Sunday, October 10, 2021

Start of a journey

Hi everybody,

I've been lurking here for a while reading all of your amazing success stories!

I started reading CICO information on here, and after rebounding from unsuccessful attempts earlier to lose weight (3 month Juice cleanse, corporate weight loss programs & strict macro control) I decided this might finally work for me.

To give some background I've been overweight a large majority of my life, however after moving to a new country a little over two years ago, I had no access to a scale and was enjoying trying new foods, engaging in social activity of drinking and restaurants and especially during the pandemic, a very sedentary life. Well, my wife recently bought a bathroom scale and I though to myself I must have gained a few pounds since moving - stepping on the scales and seeing 325lbs is quite jarring. I'm 6'3 and 31 years old - if I don't do something now things could spiral quite quickly... (When i moved I weighed roughly 270).

So fast forward to today, it's been a month (Since 09/09/2021) since I started CICO, I've tried to stick to 1500 calories (the TDEE calculator, as flawed as it is shows a requirement roughly of 3,458 and therefore a deficit or around 1950 calories per day). To do this I've been buying pre-packed meals from our local supermarket and relying on their calorie indications, tracking through MyFitnessPal and also started exercising. We've also totally cut out soda and moved to water and things like LaCroix selzer (beer has also completely gone from my diet, difficult but manageable).

So a month in and I stepped on the scales and I'm 298 lbs, a loss of 28 lbs in a month, I understand that this figure will slow as I move forward but I wanted to post to say thank you for all of your stories, all of your troubles that you share and all of the hard work you've done that have been so relevant to me and have made me begin.

It's been two years since I've seen my overseas family due to the pandemic, and it looks like it will be another 9 months before I see them again, I'm aiming for 220 before then, lower if possible with a goal weight of 200 lbs.

Here comes the question I have for the community - Buying pre-packed fresh meals isn't cheap, especially for two people each day, I enjoy cooking and like to think of myself as quite good at it. I'm worried about portion sizing, wastage and with a busy work schedule, slacking on counting ingredients and weighing everything that we put into meals. For those of you with a similar transition from pre-made meals to home cooked, how did you deal with this, I'm unable to see myself being able to create a lasagna for two with 550 calories each, similar to what I currently eat? I'm not getting hungry currently as the food I'm eating is delicious, I'm able to buy small snack packs of cranberry, nuts and cheese that total 100 calories which keep me satisfied between meals. I worry that moving away from what I'm doing will cause me to revert back to old habits, but it's much more expensive to do what we're currently doing. I also worry about eventual maintenance as I would need to increase the calorific intake which would equate to more money.

Thank you for reading this long post I appreciate the whole community and good luck on your journeys!

submitted by /u/CardiologistOpen2898
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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