what made sense for me. That, along with seeing a friend of mine find huge success with it, led me to CICO. I got a little obsessed with counting calories and changed a lot of my eating habits. I bought a scale and checked it weekly. I wanted to make sure I didn’t let my weight loss consume my every waking moment. I lost about 50 lbs just from cutting back and cutting out certain things. Then I added some light exercise (thanks Ring Fit Adventure) about 6 months ago to supplement my dietary changes and that helped push me to 96 lbs lost. I was hoping to reach 100 by the one year mark but those last couple of pounds are being stubborn. Thrilled with the results overall though.

It’s been a weird and good journey. A lot of highs and lows. I still feel “big” a lot of the time and have HUGE issues with body dysmorphia and probably will the rest of my life. But this is a change that was long overdue and I’m happy with my progress so far.

SW: 330 lbs CW: 234 lbs GW: 200 lbs

And here’s a before/after for ya!


submitted by /u/mercedesbens
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm making progress and I just wanted somewhere to share

There's no need to reply, I just really needed to post it somewhere, it's slow but I've started making progress.

I was over 235, not sure how much, that's as back in January, I was scared to check but I know I had gained some after that weigh in. Morbid obesity, diabetes, and food addiction have hit most of the women on my mum's side and I was getting scared. I'm tall so it wasn't easy to tell how bad I'd gotten but I'm still firmly obese.

I kept failing at fixing my habits, I needed abdominal surgery for cysts and I've been in agony ever since. I'm in pain, doc wrote me off as needing to exercise and to try birth control pills, I've realized just how bad my mental health is and I decided to take some small steps in a healthier direction

Last three months or so, I cut out pop. I started drinking that sugarless soda water because the fizz always ends up bringing me back if the sugar doesn't and I was drinking SO MUCH pop. Now if I drink juice or pop it's mixed into water (either 1 to 1 mix or mostly water with a little juice) so I can taste and enjoy it but not over indulge. I started swapping snacks, hot pepperettes instead of chips (I eat way less because the heat is satisfying and stops my cravings) I started eating olives (no clue why, I always hated them) again, just a few. It's sodium rich foods but I'm doing my best to be careful. I'm buying more veg and trying new things. It's hard because of the stupid BC pills causing some debilitating depression on a more regular basis but dammit I've been making progress at it for me AND my partner.

We weighed ourselves last week. He'd been curbing his snacking and he's trying to cut down on pop too. He lost 10 pounds, I'm down 25. I almost cried. He's been trying so hard and it's all a big victory even though we have a ways to go. It never helped that he was constantly walking and working he just couldn't drop weight so to suddenly see progress is so wonderful! A nasty voice in my head tries to tear me down, saying it's all due to the BC pills and it'll come back soon, but I'm doing my best to drown out that voice. My face and belly aren't so swollen and puffy now, it's something.

I'm 5'11" I'm 210 pounds and I'm going to keep inching back to where I used to be. I'm going to do my best to make good habits and dammit I'm going to give myself credit. I hurt every day and everything feels like a struggle right now but I'm making good choices and it's had some effect. I appreciate this sub. I lurk and upvote because I have some serious issues discussing weight loss/gain/food talk in general and I really need to address that with a professional, but it helps.

Thanks to everyone here, it really helps

submitted by /u/SpareforDucks
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is this just the way I’m shaped?

Is this just the way I’m shaped?

Height: 5’10” Age: 22 Sex: M SW: 218lbs CW:169lbs GW: 165lbs (visible abs)

Hey I have lost nearly 50lbs from January and I was wondering if I could get any advice. I am currently very motivated and determined to get “shredded” and I have this “w” shape lower belly. I don’t know if it will go away with more weight loss, if it’s how I’m shaped, is it a consequence for gaining then losing weight, is it just a little bit of loose skin that allows it to droop? I just want to know what it is as I am very curious. Thanks everyone 😊

Images of my body and the “w” shape I am referring too

submitted by /u/NauseaForce
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Maintenance Monday: August 31, 2020

If you've reached your goal weight and you're looking for a space to discuss with fellow maintainers, this is the thread for you! Whether you're brand new to maintenance or you've been doing it for years, you're welcome to use this space to chat about anything and everything related to the experience of maintaining your weight loss.

Hey gang, here's your weekly discussion thread! Tell us how maintenance and life in general is going for you this week! And if you missed last week's (or simply want to reread), here's a link.

If there's a specific topic you'd like to see covered in a future thread, please drop a comment or message!

submitted by /u/liyote
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

“You’ll be skinny in no time” is not a compliment

I recently just started a new job where I’m working 6 days a week. Talking to a friend yesterday about my new schedule they said “wow, you’ll be skinny in no time”. At first I didn’t think too much about it, but this morning it really resonated with me.

You’ll be skinny in no time IS NOT A COMPLIMENT.

While you may mean well, saying this to anybody is reinforcing unrealistic expectations about weight loss & body image. Especially if the person is self conscious already, or maybe they aren’t even trying to lose weight.

You don’t go up to someone who just went from a labour oriented job to a desk position and say “wow, you’ll be fat in no time”. So why do we do this the other way around??

submitted by /u/MyNameIsFranks
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Can’t work out! What else can I do to help my weight loss?

I’m a 20f,5’3 and 185lbs. Since quarantine started I let myself go really badly and started eating a lot. I got on track and started working out but in june I had a nasty eczema outbreak all over my body and head and it hasn’t gone away since. Every time I work out my body and scalp burn really badly due to sweating. I’ve tried completing just 10min videos and yoga but once I start sweating it feels like I have razor blade cuts everywhere. Im giving IF a shot and counting my calories, according to the app my calorie intake is 1,299. Are there any extra tips I can use to lose weight faster or low impact exercises that won’t cause too much sweating. Thanks :)

submitted by /u/Allycaaat561_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Don't be like me and make losing weight your whole life

I guess this is a warning and a reflection on my part at the same time. I used to be 83 kg and lost about 35 kg to eventually maintain at aroun 48-49 kg (been maintaining that for 8 months, but maintained at 52 before that for 6 months). Today I realised that I made my whole life into losing weight. It was everything I thought about from waking up to going to sleep. When I went out with friends, I didn't go if I knew we would be eating out and I didn't drink.

I know that not all activities have to be about food, but I just didn't have fun anymore either. I lost interest in all things I cared about like reading, learning new things and many more because I was constantly thinking about losing weight. I thought losing the weight would make me happy. It didn't. Sure I am happier and more confident in myself. But I guess I am also a lot less confident in a lot of ways. I still think I look like a monster. I have some loose skin comparable to new moms I would say is the best explanation and I feel like all the hard work was for nothing sometimes. Revolving my whole life around losing weight was a mistake that I am now trying to undo. I want to maintain, but I can not let my body not looking like I would want it to look stop me from living my life. That's what I did when I was bigger and that's what I am doing again now.

