Monday, October 11, 2021

Fell off the wagon due to life, needing some encouragement 35/f CW:238 GW:145

There are two goals with this post:
1. "owning up" to the fact that I've regained and set myself back. Saying it 'out loud' is important for me.

  1. Asking for some recommendations from other busy parents of small children who've done it.

In March, I was hit with some really really low blows: denied additional health insurance coverage due to weight, and a bus driver commented over his radio "wow just saw control_advanced for the first time in awhile and they've gained like 30lbs". These things deeply depressed me and caused me to realize I needed to put serious effort and intention into weight loss if I wanted to be the parent I dreamed of being for my kid. I joined this sub, went to my physician and asked for a referral to the weight loss clinic (essentially a check-in and monitoring program) and got to work tracking. In 2 months I lost 15ish lbs--things were going great and I was feeling in control. Then, life struck, and between my job, my household, my partners job, and the lives of our family around us, I fell off the wagon. Add to it that I experienced tachyphylaxis with my antidepressant, so I had to start the cycle of med-testing and dosing all over again after 6 years of stability. Circumstances have meant that we don't have a ton of time for meal prep, we are scrambling daily to just get reasonable meals on the table in the first place. I also, admittedly, started stress eating again due to all of the above. I was at 218lbs, down from 232, and feeling so good about it in May. I weighed myself last week and was astounded to find I'm at 238, and that I've not only gained it back, but more. I genuinely thought I was doing the right things, making sustainable changes, nothing too extreme, but I fell backwards. With COVID, my work being insane, and my partners work being insane, I don't feel like I can be successful. I need to do this. I need to find methods that are, clearly, more sustainable.
That being said, I'd love to hear from other busy parents who have succeeded at this: what is the most time-effective thing you do that keeps your weight loss lifestyle sustainable? What do you find yourself coming back to when life is too busy, and things are really hard? Have you found a way to 'reset' your brain? A meal prep hack that saves you time and helps for the week? I'm hoping to find solidarity and some new ideas to get me back on my feet.
TLDR: Life is hard, I regained what I had lost plus more and I'm feeling defeated. What do you do to get yourself back up and back on track, and what's your #1 go-to time saver that keeps you on track?

Thanks all, I'm hoping to be back with small victories sooner, rather than later.

submitted by /u/Control_Advanced
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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