Thursday, November 8, 2018

Chael Sonnen AMA Announcement!

We will have an AMA with Chael Sonnen tomorrow (Friday the 9th) at 10:30 AM Central Time. Sonnen is the author of The Four-Pack Revolution. He is well known for manipulating his weight throughout his mixed martial arts career; his most drastic weight cut lead him to lose over 36 pounds in a 3 week period. Sonnen does not encourage drastic weight loss and describes that experience as "the single most difficult, physical experience of [his] entire life." These experiences have led Sonnen to speak extensively about the difference between the extreme weight cuts that he has done for his fighting career and the sustainable weight loss that is necessary if a person ever hopes to maintain their goal weight.

submitted by /u/TheVillageOxymoron
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anyone else's weight loss chart look like a set of stairs?

I weigh myself every day, but only enter it when I actually lose weight. But it seems like I hold a weight for a period of time, then dump a bunch, then hold the next level then dump a bunch. I'm not trying to lose weight fast, I'm trying to lose it in a sustainable way. As I get fitter it seems like my weight loss has accelerated, probably because my cardiovascular fitness lets me go for 2 hour mountain bike rides daily now, where I was absolutely shattered after 30 minutes at the start.

My Graph

Does my graph look like yours? Or am I just subconsciously trying harder after I've been sick of seeing the same number for a period of time?

submitted by /u/geo_prog
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Just a thought.

F27 5’ 2” CW:220 GW: 160

Does anyone ever feel like they are more fit or thin than they feel?

I’ve been on My Fitness Pal and steadily loosing weight for a month just through eating healthier foods and drinking WAY less. I feel thinner and so much happier on the inside but I feel like I look the same. I know I’m only in the first month of a long weight loss journey but I feel like I’ve had more success in the first month in the past.

Also it doesn’t help one of my of my bosses mother likes to talk to me about how to loose while I’m loosing weight.

Maybe I’m just having a low self esteem day

submitted by /u/softacorn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is losing 4 pounds a week too much for someone my size?

I’m a 20yo, 6ft tall male and I started at 290lbs at the beginning of August. This week I’ve made it to 256lbs and I have lately been losing 4lbs a week. I have a very sedentary life style and I recently developed a much lower appetite, so I only eat one big meal a day, when my hunger peaks. I feel okay, I don’t feel as energetic as when I started my weight loss journey, although I don’t feel sluggish like I did when I was eating junk at 290lbs. My concern is that I may not be eating enough, that I’m losing weight too fast because of my lack of appetite. I’m especially concerned that I’m losing muscle mass. Since my BMI is still at 35.9, is losing 4lbs too much for me?

submitted by /u/RecKLesSxS0ULz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

3 Delicious Donut Recipes You Can Enjoy on a Diet

Who doesn’t love a good donut? Donuts are one of those sweets that falls into the comfort food category. And on some mornings, you just wish you had a few donut recipes that won’t totally wreck your healthy diet.

But, donuts on a diet? It sounds entirely too good to be true.

Actually, the truth is, with the right donut recipes, you can enjoy everyone’s favorite sweet treat while still sticking to your healthy eating regimen. A lot of it comes down to how you prepare them. By baking, instead of frying, you save yourself quite a few calories. On top of that, swapping out some of the unhealthy ingredients—such as the loads of sugar traditionally used in donuts—you can bring that calorie count even lower. And the shocking thing is, they still taste absolutely delicious.

Don’t believe us? Well, here are three delicious donut recipes you need to try to believe:

1. Chocolate Donuts >

Chocolate donuts

If chocolate is your favorite indulgence, then you’ll want to try this delicious guilt-free donut recipe. Baked instead of fried, these donuts will only set you back 135 calories each. They’re made with healthy ingredients like whole wheat pastry flour, nonfat Greek yogurt, milk and eggs. The chocolate flavor comes from cocoa powder as well as a delectable chocolate glaze that is drizzled over top. On the Nutrisystem meal plan, one donut (a serving) counts as one SmartCarb and two Extras.

2. Jelly Donuts >

jelly donuts

The jelly donut is the quintessential breakfast donut that adults and kids alike love. If a donut with jelly filling is your go-to choice, then you’re definitely going to appreciate our “skinny” version—which is also baked and not fried. While your average jelly donut is loaded with sugar, this version uses healthier ingredients like whole wheat pastry flour, nonfat Greek yogurt, and sugar-free jelly. They’re easy to make and will save you from that morning trip to the drive-through window—not to mention how much they’ll save your waistline, too. One jelly donut has only 132 calories, which is less than half the calories of a traditional jelly donut from a popular national donut chain. It counts as one SmartCarb and two Extras on the Nutrisystem plan.

3. Blueberry Cheesecake Donuts >

donut recipes

How indulgent do blueberry cheesecake donuts sound? Well, this version may sound—and taste—decadent, but it’s a lot healthier than the traditional fried variety. Besides being baked, these donuts also have significantly less sugar. Instead, they’re sweetened with more healthful ingredients like nonfat Greek yogurt, vanilla extract, Truvia and blueberries. In fact, this recipe calls for a whole cup of antioxidant-packed blueberries for the six donuts it yields, as well as another half cup for a sweet glaze. A little bit of cream cheese helps to give this donut a cheesecake taste. On the Nutrisystem plan, a single donut counts as one SmartCarb and three Extras.

Running out of time in the morning? We’ve got a full menu of ready-to-go breakfasts for those on-the-go days >

The post 3 Delicious Donut Recipes You Can Enjoy on a Diet appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Reached my goal weight and now I can't seem to control my binging

Hey folks! I lost 28 pounds in 4 months by tracking and limiting calories and hit my goal weight last week. Near the end of my weight loss, I started feeling over restricted and could tell I was close to binging. Before I lost the weight, there where times when I way overate, but I didn't stress about it while it was happening or afterward. Now, I'm probably binging on less food, but it's become a huge deal in my mind and I think really hateful thoughts about myself while it happens.

I've been trying not to log calories and just eat my regular meals that I know fit my goals, and that works really really well most days. When I have social plans in the evening, though, I spend all day being excited that I will get to binge and hating myself because I know its going to happen. I feel so out of control and as soon as I start eating I eat well past the point of feeling sick. I don't actually enjoy my time with my friends because the only thing I am focusing on is what else can I eat and wether or not they notice the disgusting amounts I'm consuming.

I'm really scared that I've permanently damaged my relationship with food and that if I don't figure this out I'm going to quickly end up heavier than I started. Please help!

submitted by /u/lucylocket23
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Accountability Buddies!

Hi, I’m currently 3 weeks into my weight loss journey and have lost around 5lbs so far! I’m keeping track of my macros and calories and have been going to the gym 4-5 times a week. Something that helped me kickstart my habit of going was being with my friend who would always support me and we’d encourage eachother to go/cook healthy meals together. It’s something that always helped me. Checking in with someone always gives me a reality check on what’s going on and helps me get back on track. If anyone would like to be accountability buddies on going to the gym, eating healthy, or even how your day has been, send a PM or comment here! :-)

submitted by /u/unfiltereds0ul
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from loseit - Lose the Fat