The last few months I have found my old passions again, but it's a shame that I let weight loss consume my life the way it did. I am finally finding a balance, but I wish I would have tried to find that balance sooner. Losing weight doesn't solve all of your problems. It's healthier though and I am so much better at sports then I user to be, so it's worth it. But it's not all that's important!

submitted by /u/NotKeepingUp
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

50 pounds down, my lowest weight in over a year!

Hey all, haven't really posted here before but wanted to share my progress with some likeminded people!
I have always been overweight and most of that time I have been obese or morbidly obese, first year of uni in 2017 I started going to the gym and dropped quite a bit of weight, but over the next 2 years I put it all back on and more. Realised around Christmas time that I had to make a proper change and stick to it. January 3rd I weighed myself for the first time in quite a while and I was 159.3kg(351.2lbs).

I started tracking calories with My Fitness Pal, signed up for the gym and started educating myself on ways to lose weight and get healthy. Things started well and I was losing 1kg a week on average until lockdown began and the gym closed. Over the next 13 weeks without the gym, and due to slacking a lot with my diet, I only lost 1.7kg(3.7lbs) over 13 weeks.

Here was the point that in the past I would have given up, but this time I made the decision to keep going. I was still unable to go to the gym but decided to start walking every day and to get back on top of my diet. I am averaging about 0.8kg(1.8lbs) loss per week over the last 9 weeks since then and feel like I am back in control.

My total loss as of today is now 22.7kg(50lbs), I weigh daily so it tends to fluctuate and it will be a little longer before my weekly average hits this amount, but just getting to that number feels like a big achievement. However the bigger achievement to me is the fact I have kept going at it. I am now 8 months in and that is by far the longest time I have continuously stuck to a weight loss regime.

I still have a long way to go, but I also still have plenty of ways I can make additional changes to get there and that excites me. For the first time I feel that my journey will result in a permanent change.

submitted by /u/pandaaaa26
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is it really that uncommon to not have any mental health issues around food/weight?

I have noticed a lot of people post on here about binge eating disorder, terrible emotional stress around hating themselves, guilt and value judgements in association with food, etc. But as with anything on the internet, you post about needing help with things you need help with, just because there are a lot of posts doesn't make something the majority of experiences.

But just then I was reading through a thread somewhere else on weight loss, and people kept saying there was an emotional component to it, over and over. Is it really so common? I would have thought maybe 50/50? Anyone have any actual stats on it?

(I'm defining people with non emotional involvement as people who just have bad habits, get tired and don't cook, eat foods with high calorie density, are pretty sedentary, etc. People whose biggest challenge is to get the habits set, and resisting good tastes of certain foods)

submitted by /u/Ninotchk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

ISO Advise: At a healthy weight but still have love handles?

Good morning!

I've leaned on this thread throughout my entire weight loss journey, so I'm hoping to seek advise for this particular reason.

I'm 22F, 5'6" and about 144 lbs. I usually wear just a sports bra and leggings when I workout and for the first time yesterday, I was curious about what my back looked like to other people. I used self timer and took a picture and I was mortified! I had no idea that I still had back rolls where my ribs ended and it made me feel so embarrassed because I felt so confident prior.

I emphasize back workouts, so I'm also a bit confused about why my bad looked the way it did. Not that I hate that I have them, but if I would've known, I would've found a way to cover them up.

Is anyone else in the same position? How do you work on reducing them? Or is it sometimes based on genetics? My waist is so small compared to the rest of my body so I'm fearful I'll have them for ever.

submitted by /u/lar24
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do I lose weight without calorie counting

I have been trying to lose weight since I was 12 (I’m 20 now) and one of the things I tried was calorie counting. While it worked for a little, I soon realized it was creating an unhealthy obsession within me for counting calories. I would frequently eat less than 1000 calories a day and if I went over my limit I would cry and be distraught. Every time I tried calorie counting it backfired and I gained back all the weight I lost. Safe to say, calorie counting caused a disordered pattern of eating within me and I never want to go through it again. I am looking for a sustainable method of slow, healthy weight loss but almost everyone I’ve talked to and every site I’ve looked at says some variation of “calories in, calories out”. Can anyone suggest something to me? I’ve been overweight for too long and I think it’s time for a change. Oh and idk if my stats matter but I’m female, 5’2” and I weigh 152.

submitted by /u/buppycreates
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Down 2 BMI points since Feb! Next up: dropping another 2 BMI points by Feb!

Stats: 25 / M / 5'11"

SW: 195 in Feb, 210 last Sept

GW1: 180

CW: 180

Next GW: 166

Starting BMI: 27.1

End BMI: 25.1

Why 2 BMI points? It's an easy unit of measure to compare my weight loss with my wife who is much lighter.

How'd I do it? Weighing everything and tracking calories. My TDEE is around 2K but I've been consistently losing ~4lbs or less by targeting 1,300 calories a day. The difference is probably due to tracking error, but as long as things are moving in the right direction, I'll get there.

My current plan is to drop to 156lb, or the midpoint of my BMI range and then bulk up through exercise and slow weight gain.

Just writing this to give me a post to look back on!

submitted by /u/JeffMarrion
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How I break through my plateaus

So, this is my first post here, but I’m slowly nearing the end of my weight loss journey. I am a 20M standing at 6’0”. I used to weigh 300lb and now I currently weigh in at 183lb. I thought I’d share some experiences or information that have helped me through my journey so I can potentially help others.

Disclaimer: Don’t take any of this information as medical advice, this is just something I know works for me, and might work for you.

For me and I’m assuming many others plateaus can really be demotivating. However, for me I noticed they usually occurred after several months being on a strict diet. What I do to combat this is I have a pretty bad cheat day, usually around 4K calories, then the next day I eat around my maintenance calories 2.5k and then on the third day I go back to cutting at around 1.7k calories. Sure, my body will need to take a couple days to burn off those extra calories, but every time I do this, I always get right out of my plateau and back to losing weight regularly.

I wouldn’t recommend doing this if you know you can’t trust yourself to have a cheat day. I used to be the same, if I ate bad one day I would eat bad for the next 20 days. I also wouldn’t recommend this to people who aren’t strict about counting calories. This is because your plateau may be occurring because your slipping up on your diet a little bit.

However, if you know you have been counting calories strictly, and you are confident in your mindset this might give your body a little jumpstart. Hope this can help at least one person stuck in a rut.

