Monday, October 11, 2021

What you need is not motivation, it's a routine and habits

First, sorry for the mistakes, English is not my first language. I just want to preface this text by "this is my experience in the last 48 years of my life" . I don't claim to have THE TRUTH! only my own truth and experience. It might not be applicable to you and it's completely ok. You might think that I am full of it! You might be right! That I have no idea what it is to be in your skin.....I don't but I try my best to be a supporting person.

I've been around a few orbits now, had 10 pregnancies and 6 live births, been a single mom and in a couple, been healthy and unhealthy. Happy and suicidal. Obese and skinny.

One thing I learned is that motivation NEVER last. Motivation is the essential ingredient to start losing weight but has nothing to do with a successful weight loss and maintenance.

So you want to lose weight? You change everything you eat, you spend hours in the gym, you are MOTIVATED! Then after a few weeks you are miserable, hungry, angry and exhausted. Almost nobody that miserable is motivated (except maybe those doing bodybuilding but even them will tell you that they are insane) .

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at the time. What if instead you change one thing this week? Just one doable thing. - I want to walk 5000 steps a day 3 days of the week. Download a walking app, get good music on your phone and try it just for a week see if you enjoy it. - I want to stop drinking my calories and find alternatives that I enjoy. Forget all the 8 cup a day of plain water if you don't enjoy drinking water. Maybe Sparling water can replace soda? Maybe diet soda it the best? Probably not but for now close enough is good enough.

You don't have to be miserable !!!! It doesn't have to be horrible and hard. It can be enjoyable! It won't be fast but it will be lasting! Each new little decisions will bring you closer to the life you want and deserve to have.

And now I'll get off my soap box, take my cane and tell you kids to GET OFF MY LAWN lol

submitted by /u/yanicka_hachez
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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