Thursday, October 14, 2021

248.8lbs - 179lbs: A Guide On How I Did It

Like the title says says I have a lost a lot weight but also I've learned so much about how to do it the right way. I'm going to setting this post up as a guide for people who aren't sure how to start like how I was when I first started. Feel free to shoot me a PM if you need a question answered or advice.

Before You Start

Going through weight loss journey is going to difficult for a multitude of reasons. I'd say that 90% of losing weight is mental. There are going to be times where you just wanna give up because the scale isn't moving the way you wanted to. Just remember weight loss takes time and trust the process. Also remember sometimes you are going to have bad days with eating and that's completely normal (I've had a lot of bad days lol). At the end of the day the only person you are competing against is yourself so don't beat yourself up if you had a bad day, just move on and keep going. One last I would say before you start is to take progress pictures. My biggest mistake wasn't taking any because I was embarrassed of myself at the time. I've heard from many people that progress pics are very motivating and I agree because you can compare to how much progressed throughout your journey.

Things/Tools To Use In Your Journey

The tools that I've used to help me lose weight were mostly free and really essential to my weightless. First I found how much of a calorie deficit needed to be eating. So what I did is go to: and entered in all of my details and found what I should be intaking a day (Note: calculators aren't always accurate so I would find a range between numbers where you can lose weight and have a sustainable diet). Next to get is an app called MyFittnessPal. This app can do a multitude of tracking for dieting, but the only thing we need to worry about is calories. MFP imo is essential because you can scan bar codes of food, search for food, and just add calories if you want. This is such a great app due to the fact you can log all of the calories with ease. Last thing which is optional is a food scale and measuring cups. Both are really cheap and helpful to make sure you are counting calories in the correct way instead of under/over shooting your calorie intake. Again, they're really cheap and both in total are 15$ together on amazon.


Honestly I'm not going in depth in this part of the post, but just understand exercise in general is good for health. There is no secret exercise that gets rid of fat on a certain body part (You could build muscle on that part instead which could be an option). For exercise just find some athletic activity you enjoy and participate in it. Whether its walking at the part, playing some pickup basketball, or even intense strength training just find some sort of exercise to do. One last thing is that exercise isn't essential to lose weight but I HIGHLY recommend doing it because its good for your mental and physical help.

Enjoy Your Diet

You don't have to just eat salads, chicken and rice, and boring foods. You can find so many creative and healthy meal ideas on social media. Personally I found many recipe ideas from tiktok:thenutritionnarc which have benefitted me on my journey. Also you can literally google your favorite food and add "healthy" and you will find healthier versions of your favorite food. It's not bad to eat out either, just know what you're putting into your body. In those situations its alright to get what you want and just try again the next day. Having a "cheat meal" every once in a while doesn't hurt at all. Personally I chose to have one every week. Again, your diet should just be more than chicken and rice, try to spice it up with something good.

Don't Under Eat

This was one of the most critical mistakes while on my weight loss journey. There was a point during my diet where I basically was eating 800 calories a day which was terrible for my health. I was so malnourished that I passed out in the shower home alone (didn't know how long I was out). Thankfully I only got a concussion from fainting but its still a concussion. Like I said earlier in the guide remember that its going to take time and eating this little is either going to faint like me or lead to binge eating. Rome wasn't built in a day and you're body as well. Just remember your body still needs fuel to complete certain tasks throughout the day.


Again, if you need any advice please PM me because I'd love to help anyone because I was also confused in the beginning. I'm still on my journey as well which is almost over. I've learned so much and glad got the opportunity to change my life. Anyways, cheers to everyone whether they're losing weight or not. Good luck to you all.

submitted by /u/dinkstwrs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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