P.S. after your cheat meal, you weight will likely jump 3-5 pounds, this is just water weight and will disappear approximately 4 days of strict dieting again.

submitted by /u/DarkLife115
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Day 1? Starting your weight loss journey on Monday, 31 August 2020? Start here!

Today is your Day 1?

Welcome to r/Loseit!

So you aren’t sure of how to start? Don’t worry! “How do I get started?” is our most asked question. r/Loseit has helped our users lose over 1,000,000 recorded pounds and these are the steps that we’ve found most useful for getting started.

Why you’re overweight

Our bodies are amazing (yes, yours too!). In order to survive before supermarkets, we had to be able to store energy to get us through lean times, we store this energy as adipose fat tissue. If you put more energy into your body than it needs, it stores it, for (potential) later use. When you put in less than it needs, it uses the stored energy. The more energy you have stored, the more overweight you are. The trick is to get your body to use the stored energy, which can only be done if you give it less energy than it needs, consistently.

Before You Start

The very first step is calculating your calorie needs. You can do that HERE. This will give you an approximation of your calorie needs for the day. The next step is to figure how quickly you want to lose the fat. One pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories. So to lose 1 pound of fat per week you will need to consume 500 calories less than your TDEE (daily calorie needs from the link above). 750 calories less will result in 1.5 pounds and 1000 calories is an aggressive 2 pounds per week.


Here is where it begins to resemble work. The most efficient way to lose the weight you desire is to track your calorie intake. This has gotten much simpler over the years and today it can be done right from your smartphone or computer. r/loseit recommends an app like MyFitnessPal, Loseit! (unaffiliated), or Cronometer. Create an account and be honest with it about your current stats, activities, and goals. This is your tracker and no one else needs to see it so don’t cheat the numbers. You’ll find large user created databases that make logging and tracking your food and drinks easy with just the tap of the screen or the push of a button. We also highly recommend the use of a digital kitchen scale for accuracy. Knowing how much of what you're eating is more important than what you're eating. Why? This may explain it.

Creating Your Deficit

How do you create a deficit? This is up to you. r/loseit has a few recommendations but ultimately that decision is yours. There is no perfect diet for everyone. There is a perfect diet for you and you can create it. You can eat less of exactly what you eat now. If you like pizza you can have pizza. Have 2 slices instead of 4. You can try lower calorie replacements for calorie dense foods. Some of the communities favorites are cauliflower rice, zucchini noodles, spaghetti squash in place of their more calorie rich cousins. If it appeals to you an entire dietary change like Keto, Paleo, Vegetarian.

The most important thing to remember is that this selection of foods works for you. Sustainability is the key to long term weight management success. If you hate what you’re eating you won’t stick to it.


Is NOT mandatory. You can lose fat and create a deficit through diet alone. There is no requirement of exercise to lose weight.

It has it’s own benefits though. You will burn extra calories. Exercise is shown to be beneficial to mental health and creates an endorphin rush as well. It makes people feel awesome and has been linked to higher rates of long term success when physical activity is included in lifestyle changes.

Crawl, Walk, Run

It can seem like one needs to make a 180 degree course correction to find success. That isn’t necessarily true. Many of our users find that creating small initial changes that build a foundation allows them to progress forward in even, sustained, increments.


You will struggle. We have all struggled. This is natural. There is no tip or trick to get through this though. We encourage you to recognize why you are struggling and forgive yourself for whatever reason that may be. If you overindulged at your last meal that is ok. You can resolve to make the next meal better.

Do not let the pursuit of perfect get in the way of progress. We don’t need perfect. We just want better.

Additional resources

Now you’re ready to do this. Here are more details, that may help you refine your plan.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Looking for some inspiration on how it feels physically to loose weight.

A lot of fitness information I see is centered around how good you'll look/how attractive you'll be if you manage to lose weight. I'm 5'6'' and 300 pounds and 30 years old so I really doubt I'm going to emerge from a weight loss journey as a taught, toned person with photo-ready abs. I actually find the focus on looks/attractiveness discouraging because I just feel worse thinking I'll put in a lot of effort and still have flabby skin in the end anyway.

I'd like to hear some about how it's felt for you guys to drop pounds. What kind of things can you do now? I've always wanted to go horseback riding but I don't want to hurt an animal when I'm so heavy, and for example I missed out on skydiving with friends a couple years ago because I was above the weight limit. A couple of summers ago I worked a real physical temp job and I started to feel really good for a bit, but since it ended I just haven't found time to be so active and like. Idk can I get some fitness stories that aren't just about how sexy losing weight is?

submitted by /u/tarotfeathers
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Plateau or doing something wrong???

F20 SW:110kgs CW:91kgs GW:65kgs

Hello!!!! I’ve been on my weight loss journey since November 2019 and have almost lost 20kgs. Some of this is due to disordered eating in the beginning but as of the past 6 months I have really committed to changing my lifestyle. I use CICO so have been tracking my calories and exercise regularly.

As of the past 2 months I have increased my exercise quite a lot and needed to raise my calories has I felt a lot more hungry. My BMR is 1790kcals and I was eating at 1400-1600kcals but experienced hair loss and felt i needed to be eating more so i’ve raised my calories to 1800kcals and on weekends 1800-2100kcals never going over my TDEE (2600kcals)

So basically... i’m always eating well under my TDEE and exercising (weights, HIIT and running) 4-5 days a week, and have found myself not moving on the scales for the past 3 weeks.

I was wondering if this could be because I have raised my calorie intake or i’m just in a plateau OR i’m doing something completely wrong???? pls help x

submitted by /u/Maddi1994
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, August 30, 2020

8 week weight loss plateau, water weight?

For 4 weeks I had the cleanest, healthiest diet in my life. Fruits, vegetables, lean meats, yogurt, vitamins. No carbs no salt. I did over 15,000 steps a day, cardio, and weight training. Tons of water. No weight loss. At all.

I read some good evidence that the body will hold onto weight if there is a significant calories deficient for an extended period and that taking a week or two break (eating to maintain) will kick off weight loss again. I did this. No weight loss.

2 weeks of 20,000+ steps a day with less extreme diet (but still significant deficit). No weight loss.

Last year I lost 40 lbs. I know how to count calories. I know how to exercise. I’m only 25. My hormones are fine. I’ve never gone this long without weight loss and I’m getting impatient. Am I just holding onto water?? How do I break this?

submitted by /u/threetinefork
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The Power of Mindful Eating

I’m currently at my highest weight after battling eating disorders, diets galore, two week long water fasts, and things I’ve even forgotten I’ve tried. I’ve lost weight twice by purging cause attempts at a healthy weight loss felt impossible. My emotional addiction to food always felt like a mountain I just couldn’t climb.

I didn’t see this anywhere but suddenly one day I decided to eat thoughtfully. I’m sure this is a thing on the internet but it was the first time I experienced something like that. I’m studying medicine, so I started to be mindful of how I chewed, how I digested, and what nutrients I was consuming. I automatically started eating smaller portions. It doesn’t feel forced. I’m not constantly thinking about having small portions but I’m automatically doing it.

This material might not be new but it was a revelation to me. So, if I can even help one person, I’m happy! It’s the first time in my life that I actually believe I can do it.

submitted by /u/Rainavi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Update 2 💕(and a question!)

Hello everyone!

I’ve been struggling with my mental health lately, but thankfully it hasn’t been detrimental to my weight loss!

Actually, I’m under 295 for the first time in years!! I weighed in at 293 this morning and actually SQUEALED!! I can’t remember the the last time I was this low and I’m so so so excited! My goal for the next two months is to get under 280, or around that range and I’m super excited to do so!

On another note, I’ve been holding off on it, but I want to start a YouTube channel to document my weight loss journey! The only thing really holding me back is my anxiety and the idea that I’ll let it get to my head or something and I end up worse like Amber Lynn Reid. (Not to throw her under the bus or anything!)

Has anyone started their own weight loss journey YouTube? Would anyone be interested if I make one? I know I’m not very active on here unless I update. (I am a hermit v.v) but just to throw the idea out there, I’m very curious what people would think!

submitted by /u/ValiantUnicorn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Running for Fitness Calendar – September 2020

Your NEW Running Workout Calendar is here! Print out the September Calendar for Runners to join us. And be sure to follow @RunEatRepeat on Instagram for check-ins to help you stay motivated and accountable. Let’s go!! Running for Fitness Calendar September 2020 Since we still don’t really know when races, running clubs and all that ... Read More about Running for Fitness Calendar – September 2020

The post Running for Fitness Calendar – September 2020 appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

I went on vacation, didn't log my calories and felt horrible the whole time. But I'm counting it as a win anyway.

I've been on my weight loss journey since around June 20th - so just over two months. I've been consistent with my calorie deficit and exercise, and I've lost 5" off my waist. (Haven't weighed myself yet - planning to do so soon.)

I just got home from a safe, socially-distant vacation in a tourist destination upstate from me. I was anxious about this vacation because I knew I wasn't going to eat well. I'm not joking when I say there was not a single chain restaurant (not even McDonald's), and we didn't have a kitchen so we had to eat out for every meal. I definitely ate a crazy amount of calories, and indulged in a lot of unhealthy food. And I felt like shit. Not even mentally -- I was prepared to feel guilty -- but physically. Not to get too gross, but I haven't had that many stomach aches... poops... and farts in months. This sounds unpleasant (and it was)... but it means my body is now used to eating healthy, moderate portions of food -- not massive amounts of deep fried, carb-loaded, sugary treats. The kind of stuff I used to eat on a daily basis! It almost felt like my body was rejecting the junk food, because it now craves healthier choices. It was a reminder that I've been working on making positive changes.

I am actually looking forward to tomorrow when I restart my journey. I went on one hike during the trip and did a lot of walking, but I'm eager to resume my usual exercise routine. I already ordered my groceries for the week, and made sure to stock my cart with fruits, veggies, chicken and yogurt. It's going to feel so good to eat that way again.

submitted by /u/back_r0lls
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Started my weight loss journey!

Hi! I'm 25 and 5'4". I started out at 186lbs, and have so far lost 20lbs!

It took me a while to finally pick myself up and realise if I didn't do something now, I probably would never get the time. I saw an ad on Foxtel for Noom and decided to give it a try. So far it's worked and I've only been doing it for 6 weeks. But I guess only time will tell.

A bit about me... I was really small growing up. I remember being 17 and only 120lbs. I got mad when my hips started coming in at 18, and I went up to 132lbs from stress eating in year 12. Then I started uni. I gained the "first year 10(kg)" and shot up to 154lbs by the end of my first year. I then started slowly going up and only in the past year did I hit the 176lbs mark.

I was on the pill for 5 years starting when I was 17 and I feel that had a big impact on my weight gain. Last year I changed to the hormonal IUD (Mirena) and that seems to have helped settle my weight.

I've been at uni since I was 18/19, so after 7 years I've almost finished my degree (I changed part way through 😂). I'm hoping to lose another 35-40lbs by time I graduate mid next year.

I'm feel really lucky that I have my partner supporting me through this.

submitted by /u/Camcas555
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

No more chub rub!

I’ve been working at my temporary census job for 2 weeks now. It’s a ton of walking to knock on doors and I work for 8 hours so it’s been great to get a ton of activity into my days while getting paid. I do drive to places but a lot of addresses are on busy roads or there’s no parking nearby so I’ll have to park far away and walk to these addresses.

Even with the 90° heat and walking up lots of hills, I’ve noticed something. For the first time in my adult life, I don’t have chub rub. Which is very surprising considering my thighs are definitely still bigger than I’d like them to be. I always wear knee-length dresses for work to be professional but even though I’m not wearing shorts (no fabric to separate my thighs) my thighs no longer chafe even though they still touch.

2 summers ago, I was putting stick deodorant on my inner thighs and still had tons of irritation and some scabbing from them rubbing against each other so much.

If you need a reason to start your weight loss journey or get back on track, lack of chub rub is amazing🙏🏾

submitted by /u/KittyMinty
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How effective is walking for weight loss?

I am a 24 year old male weighing in at 316lbs. After hearing my doctor go on and on about how I’m fat, obese, etc... he said that I should start walking (since by his words I’m too fat to run) I went for a few walks this week that were each about 1 mile to 2 miles depending on the location. Although it felt like I put in work, it feels like I won’t really be able to “walk the pounds off”. If I’m really trying to lose weight, should I just go weight lift instead or find some other activity to do instead or is walking really a good thing to start with? I’m just trying to drop weight as quick as possible and I don’t know if walking is going to help me accomplish that.

submitted by /u/--Samurai
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

SV: Broke through the 130's!

Hi everyone! I'm pretty shy so I tend to just lurk and occasionally comment, but I wanted to post today to say thank you to everyone in this community! This sub has helped me stay motivated throughout my weight loss and multiple plateaus!

When I started losing weight, I thought I'd be lucky to even get back into the normal weight category (155 lbs), but today I saw a weight that I haven't seen since the very beginning of high school: 129!!! I feel like I've finally started to develop a healthy relationship with food, which is a huge deal for me because I've had a horrible mindset about it since childhood. I rarely ever eate any whole foods except for the occasional strawberries if my mom picked some up, and now I can't bring myself to go a day without my veggies and fruits. Food is also mainly a source of fuel for me now instead of something to solve boredom or a coping mechanism for stress. I'll enjoy a treat every once in a while, but feel better eating food that gives me energy. It's crazy to see how much my mindset has changed along with my body. I'm hoping to start working on maintaining soon, but might try to lose a pound or two more just to have some room for fluctuations :)

Additional SV I noticed the other day: I'm now lower than the weight on my license! I left it at 145 lbs even when I hit my highest because I didn't want to address the weight gain, but now I'm below it!

submitted by /u/michael-scarn_fbi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do you honor cravings for sustainable weight loss?

I have gained and lost weight so many times in my life, but have recently hit a record high. I have the opportunity to make a fresh start and getting healthy and feeling good is a top priority for me. I have a history of disordered eating so I am trying to lose weight while not falling back into an all-or-nothing mindset. The thing is I haven’t figured it out and I am starting to experience cravings that I have been avoiding. If I want something sweet I try to have fruit first but historically I build up so much anxiety over something carb filled and delicious that I implode and binge when I finally give in to it.

Does anybody have any tips for allowing yourself “forbidden” foods and being able to practice self control?

Does anybody have any good low calorie, not sooooo bad for you recipes or ideas for when i’m just craving the sensation of chewing something sweet and baked. (I’m also medically advised to be gluten free, which sucks.)

submitted by /u/CaseFaceKO
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Day 1? Starting your weight loss journey on Sunday, 30 August 2020? Start here!

Today is your Day 1?

Welcome to r/Loseit!

So you aren’t sure of how to start? Don’t worry! “How do I get started?” is our most asked question. r/Loseit has helped our users lose over 1,000,000 recorded pounds and these are the steps that we’ve found most useful for getting started.

Why you’re overweight

Our bodies are amazing (yes, yours too!). In order to survive before supermarkets, we had to be able to store energy to get us through lean times, we store this energy as adipose fat tissue. If you put more energy into your body than it needs, it stores it, for (potential) later use. When you put in less than it needs, it uses the stored energy. The more energy you have stored, the more overweight you are. The trick is to get your body to use the stored energy, which can only be done if you give it less energy than it needs, consistently.

Before You Start

The very first step is calculating your calorie needs. You can do that HERE. This will give you an approximation of your calorie needs for the day. The next step is to figure how quickly you want to lose the fat. One pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories. So to lose 1 pound of fat per week you will need to consume 500 calories less than your TDEE (daily calorie needs from the link above). 750 calories less will result in 1.5 pounds and 1000 calories is an aggressive 2 pounds per week.


Here is where it begins to resemble work. The most efficient way to lose the weight you desire is to track your calorie intake. This has gotten much simpler over the years and today it can be done right from your smartphone or computer. r/loseit recommends an app like MyFitnessPal, Loseit! (unaffiliated), or Cronometer. Create an account and be honest with it about your current stats, activities, and goals. This is your tracker and no one else needs to see it so don’t cheat the numbers. You’ll find large user created databases that make logging and tracking your food and drinks easy with just the tap of the screen or the push of a button. We also highly recommend the use of a digital kitchen scale for accuracy. Knowing how much of what you're eating is more important than what you're eating. Why? This may explain it.

Creating Your Deficit

How do you create a deficit? This is up to you. r/loseit has a few recommendations but ultimately that decision is yours. There is no perfect diet for everyone. There is a perfect diet for you and you can create it. You can eat less of exactly what you eat now. If you like pizza you can have pizza. Have 2 slices instead of 4. You can try lower calorie replacements for calorie dense foods. Some of the communities favorites are cauliflower rice, zucchini noodles, spaghetti squash in place of their more calorie rich cousins. If it appeals to you an entire dietary change like Keto, Paleo, Vegetarian.

The most important thing to remember is that this selection of foods works for you. Sustainability is the key to long term weight management success. If you hate what you’re eating you won’t stick to it.


Is NOT mandatory. You can lose fat and create a deficit through diet alone. There is no requirement of exercise to lose weight.

It has it’s own benefits though. You will burn extra calories. Exercise is shown to be beneficial to mental health and creates an endorphin rush as well. It makes people feel awesome and has been linked to higher rates of long term success when physical activity is included in lifestyle changes.

Crawl, Walk, Run

It can seem like one needs to make a 180 degree course correction to find success. That isn’t necessarily true. Many of our users find that creating small initial changes that build a foundation allows them to progress forward in even, sustained, increments.


You will struggle. We have all struggled. This is natural. There is no tip or trick to get through this though. We encourage you to recognize why you are struggling and forgive yourself for whatever reason that may be. If you overindulged at your last meal that is ok. You can resolve to make the next meal better.

Do not let the pursuit of perfect get in the way of progress. We don’t need perfect. We just want better.

Additional resources

Now you’re ready to do this. Here are more details, that may help you refine your plan.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do I measure body fat percentage properly?

Hello r/loseit!

As many would know to ensure a proper weight loss it is important to take measurements of different markers over time such as weight, waist circumference and body composition (fat and muscle percentage).

So I have been measuring every week all these markers in my journey to get better health. But I always have issues with fat percentage. for example, I measured recently 24% in the morning, and again on the evening it was 28%. I am not sure if my device is not good or if I should measure on certain conditions. I have realized that if I drink a lot of water the percentage goes down also. So how do you properly measure fat percentage?

submitted by /u/emanresu_n1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Nutrition / diet books recommendations ? Looking for science & fact based. Not diet fads.

Bonus points if it’s on Audible.

I started with the question “what happens if i don’t eat enough to reach my daily calorie goal?” and ended up reading some helpful articles about the different things that affect your body and weight loss. But it’s so hard to figure out which sources to trust because there is so much BS diet & nutrition advice out there.

BTW my conclusion is that it’s not good to eat below your calorie goals (even if I can go to sleep comfortably without eating that much). It can lead to slower weight loss, and muscle loss. No thanks. (And if it’s much lower than other bad stuff.)


submitted by /u/wise_guy_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Any vegans here? Any tips for vegan weight loss?

If you saw my username, I'm "Him". My vegan wife has been vegan for 20+ years. I'm not vegan. Both she and I are overweight... significantly. (I'm 5'9", 260lbs... she's 5'8" and probably 220lbs.) You may ask how a vegan can be overweight. Maybe you don't, but I know many people go vegan for weight loss. We eat pretty healthy foods, we just eat... I suppose... more than recommended. Anyone who's been on this journey knows that "just eat less" isn't really a great motivation. If it were that easy, everyone would be in perfect shape.

Here's a problem with her veganism: she's super picky. She hates many vegetables like cucumber, bell pepper, tomato... stuff that would be "normal" salad foods. She also doesn't like Indian food or many other things that are in 90% of the recipes you can find online. Thankfully, she likes many veggies, like broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, cabbage, artichoke, asparagus, etc. I need suggestions of (hopefully) other vegans who may be in a similar situation.

I also think she may be hypoglycemic or something. She gets hangry way more than most people. I read that's a symptom... but who knows.

So anyway, here we are... at the start of our journey. You can see why I'm at a loss for what to do. My wife has so much other stuff occupying her brain, that I want to take the lead with this stuff. Hopefully, this will be the start of something awesome.

Thanks so much for reading.

submitted by /u/HimAndHisVeganWife
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Doing everything right and seeing no results. Need advise.

I am 19F weigh 152 pounds height 158 cm. I am really overweight. I used to be skinny most of my life but gained a lot in high school due to depression. I have tried several diets to lose weight but it only increased my binge Ed. Now a year after high school graduation, I had a mental breakdown and decided to live a better healthier life. I genuinely wanted to be happy and love myself. I decided to start working out everyday and eat 2/3healthy meals around 1200 cal. I regularly started worked out 4 out of 7 days a week and eat acc to plan. It made me happier and brought me into a healthy mindset. I can easily say that I am living a way more productive life. Today, 30 aug, I checked my weight and it’s 149 pounds and I have lost half an inch of waist. It’s a good difference but I dunno why I feel so disappointed. I just thought I would see a bigger change. I feel like I have let myself down. Is it common to not lose Significant amount of weight in like 20 days? I have been watching these YouTube videos and people lose like 20 pounds and lose so much better. I just wish I had those results too. If someone has gone through their weight loss journey, can you advise me what should I do? Just to be clear,I am not gonna stop my journey here. I am gonna be patient and make my life healthier and reach my body goals.

(Also English isn’t my first language so please don’t make fun of me.)

submitted by /u/milkyboos
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m finally back into the 200’s!!!

I (22F) started the journey of losing weight in August 2019. My starting weight was 340lbs, and today I weighed in at 299.6lbs!!! I’ve now hit my first mile stone in my weight loss journey being back into the 200’s, and the second one will be coming around (hopefully) soon which is losing 50lbs. At this point I’ve lose 40.4lbs and I couldn’t be more proud of myself. I had to lift a thing of cat litter I bought today that weighted 42lbs and boy did I struggle to do so. Just knowing that nearly that much weight used to be on my body is absolutely mind-blowing to me! It may have taken me a year to lose 40lbs, but for the first time in my life I started trying to lose weight and actually did it!!!

submitted by /u/sammyluvsya
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I don't know what to do anymore and I'm losing hope.

Hi everyone. First post on lose it, I think.

Ok for starters, I'm 32F/5'9/270 lbs

I'm gonna detail my history as much as I can to minimize bear with me....

TL;DR: I don't know how to lose weight anymore. Have been to the doctors, weightloss studies including medication, and therapy. Nothin seems to stick with me. After so many tries I feel like the cards are stacked against me now that I have random medical issues.

Weight History: was average size until I hit about 2nd grade...that's when all hell broke loose . I had two giant football playing brothers and I ate whatever they did. The whole family gained weight. Think I was 180+lbs before 8th grade...after puberty hit I really packed on the lbs. Dropped some weight in senior year (12th) because I had gym every day for a semester and was also doing dance rehearsal for my first stage show. But immediately after the show, I resumed gaining weight.

After highschool I immediately started working instead of attending school. Every place I've worked has been around food. Eventually I got up to 280 around the age of 23 Crash dieted to around 230ish, got injured, ballooned back up, healed then got injured again. Entered a long term domestic relationship...Fast forward to 310 lbs at the age of 29.

Decided to enter a weight loss study at a very good university. Got down to 265ish. Got injured again but was able to sustain my weight at around 255-260 bc I was not able to get up and feed myself, otherwise I would have BALLOONED. Had surgery, my body shape changed due to being able to walk again, but I didn't lose weight. Eventually I got down to 248 after a stomach bug. That was the lightest I've been in the past few years. I lost my job, started antidepressants and due to quarantine I'm up to 270.

Diet history: only seem to see dramatic weightloss with low carb diets. Parents had the family try Atkins when I was a kid. We hated eating so much protein. I grew up in an Italian family. Lots of pastas and big meals. It was a big change for us. Never tried dieting again til I went vegan (only for the animals) during high school. I randomly tried cutting carbs again and was drinking mostly bottled protein shakes and salads with lean protein...but eventually just got hooked on the shakes. THEN I got a car. I never went through a drive thru by myself bc I thought it made me look fat. Then I went to Wendy's as an emergency bc I had fasting blood work and was woozy.

That started a WHOLE fast food obsession that I still have today. I've since learned to replicate the basics at home. I've tried keto on and off for several years. Was never sustainable as I could never get rid of my cravings even after a month or two. Now I've become dairy intolerant and it became abundantly clear the last time I did keto. Any time I've tried keto since, I've not been able to tolerate the higher amount of protein and fats...which brings us to::

Medical history: was told I was borderline for metabolic syndrome but my mom didn't want to pursue it (I was still under her insurance at the time). Now as an adult ....when I was in that weightloss study, I took Saxenda. I started getting really bad gerd symptoms and was prescribed Omeprazole. After the study, the gerd symptoms never went away and eventually I started getting this stomach cramp in the left side of my abdomen. All the tests that I've had came back negative. Doc just said watch what I eat....keep a diary of what affects me. So far I know dairy, and diets without carbs just tear up my stomach.

Now we get to the exercise debacle... I had back surgery and can't do A LOT. k so that's one thing and there's a million ways around it. but....I now tend to get VERY ill feeling when I get overheated. Doesn't matter if I work out, clean, or just go water the plants outside on a hot ass day....I'm gonna start feeling woozy and nauseous. So the other day I thought to myself, hey let's at least stretch!! I did a short resistance band workout...did all the modifications that I needed, felt to the last stretch - which was basically twisting my whole body and it felt good but then ALLL of a sudden I started coughing, feeling woozy and ready to puke.

So please tell me, HOW do I lose weight? My nausea is only calmed by carbs. I've tried everything....eggs, fruit, cereal, oatmeal, smoothies etc ...I feel sick with everyone of them in the morning ....but a plain egg and turkey sausage on a bagel from Dunkin? melts all the nausea away....I've tried just eggs, threw up. Fruit gives me indigestion, even applesauce and bananas. I've even tried making my own breakfast sandwiches, healthier ...with a bagel thin, egg whites and turkey sausage and then it becomes an imbalance of protein to carb and I feel weird I'm kinda left with carbs and minimal protein and veggies....and it makes it hard to eat healthy when I can't tolerate a bunch of different stuff.

Idk Im so sorry this is so long. If you've even ready this far, thank you. I'm just so burnt out and don't know what to do anymore.

submitted by /u/guessilltrythisagain
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Hit onederland today!! -34.4lbs (15.5kg) and -7.5% body fat in the last 5 months, haven’t been below the 200s since early 2018!

24F, SW: 233.2 CW: 198.8 GW: 165

Started my weight loss journey in May this year after tipping over 230lbs, my heaviest weight ever. After getting out of a toxic relationship and diving into therapy I was able to make and stick to subtle changes following CICO and not eating after 7pm.

In July I did some blood testing and learned I have PCOS, high testosterone and insulin resistance. Started keto July 6th as my Dr recommended it to help with the hormone imbalance. In August I got more serious about sticking to 16:8 IF plan with the occasional OMAD. I’m going to start incorporating 24-36hr fasts to help with loose skin.

The weight loss has been steady, but last night I tried on my work clothes that I could barely fit into back in January and they were all so loose!! I’m finally able to wear the cute clothes that I’ve had sitting in my closet forever since I never felt comfortable in them.

I’m so proud as I’ve been overweight my whole life and it finally dawned on me that I do have weight in my control. It might take some time to get to my ultimate goal weight, but it took me years to get to my highest so I’m good with sticking to this and seeing just how far I can go.

submitted by /u/Stratgelato
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[NSV] I just completed my first marathon!

Nearly two years ago, at my highest weight, I was 240lb and sedentary. Now, as of today, I'm 185 and completed my first marathon! Sure, I walked it — and it took me almost 11 hours, but I completed one!

I'm not really sure what to say, to be honest. I only have another 8lb to go before I'm no longer overweight and it honestly feels surreal. To anyone struggling with their weight loss, I would just say that yeah — it's hard. I've lost weight, gained some of it back, lost more, gained some of it back, and lost even more. There's no magic solution and it really, really sucks. I never thought I'd be able to accomplish something like this, and I guess I just want to share that not only is it possible, but it's achievable too.

I think it took me... 5 months of just weekends, but that means you can do it too! I started with 6 miles, then 10. Then 13. Then 18. At that point, I plateaued for about a month and a half. I did 22 miles, once, but then stayed consistently around 18. Finally, today, I decided that I would finally make it happen. And it was awful, honestly. I want to curl up in a ball and head to bed.

So yeah! I did it, and you can too if you just believe in yourself (and also put in way too much time walking outside in the heat)!


Edit: Oh, and also — I highly recommend making sure you drink lots of water with electrolytes. You get dehydrated amazingly quick outside in the heat. Sunblock is a must, too. The last thing I'd give advice on is to fill the time by calling friends and family — it makes the time fly on by, and you'll be thankful you got to spend time with them.

submitted by /u/fyntal
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Changing My Entire Life. 266lbs to 198lbs since March (20F)

It feels so strange to post this.

For years I'd read everyone's progress posts with the mentality that I'd be there eventually, but never had the drive to do it. It was always "well...I'll start tomorrow.."

I think I just realized after another failed attempt that...there is never a tomorrow to start trying, there is just a "today", the here and now. Because "tomorrow" will always exist and you'll keep stretching that as much as you can.

I've just let my weight define my life for so long. I never went to the beach, hated going out in public thinking people were judging me. So many of my insecurities were from my weight. I still am pretty insecure with myself and how I look, but I'm gaining back some of my confidence that I lost in high school.

Something I've noticed.. I started wearing nicer clothes. For the 3 years I was around the 250lb mark, I'd hide under a hoodie. It's weird finally discovering my "style" because before I just went by whatever could hide the fat. But now I love jean shorts, skirts, skin tight shirts (my previous nightmare) I went to one of my classes the other day (100 person lecture) and noticed a large number of people looking at me before we went in? I felt so embarrassed and thought I maybe had something on my shirt or something was wrong with me, it was just strange noticing people staring at me. I felt really anxious. Some guys (before we went into class) were more friendly to me and one asked for my number to be a study partner. Seemed good to me so I gave it. I normally could disappear into a class last semester but it seemed instantly people started talking to me. My friend is in the same class and I whispered this to her and she started laughing and said "He asked for your number because you look hot!" I started laughing because that was hilarious to me, but she gave me a look that she meant it. While I haven't yet gotten to the point of feeling that confident with myself, that really made me feel better someone would think of me that way? Not sure but afterwords I just cried.

To be honest, my biggest motivation for weight loss has been sex. (Yeah..😂) I'm in college and that type of craziness is something I'm really missing out on. I was ready years ago but just felt too insecure with my body. I really can't wait until I'm comfortable enough with my body but honestly that probably won't happen until I reach my goal. And I have a goal of 120lbs by April 2021! (I am 5'6)

I guess I just want to thank all of you on here posting every day and keeping me motivated. I have a long way but I'm happy I got out of the 200's. All the progress posts are so inspiring and I'm really proud of everyone. We got this! 😌

submitted by /u/thearrestedbaker
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

quarantine got me good

First time posting anything like this anywhere but I've been so inspired by the loseit community that i guess i wanted to throw my own hat into the ring and share the beginning of my journey :)

i, like everyone else in the world during these crazy times, have been having a rough time these past few months. I was already struggling with my binge eating before corona really kicked in due to some depressive episodes but then shit really hit the fan when my best friend cut me out of her life. It was isolation on isolation and i did not handle it well. my binge eating got worse and worse and i couldn't find it in myself to care. For some reason i just didn't see myself having a future, i couldn't make goals or find it in me to care about my rapid weight gain and my academic failures because... well... it all seemed so obsolete. i mean, and i'm sure most can relate, i saw the weight gain and i knew i didn't like it and i knew i needed to stop and put it in reverse but i had 0 motivation to do so.

Today, and the last few days, i've been feeling so much better. i'm finally excited about things again. i care again. I cleaned up all aspects of my life: uni, relationships, work, bureaucratic things (ugh). the one thing left is my weight, and i finally feel ready to do something about it. I stepped on the scale, the thing i've been terrified about for months now, just a few hours ago and i wasn't exactly shocked by what i saw. The display lit up and i saw 174.4 lbs, which for a 5 foot tall girl isn't exactly the most ideal number. Also... i think it's my highest recorded weight

i feel mentally healthy and i would like my body to reflect that, so today i am starting my weight loss journey, and you know what's cool, i'm super motivated and just excited. usually, before when i've dieted, it's come from a place of hate, where i cry and glare at myself in the mirror, but now i just look at the number on the scale with a sort of researcher's gaze (if that makes sense). i'm sort of both the test subject and the scientist.

my plan is to eat around 1200 calories a day and work out, just a very basic in-out-schema. it's worked for me before and keeps me unrestricted enough that i don't just snap and binge out of spite. i suppose my goal weight is in the 130s, i like how it looked before, but honestly more or less i'm fine with either, i would just like to look healthy again.

thank you to whomever read this sort of stream of consciousness lil story of mine. i hope y'all have a wonderful day :)

submitted by /u/thethemel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Obesity is like getting a failing grade

In order to graduate school, you have to pass each grade level. That requires effort on the part of the student. Absent that effort, you will continue to be held back. Nothing will change for you. Obesity is the same way. You will not lose weight absent the effort to lose weight. If you give up, you will be held back forever. For many people, it will mean never making it to age 50,60, 70. For some it means never feeling comfortable in your own skin. For me it would have meant never being able to play the sports I love again. If they told you that you’ve failed 9 times out of 10, you still aren’t going to be successful unless you try that 10th time. Today, I officially left the obese category and entered the overweight one. I was a 3 sport athlete growing up. I ate like one. Then, migraines hit. I stopped playing sports. I stopped being an athlete. But I didn’t stop eating like one. I was consuming just as many calories without any of the activity. Fast forward about 5 years and I decided to change things. A month into that...I tore my ACL. Most people think injuries mean the worst for someone on a weight loss journey. For me, it meant I would HAVE to be in the gym to rehab my knee, so why not also eat healthier? Why not also continue going to the gym even after my rehab is done? Since January, which is when I finally got off of crutches, I have lost 41lbs. I feel like myself again. I never would have gotten here if I gave up because of my injury or because so many OTHER people fail. Why do we care if other people fail at something? That doesn’t mean we can’t do it. It means they couldn’t. You are not a statistic. You are an individual human being. Do not give up.

submitted by /u/chevycaMARA
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

18M 5’7 SW: 194 CW:167 GW: 150 - I’m so excited about my weight loss and I just had to tell someone my story!!!

Im down 27 pounds in 6 weeks!!! I didn’t wanna tell anyone in real life because I’m a first year in college in COVID lockdown and I haven’t seen my old friends for a while and my dad who has never given me a positive compliment in real life would just tell me I look the same and that I shoulda lost more weight by now.

I started in mid/late July about 6 weeks ago at 194 pounds.

I got motivated because I’d been avoiding my annual checkup family doctor for the last year because of my weight. He was seriously a good guy and didn’t pressure me or make me feel bad but he warned me a couple times 2 years ago that my weight was increasing. However, I kinda let it slide and I felt embarrassed that I ignored him so I just didn’t go to the doctor for a year or two (probably another psychological thing with the abusive father). I had to see him to get vaccination reports for college so I went in about a week into my weight loss regime. He just said the same thing about my weight but I told him I’d seriously begun trying so he didn’t say much more.

Anyways, i started eating 1000-1200 calories a day. I also started doing 2 1 hour cardio workouts (burning 400-600 calories per hour very intensely) until the beginning of August, when my college was starting. Unfortunately, due to COVID and irresponsible students and college administration there was practically no way I could work out but I still tried to be outside and as active as I could. I would still classify my life in college as sedimentary as all my classes are basically online right now due to a COVID outbreak so I barely get out.

On top of this, dining hall food was only takeout and it was utter crap. I’m talking everything tastes like it was microwaved. However, the good thing was that it was easy to get exact calories for every set takeout meal since the university posted it online and there was not much variation. So I settled for 1 1200 calorie meal a day or sometimes 2 500-600 calorie meals. I’m still eating pretty unhealthy (just by nature of the meals) and hopefully the food gets better but at least I’m still at a calorie deficit.

Yet throughout all this, and the past 6 weeks, I’ve managed to lose 27 pounds! My goal weight is 150 and and by about every calculation I should reach it by early November.

Even until the mid 170’s, some days I felt like I didn’t see any gains (I have a lot of bloating when I eat) even though there definitely were. However now, I can definitely see gains throughout my whole body, legs to stomach to face. Maybe it’s just placebo but I’m happy even if it is.

submitted by /u/didbfofnfwifhrodb
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Just wanted to share! (F39 SW 298, CW 194)

Hope this isn't irritating but I just wanted to share progress somewhere, I don't like making my roomie feel bad (she's hit a plateau in her own weight loss and is upset about it) and I honestly don't want it to be all I talk about. BUT I hit the under 200 lbs mark and went down in my clothing size farther than I thought! No progress pics (sorry).

F39, I started at 298 lbs and at last weigh in I was 194lbs! I've gone from a size 26 pants to a size 12 recently.

I had hoped when I hit a year in I would have been in Onederland (sometime in May) but like everyone else in the world things have been stressful plus my Dad had a stroke this year during the pandemic.

Did it all with CICO (calories in, calories out) and then started trying to incorporate daily exercise when I had gotten down a bit. I'm sure this is true for a lot of people who start logging food but I honestly had no idea how much I was taking in calorie-wise. I had tried to change how I ate, used healthier things, added more veggies, and tried to avoid both fad diets and scales. But I still wasn't magically getting smaller.

Then I started logging my food. I was getting a burger and fries at Steak'n'Shake and running the calories just recently and I can't believe how many calories I was taking in from just a quick burger or a fast meal out. Even good meals (like grilled chicken with rice) can be too much on the calories. depending on portions. It completely changed how I was eating in one way: I changed my portions. I was still eating out sometimes, I was still trying to cook better, but now I was actually logging it and I actually made decisions like 'maybe half this meal and eat it later?' when eating out. I stopped drinking sugared drinks for the most part, switched to Splenda, and recently with iced tea season I started making our own liquid sucralose for all the tea I was making.

I do have days where I just want to eat without thinking about it when I'm in a mood but tracking my food really does help keep me from just mindlessly eating. I had to change a lot of thoughts on food and what was the 'right' portions size, reading the sides of boxes changes things. I also had to let go of the 'finish everything on your plate' mentality though it does still crop up. Food scales are amazingly helpful for portions and not something to be feared. I found out weighing myself actually helps so long as I don't obsess over the number. It's nice to keep up with how things are going and I usually weigh once a day and track with an app.

I just wanted to share with the group because I use this group as a way to keep myself motivated some days. It may seem like it's not going to happen but you can do it!! I wish I had started this journey two years ago now. The next goal is 150 and I'm really excited because it feels much more in reach.

submitted by /u/LoseItAcct1234
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from loseit - Lose the Fat